There are so many reasons you might want to work with a business coach in your animal, equine or pet-based business. Business coaches can be an incredible resource when you have a problem or a project you want to manage, but there are a few big things you need to consider prior to hiring a business coach. Join Cara and Kim as they discuss a few very important steps you should take before, during and after deciding to hire a business coach.

Kimberly Beer:

The Business Animal podcast is proudly

Kimberly Beer:

sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress

Kimberly Beer:

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Kimberly Beer:

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Kimberly Beer:

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Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry. Where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools


that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you


wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts Kim Beer and Cara


Taylor Swift.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals. It's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara with Fast Horse photography. Hey,

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Hey, Cara. Long time no see.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I know. Before we get started, we need

Cara Taylor Swift:

to announce our new podcast to everyone out there. I'm not sure

Cara Taylor Swift:

that folks know yet. Do you want to say a little something about

Cara Taylor Swift:

our new adventure? Absolutely.

Kimberly Beer:

I got to tell you, we recorded an episode this

Kimberly Beer:

morning we recorded episode two, which I think by the time this

Kimberly Beer:

one drops will either be out or coming out very shortly. And let

Kimberly Beer:

me tell you it was a blast to sit with my friends, Phyllis and

Kimberly Beer:

Cara and talk about our adventures. We have a lot of fun

Kimberly Beer:

adventures in life. And we do like to share them. This is a

Kimberly Beer:

podcast where there's a nice technical learning piece of it.

Kimberly Beer:

There's some inspiration, and also some behind the scenes

Kimberly Beer:

tomfoolery. That happens so please join us over at Cowgirls

Kimberly Beer:

with Cameras. And be sure to have an open mind for having

Kimberly Beer:

some laughter in your life. We hope you enjoy some of the

Kimberly Beer:

antics we get into. If nothing else, you can get tickled at the

Kimberly Beer:

fact we get tickled at ourselves. So...

Cara Taylor Swift:

That's right.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, definitely join us for Cowgirls with

Kimberly Beer:

Cameras. It is a twice a month podcast versus a weekly one. So

Kimberly Beer:

I just want to give you the heads up on that.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Awesome. So Kim, what are we talking about

Cara Taylor Swift:

today on The Business Animal podcast,

Kimberly Beer:

We are talking about business coaches today on

Kimberly Beer:

The Business Animal podcast. So I know that there are once

Kimberly Beer:

people out there, see if you see if you resonate with this, you

Kimberly Beer:

look around your business, and you think I could do this so

Kimberly Beer:

much better, there are things that I want to do that I just

Kimberly Beer:

don't seem to have time for or that aren't aren't coming easily

Kimberly Beer:

to me. There are other parts of my business that feel like

Kimberly Beer:

they're a real challenge. And you would I would like to figure

Kimberly Beer:

out how to solve that challenge. So it's not so challenging.

Kimberly Beer:

There are parts of my business that I really have maybe an

Kimberly Beer:

attitude about that are a little bit stressful. And and I'm

Kimberly Beer:

getting a little upset with I mean, if you answer yes, if you

Kimberly Beer:

have frustrations or challenges or high end goals that you want

Kimberly Beer:

to reach like you've set the dollar figure that you want to

Kimberly Beer:

attain for the year and it's still fairly early in the year.

Kimberly Beer:

So we haven't all dashed our hopes for that yet. If you want

Kimberly Beer:

to attain that dollar figure that you want to get to or

Kimberly Beer:

exceed it, then there are people that can help you. And you may

Kimberly Beer:

have even toyed with the idea of hiring a business coach or

Kimberly Beer:

hiring a business consultants, coaches and consultants are kind

Kimberly Beer:

of two different things. Consultants are people who will

Kimberly Beer:

help you with a strategy. And they can tell you what to do,

Kimberly Beer:

they definitely give you advice, whereas a coach is going to help

Kimberly Beer:

you attain your goal. In other words, they hold you

Kimberly Beer:

accountable, they offer you avenues to remove the barriers

Kimberly Beer:

that are stopping you from achieving whatever goal it is

Kimberly Beer:

that consultant can help you with. Today, we're going to be

Kimberly Beer:

talking about that second batch of people, the coaches. Who are

Kimberly Beer:

behind you to help you achieve whatever it is that you set out

Kimberly Beer:

to do, whether it's to solve a problem, clear up a frustration,

Kimberly Beer:

or attain a specific goal in your business. So there's a lot

Kimberly Beer:

of reasons that you might want to hire one of these people.

Kimberly Beer:

Don't you agree, Cara?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely, the two big reasons for me that

Cara Taylor Swift:

I would consider hiring a business coach would be if I

Cara Taylor Swift:

have a problem or a project that I need to get through. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

need some support for that, and maybe some guidance, but also if

Cara Taylor Swift:

I've got a measurable goal, and I want to know that I want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

reach something that I'm working towards, and I it's got to be

Cara Taylor Swift:

something measurable that they can work with me on so that I

Cara Taylor Swift:

can see the end results.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. There are some steps if you've been

Kimberly Beer:

considering this or if you have hired a business coach and maybe

Kimberly Beer:

didn't have the best experience. There are some things that we

Kimberly Beer:

have as suggestions that will help you walk this path a little

Kimberly Beer:

bit easier and find the right coach for you. And then

Kimberly Beer:

definitely set your relationship in that coaching relationship up

Kimberly Beer:

for success. So our big three for this episode are first of

Kimberly Beer:

all to do your homework before you hire the coach. So we're

Kimberly Beer:

going to talk a little bit about some ideas that You can look at

Kimberly Beer:

and a couple of red flags that might pop up that will tell you

Kimberly Beer:

that maybe this is not the coach for you, as well as green flags

Kimberly Beer:

that would pop up that say this is the coach for you. The second

Kimberly Beer:

of the big three is to get super clear about the scope of the

Kimberly Beer:

coaching, like it needs to have parameters, it needs to have

Kimberly Beer:

bumper rails, entrepreneurship is a very connected train of

Kimberly Beer:

many different moving cars. So you need to be careful because

Kimberly Beer:

where you're working at or focused on may actually be

Kimberly Beer:

affected by several other areas of your business that are

Kimberly Beer:

outside the scope of the coaching. So you need to be

Kimberly Beer:

very, very clear about that. And then the final of the big three

Kimberly Beer:

is you need to make the commitment, right. If you're

Kimberly Beer:

going to hire someone to help you attain this goal, then you

Kimberly Beer:

need to make the commitment to attaining that goal and take

Kimberly Beer:

their advice seriously, even if it sounds silly or off or you

Kimberly Beer:

don't necessarily wholeheartedly agree with it. If you've done

Kimberly Beer:

number one, hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. But if

Kimberly Beer:

you've bought into this and you feel it's the right program for

Kimberly Beer:

you, then you need to make the commitment to see it through.

Kimberly Beer:

Because sometimes coaching takes a while to be able to really

Kimberly Beer:

play out the benefits. So let's dig into the first one about

Kimberly Beer:

hiring or finding out what coach you want to hire. And again, do

Kimberly Beer:

your homework. So don't just look on the internet for a

Kimberly Beer:

business coach. And then say that's, that's a personal hire,

Kimberly Beer:

or look at who's trending on Facebook, or on podcasts or

Kimberly Beer:

wherever you would happen to find coaches who's the trending

Kimberly Beer:

speaker on the tradeshow circuit that you're on is another thing

Kimberly Beer:

that you can get into pretty quickly. So make sure you do

Kimberly Beer:

your homework, ask for references, interview them, look

Kimberly Beer:

at their program really deeply to see if it aligns with you and

Kimberly Beer:

what you're doing. So Cara, what are your thoughts around what

Kimberly Beer:

you should look for when you're hiring a coach?

Cara Taylor Swift:

So I've always been someone that's been

Cara Taylor Swift:

super cautious and going into hiring a coach and a little

Cara Taylor Swift:

skeptical about that. So what I tried to be super careful. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

like to look for those red flags and do a ton of homework. So the

Cara Taylor Swift:

truth is, is that with COVID, and with people, a lot of people

Cara Taylor Swift:

leaving those nine to five traditional jobs, there are a

Cara Taylor Swift:

lot of little put in quotations, like storefronts popping up

Cara Taylor Swift:

where you've got people that are advertising themselves as

Cara Taylor Swift:

coaches in for one type of coach or another. It is an unregulated

Cara Taylor Swift:

industry, correct me if I'm wrong Kim, but the truth is, is

Cara Taylor Swift:

that you've got a lot of people out...

Kimberly Beer:

It's not regulated.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, so there's a lot of people out

Cara Taylor Swift:

Are you looking to bring awareness to your equine based

Cara Taylor Swift:

there that are calling themselves coaches that maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

haven't spent a lot of time actually learning and doing the

Cara Taylor Swift:

work to be a coach so it can get a bad name. So you've really got

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do your homework. And you've got to look for those red flags

Cara Taylor Swift:

that Kim started talking about, I highly recommend talking to

Cara Taylor Swift:

more than one potential coach, you know, you really want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

find someone that you feel is a good fit. So meet with them,

Cara Taylor Swift:

talk to them find out you know what their background is, or

Cara Taylor Swift:

have they participated in an accredited coaching program? Do

Cara Taylor Swift:

they have certificates, do they have something behind that

Cara Taylor Swift:

title, I feel like word of mouth is a great way to learn about

Cara Taylor Swift:

potential coaches. I mean, if you've had someone else in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

industry that's worked with a coach and has nothing but great

Cara Taylor Swift:

things to say about them or can tell you about them, that might

Cara Taylor Swift:

be a great place to start too. And if there's a way you can dip

Cara Taylor Swift:

your toe in the water by, you know, looking at maybe they have

Cara Taylor Swift:

an online workshop, or they have YouTube videos, I mean, Kim, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

have a whole YouTube channel where you're helping people in

Cara Taylor Swift:

guiding people free of cost, you know, so people can get on and

Cara Taylor Swift:

they can dip their toe in the water before they actually pay a

Cara Taylor Swift:

coach and start working with a coach and determine if it's a

Cara Taylor Swift:

good fit. And if they have information, even things like

Cara Taylor Swift:

Instagram reels you know where they're providing education, or

Cara Taylor Swift:

the longer form videos, just any way that you can get some

Cara Taylor Swift:

information about them before making a formal commitment. I

Cara Taylor Swift:

also like to ask people, so what were you doing before you

Cara Taylor Swift:

started coaching, this might be an interesting way for you to

Cara Taylor Swift:

learn a little bit more about their background, you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

where are they working in industry that is in alignment

Cara Taylor Swift:

with what you're doing already. So they have a lot of background

Cara Taylor Swift:

in that area that they can bring to a coaching program with you?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Is there a place where you can read up on their work and what

Cara Taylor Swift:

they specialize in before booking them or before getting

Cara Taylor Swift:

on a call with them? Maybe they've written a book or they

Cara Taylor Swift:

product or service? Or create a unique way for your audience to

Cara Taylor Swift:

have some papers published or articles published, go to their

Cara Taylor Swift:

feel connected to your brand quality horse photos tell your

Cara Taylor Swift:

story and breathe life into your marketing. They draw your

Cara Taylor Swift:

if they have a website or social media and see if they have press

Cara Taylor Swift:

customers in and create an emotional connection. Powerful

Cara Taylor Swift:

releases or things that you can read about them first. Look at

Cara Taylor Swift:

images communicate your core values and highlight the

Cara Taylor Swift:

benefits your product offers. Ultimately, proving your

Cara Taylor Swift:

who they're serving. Sometimes you can see who their clients

Cara Taylor Swift:

business is a voice your customers can trust. It's time

Cara Taylor Swift:

are some of their clients, you know, are they already serving

Cara Taylor Swift:

to use dynamic images that define your small business and

Cara Taylor Swift:

separate you from the rest of the herd. Fast Horse

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients who have similar goals to you or maybe who are in

Cara Taylor Swift:

Photography's professional photo library features 1000s of

Cara Taylor Swift:

similar stages of their business in comparison to where you are.

Cara Taylor Swift:

searchable images available for businesses just like yours. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

guess what? 100% of those images are horse related. Now finding

Cara Taylor Swift:

So that kind of got that track record of already working with

Cara Taylor Swift:

the right horse images for your website, social media, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

folks that kind of have have similar pain points that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

marketing needs is easier than ever. Help your audience see

Cara Taylor Swift:

have. And then finally, you know, do you as the person

Cara Taylor Swift:

that your brand offers the answers they are looking for.

Cara Taylor Swift:

that's looking to be coached? Do you feel like their background

Cara Taylor Swift:

Search for the perfect images for your equine business right

Cara Taylor Swift:

now spur your customers into action with

Cara Taylor Swift:

and experience aligns with those areas that you're hoping to gain

Cara Taylor Swift: That's

Cara Taylor Swift:

some knowledge in? Those are the big things that I think about

Cara Taylor Swift:

Kim, I know you have a lot to add to this, you have so much

Cara Taylor Swift:

more experience in terms of coaching. So what do you think

Cara Taylor Swift:

when you're looking for red flags?

Cara Taylor Swift:

about those?

Kimberly Beer:

So I want to talk about some red flag green flags

Kimberly Beer:

with coaching programs and coaching businesses that I've

Kimberly Beer:

seen out in the industry. And yeah, I'd work with a lot of

Kimberly Beer:

coaches, I have a lot of coaches as clients. And I do like the

Kimberly Beer:

list that you have here accredited coaching programs. So

Kimberly Beer:

one of the things that you need to look into when you look into

Kimberly Beer:

the accredited coaching program that accredited the coach are

Kimberly Beer:

considering is you need to look into what are the requirements

Kimberly Beer:

for that. So my certification is an equine Gestaltest, which

Kimberly Beer:

gives me as a coach that is a two year investment of time. It

Kimberly Beer:

has weekly classes every single week we attend a class that is

Kimberly Beer:

an hour long, there's homework, there's a midterm, there's a

Kimberly Beer:

final you have to prove professional liability insurance

Kimberly Beer:

before you get your certification, you are subject

Kimberly Beer:

to an ethics and review board on your practice. If one of your

Kimberly Beer:

clients has a complaint about you, there's a board that you

Kimberly Beer:

have to go see that's part of that organization. I mean, it's

Kimberly Beer:

in depth. And then then on top of that there's five in depth

Kimberly Beer:

live trainings and a few virtual trainings that I had to go

Kimberly Beer:

through where I had to prove in front of the person who

Kimberly Beer:

certified me that I was capable of executing the program

Kimberly Beer:

correctly. And in a learning environment where I could feel

Kimberly Beer:

where I could make a mistake, but not do something damaging.

Kimberly Beer:

So by the time you exit that program, you've got some chops.

Kimberly Beer:

Now I have most of a degree in psychology. And I was actually

Kimberly Beer:

set to get a master's in psychology to get my LPC and

Kimberly Beer:

when I looked at the difference between what the master's

Kimberly Beer:

program that I would have been in involved and the education I

Kimberly Beer:

would have got. And the education that I got from the

Kimberly Beer:

Gestalt program that I certified from, I got more out of the

Kimberly Beer:

Gestalt program, there was more learning more experience more

Kimberly Beer:

hands on than the master's degree that I would have

Kimberly Beer:

attained from the university that I was looking at. So some

Kimberly Beer:

accredited programs are awesome. There are also other accredited

Kimberly Beer:

programs out there that take a Saturday afternoon to complete.

Kimberly Beer:

So you need to look and do your research on the accreditation

Kimberly Beer:

behind that person. And if that person is accredited by a

Kimberly Beer:

organization with one of those two day workshops, I'm not

Kimberly Beer:

saying don't use that coach, because that coach may be super

Kimberly Beer:

talented in many other ways and just got the certification to

Kimberly Beer:

kind of check mark that but you definitely want to look to see,

Kimberly Beer:

you know, is that coach, it's a red flag, it's a little bit of a

Kimberly Beer:

caution, maybe it's more of a yellow flag. It's a little

Kimberly Beer:

caution, you need to look what is the program and then what has

Kimberly Beer:

the coach done with that particular program. So red,

Kimberly Beer:

another red flag that I have is a coach that won't talk about

Kimberly Beer:

their program except in vague terms. In other words, when you

Kimberly Beer:

sit down and you do your interview with them, and you ask

Kimberly Beer:

them what their program is, they only talk about it at like the

Kimberly Beer:

highest level like well, you will reach your goals or we will

Kimberly Beer:

do some goal setting or there will be accountability or you

Kimberly Beer:

will learn this or you will be able to do that. If they aren't

Kimberly Beer:

getting specific, like those are just vague, high level

Kimberly Beer:

commitments, then then that is a huge red flag to me. So in my

Kimberly Beer:

four by four program, for example, I can tell you exactly,

Kimberly Beer:

I can tell you what, 16 points we're going to go over in your

Kimberly Beer:

marketing program. I can tell you the common barriers that

Kimberly Beer:

you're probably getting run into, and I can give you some

Kimberly Beer:

idea of how we're going to conquer those. And the actual

Kimberly Beer:

value in that program has more to do with me and my ability to

Kimberly Beer:

get you through it, which is what a true coach does, then it

Kimberly Beer:

does the content of the program itself. In other words, if you

Kimberly Beer:

took the book on your own, and you did it, would you be as

Kimberly Beer:

successful as you doing it with me, and I believe that the

Kimberly Beer:

latter is the more successful way to handle that. So you

Kimberly Beer:

definitely want to look at a red flag, if a coach is being very

Kimberly Beer:

vague, either they don't know their program very well, or

Kimberly Beer:

they're being super proprietary, which means that they're not

Kimberly Beer:

going to give you everything that you need when you get into

Kimberly Beer:

the coaching program. Another red flag is if the coaching

Kimberly Beer:

program you want to enroll in like you buy into the program,

Kimberly Beer:

but the actual coaching itself is delivered by somebody other

Kimberly Beer:

than the person who developed the program. Again, it's not a

Kimberly Beer:

definite no, it's just a red flag to say, hey, you need to

Kimberly Beer:

look at this a little deeper to see if this is something that

Kimberly Beer:

really is following what you want to do, or is there

Kimberly Beer:

something more sketchy going on there. And then the final red

Kimberly Beer:

flag that I have, before I get into some green flags is that if

Kimberly Beer:

you go to their website, when you're doing your homework, and

Kimberly Beer:

you're looking at their testimonials, which if they're a

Kimberly Beer:

coach, they've got a lot of them if their testimonials are super

Kimberly Beer:

vague. In other words, they're not being specific about what

Kimberly Beer:

that coach helped that person with, like they don't have some

Kimberly Beer:

really nice solid parameters to them, especially if it's a long

Kimberly Beer:

testimonial that concerns me that those were testimonials

Kimberly Beer:

that that person didn't get what they really wanted to set out to

Kimberly Beer:

get. So look for testimonials that have a little bit more of

Kimberly Beer:

specifics to them. Green flags would be when Cara mentioned

Kimberly Beer:

that many coaches offer those online workshops, the YouTube

Kimberly Beer:

videos, Instagram reels, all of those things, they offer some

Kimberly Beer:

education out there for free, ask yourself, did you get some

Kimberly Beer:

success from what they offered, you know, go go experiment with

Kimberly Beer:

her free stuff, see if it gives you a step forward. If it does,

Kimberly Beer:

chances are that particular coach would be really good for

Kimberly Beer:

you. That means that their program is going to jive with

Kimberly Beer:

you if you learned something from them. And then you took

Kimberly Beer:

that option and you went out and you did something with it, then

Kimberly Beer:

you've got a hint of success there that should carry through

Kimberly Beer:

into the coaching program. Another green flag is that they

Kimberly Beer:

have a well defined program with materials. In other words, you

Kimberly Beer:

can see from the outside, and this sort of goes to the

Kimberly Beer:

opposite of of the they don't know their program really well.

Kimberly Beer:

Or they're vague about it, if they're able to really show you

Kimberly Beer:

well put together materials and a very well thought out program,

Kimberly Beer:

then I consider that program a good program. And then the final

Kimberly Beer:

red flag green flag that I have is the red flag would be that

Kimberly Beer:

all of the coaching is video based. In other words, when you

Kimberly Beer:

enroll in the program, you have very little one on one lifetime

Kimberly Beer:

with the actual coach and a lot of videos to watch. I don't

Kimberly Beer:

dislike videos and coaching, I think it's a really good use of

Kimberly Beer:

the coaches time to record the things that they need to do

Kimberly Beer:

repetitively. And trust me, there's a lot of repetition of

Kimberly Beer:

what you say in coaching from client to client. I think that's

Kimberly Beer:

great. And I think it's important, but I also think it's

Kimberly Beer:

important that you have you time when you work with a coach that

Kimberly Beer:

you get that one on one or small group setting coaching, where

Kimberly Beer:

you can express your specific problem and get your specific

Kimberly Beer:

barriers addressed. So those are some more considerations that

Kimberly Beer:

you might look at when you're doing your research around

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

I think that's really awesome. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

like the reassurance that you give about if they're willing to

Cara Taylor Swift:

give away some things for free, that can be super helpful for

Cara Taylor Swift:

your business, like what a great just initial, okay, I'm going to

Cara Taylor Swift:

get something out of this coach, probably because the stuff that

Cara Taylor Swift:

they've got out there for free has already helped me, I really

Cara Taylor Swift:

love that. And I know that that's something that you do in

Cara Taylor Swift:

your business and something that a lot of businesses are trying

Cara Taylor Swift:

to give more, give more away, you know, to establish that

Cara Taylor Swift:

value. And anyway, I just think that's such an important one. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

thank you for sharing those Kim. I really appreciate that. Are we

Cara Taylor Swift:

ready to move on to number two?

Kimberly Beer:

Yep, we sure are. Number two is getting super

Kimberly Beer:

clear about the scope of the coaching that you're wanting. So

Kimberly Beer:

if you just vaguely say I want to hire a business coach, you're

Kimberly Beer:

probably not going to have a very good coaching experience

Kimberly Beer:

right Cara?

Cara Taylor Swift:

I mean, you're not off to a great start.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I think once you've made that decision, like okay, I'm going

Cara Taylor Swift:

to hire a coach, I'm going to do it that you really need to get

Cara Taylor Swift:

super clear, you know about the scope of what you're going to

Cara Taylor Swift:

accomplish during that coaching and that can look like big

Cara Taylor Swift:

picture goals, but also little goals that you hope to knock out

Cara Taylor Swift:

on each one of your sessions. You know, but you've got to have

Cara Taylor Swift:

those goals. I think outlined clearly in order to really get

Cara Taylor Swift:

some success from that, right?

Kimberly Beer:

Sure, and I think a coach's responsibility is to

Kimberly Beer:

take your bigger goal and to break it down into palatable

Kimberly Beer:

actionable pieces, and then get you to attain those pieces,

Kimberly Beer:

right? And it's not their responsibility to do it for you,

Kimberly Beer:

it's still your responsibility to execute on whatever it is.

Kimberly Beer:

But what they can do is give you resources and tools and

Kimberly Beer:

information and awarenesses that get you through those steps,

Kimberly Beer:

you're still doing the work. But just like a coach in a

Kimberly Beer:

basketball team, they don't go out and dunk the ball and make

Kimberly Beer:

the shot

Cara Taylor Swift:

listen to you talking about sports.

Kimberly Beer:

It's just sort of sad until you get me under

Kimberly Beer:

raining. But yeah, you they don't make the shot themselves,

Kimberly Beer:

you the the person who is playing the game that is being

Kimberly Beer:

coached, that's the person that goes out and makes the shot. And

Kimberly Beer:

it's the same thing for a business coach, they're not

Kimberly Beer:

going to come in there and change your business, they're

Kimberly Beer:

not going to do it for you, what they're going to do is guide you

Kimberly Beer:

to being the best that you can be and accomplishing as close as

Kimberly Beer:

you can get or exceeding the goal that you have set. When it

Kimberly Beer:

comes to setting the scope of the coaching, you can't be vague

Kimberly Beer:

about it. If what you really want to attain is to make a

Kimberly Beer:

certain dollar figure in your business, then that's what you

Kimberly Beer:

need to bring to the coach and you need to concentrate on that

Kimberly Beer:

one thing, yes, that one thing is going to split apart into a

Kimberly Beer:

whole bunch of little things over time. But the one thing is

Kimberly Beer:

all of those little things are going to move you towards the

Kimberly Beer:

bigger object. And when you're deciding about what you want to

Kimberly Beer:

be the scope of your coaching program, what I would do is I

Kimberly Beer:

would look at do you want to eliminate? Or do you want to

Kimberly Beer:

add? So is there something in the elimination part? Is there

Kimberly Beer:

something in your business that is just absolutely driving you

Kimberly Beer:

crazy, or you're really struggling with it, or you're

Kimberly Beer:

really challenged with it, or you have a big block around it.

Kimberly Beer:

So you could work with a coach to eliminate that. So you're

Kimberly Beer:

taking things away, you're figuring out how to solve that

Kimberly Beer:

problem on the opposite side of that is adding something to your

Kimberly Beer:

business. So that would be a financial goal that you want to

Kimberly Beer:

reach or an expansion goal. Or let's say you have your dog

Kimberly Beer:

groomer, and you have a shop and you have two groomers and you

Kimberly Beer:

want to add two more, and you hire a business coach to help

Kimberly Beer:

you attain that. So you have a very solid scope of the goal.

Kimberly Beer:

But the actual coaching may be you know, maybe you have to find

Kimberly Beer:

another building that you need to expand to. And you have to

Kimberly Beer:

add two more sets of equipment into your grooming business. And

Kimberly Beer:

then you need to expand your market to include twice as many

Kimberly Beer:

customers because now you have twice as many groomers. So the

Kimberly Beer:

business coach can help you settle down and look at those

Kimberly Beer:

topics very specifically, as they're moving you towards the

Kimberly Beer:

goal that you brought to them for the scope of the coaching,

Kimberly Beer:

you do need to be really clear and I one more thing before I

Kimberly Beer:

get off my soapbox around this is you need to understand from

Kimberly Beer:

the coach's perspective, how assessable they are to you. Some

Kimberly Beer:

coaches are only assessable during your sessions. In other

Kimberly Beer:

words, you have to wait for a session. Other coaches are

Kimberly Beer:

available during certain hours via text or via email or via

Kimberly Beer:

phone depending upon this specific coach to help you if

Kimberly Beer:

you run into something that's a problem while you're working on

Kimberly Beer:

your homework or working through your coaching program, their

Kimberly Beer:

coaching program, all coaches work a little bit differently.

Kimberly Beer:

They all have their brand and their uniqueness. So you do have

Kimberly Beer:

to look at what is within the scope of how much access you're

Kimberly Beer:

going to have to that coach. And then also, how long is the

Kimberly Beer:

commitment for their program? Is the commitment? Is their program

Kimberly Beer:

long enough for you to reach your commitment that you're

Kimberly Beer:

asking for? Or is it going to take multiple programs so just

Kimberly Beer:

get really clear about all of the details.

Kimberly Beer:

Every small business owner wants to gain traction in their

Kimberly Beer:

marketing. After three decades of working with small business

Kimberly Beer:

owners just like you I have developed what I call my four by

Kimberly Beer:

four marketing method. In just one 90 minutes session you'll

Kimberly Beer:

discover the four major focus areas of a successful marketing

Kimberly Beer:

plan. And together we'll uncover where your business is getting

Kimberly Beer:

stuck. You'll leave the session with an action plan of next

Kimberly Beer:

steps that engage your revenue engine. Drop by

Kimberly Beer: to request your session today. That's

Kimberly Beer: See you there.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. And I think if you've reached

Cara Taylor Swift:

that point where you're ready to hire a coach you found the right

Cara Taylor Swift:

coach you've identified the coach that has all the green

Cara Taylor Swift:

flags that make you happy you think it's gonna get you there

Cara Taylor Swift:

you've done your homework, you know what it is that you want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

accomplish then you're ready for big three number three, which is

Cara Taylor Swift:

you need to make the commitment and that is huge because It's

Cara Taylor Swift:

going to be a monetary investment, it's going to be a

Cara Taylor Swift:

time investment, it's probably even going to pull in some

Cara Taylor Swift:

emotional investment and work as well. Especially if you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

dealing with some some blocks around money or something along

Cara Taylor Swift:

those lines. So a couple big things is you've got to be ready

Cara Taylor Swift:

to make the commitment, you've got to be prepared, you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

spend some time in advance thinking about what you want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

work on, you know, before you even get to your first coaching

Cara Taylor Swift:

session, you don't want to be scrambling last minute, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, before your scheduled meeting. I think we've all been

Cara Taylor Swift:

there where we've got Oh, crap, I've got to be on a call in 10

Cara Taylor Swift:

minutes. And we're scrambling to pull ourselves together, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, to get prepped for that call, you know, and then if

Cara Taylor Swift:

you've had a session, sit back afterwards and really evaluate

Cara Taylor Swift:

how that went, you know, did they give you strategies to try?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, Gosh, darn it, implement those strategies that you agree

Cara Taylor Swift:

to try, like, don't just let them float out there, you've got

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do that work, you know, things like taking notes, even

Cara Taylor Swift:

when you're not in your coaching session, like one of the things

Cara Taylor Swift:

that I keep on my phone is I have a, I always have a note in

Cara Taylor Swift:

my phone, that's like my ideas log and things I want to, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, talk about or that I need to go over and you never know

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're going to be driving or maybe you're out on the tractor,

Cara Taylor Swift:

or you're riding your horse, or you're walking the dog, and that

Cara Taylor Swift:

thing pops into your brain that you need to talk to your coach

Cara Taylor Swift:

about that you need to have questions answered, that's when

Cara Taylor Swift:

you need to put it in that note so that you don't lose it and

Cara Taylor Swift:

forget about it, we always forget the important stuff when

Cara Taylor Swift:

we need to remember it right. And then you know, if your coach

Cara Taylor Swift:

most likely they're giving you or you know, resources that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

need to be looking into, you need to be reading up on that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you need to be trying out, go ahead and review those

Cara Taylor Swift:

resources. And if you don't, if you find that they don't work

Cara Taylor Swift:

for you, or you struggle with them, then you're ready to talk

Cara Taylor Swift:

about that with your coach next time you're sitting down with

Cara Taylor Swift:

them. And then the last piece that I have that Kim has already

Cara Taylor Swift:

somewhat mentioned, your coach is not they're not like your

Cara Taylor Swift:

employee, you can't expect your coach to do all the things

Cara Taylor Swift:

right? Part of this process is that you as the animal based

Cara Taylor Swift:

business owner need to do the work. And your coach is going to

Cara Taylor Swift:

support you hopefully, as you move out of that comfort zone.

Cara Taylor Swift:

But you have to be the one to do the work. And hopefully that

Cara Taylor Swift:

includes their strategies, their support. So Kim, I know you have

Cara Taylor Swift:

a lot you want to add to that. But when I think about, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, making the commitment, these are some of the things

Cara Taylor Swift:

that pop into my mind that I think are essential to getting

Cara Taylor Swift:

prepared for that commitment. What do you think?

Kimberly Beer:

I think you did an excellent job in covering

Kimberly Beer:

that. And I really don't have all that much to add other than

Kimberly Beer:

getting coached or being coached is hard. People think that it's

Kimberly Beer:

going to ease the burden, you know, like take it away. And the

Kimberly Beer:

truth is, is yes, it's going to ease it in the long term. But

Kimberly Beer:

the work that it takes to get to the long term is going to take a

Kimberly Beer:

little extra effort for you. So if you're hiring a coach,

Kimberly Beer:

because you're looking to get something off of your plate, so

Kimberly Beer:

to speak, you're not hiring the right person, that's an employee

Kimberly Beer:

or a VA or a vendor or something like that. Coaches are there to

Kimberly Beer:

help you reach those goals. And if you do not commit to doing

Kimberly Beer:

the work to actually putting yourself into that you're

Kimberly Beer:

basically wasting your money having a coach and you're also

Kimberly Beer:

wasting that coach's time, because you need to really

Kimberly Beer:

commit to it in order to be successful with it. And yes,

Kimberly Beer:

it's going to be a little painful. I mean, I don't think

Kimberly Beer:

you can look, if you look at where coaching what we kind of

Kimberly Beer:

traditionally thought of coaching before we ended up in

Kimberly Beer:

the life coaching world. Athletes, they go through pain,

Kimberly Beer:

I mean, getting to the point to where you are top flight in your

Kimberly Beer:

sport for whatever level it is that you play, that takes a lot,

Kimberly Beer:

it takes a lot of effort, it takes like you said mental,

Kimberly Beer:

emotional, physical effort to be able to get there, you're gonna

Kimberly Beer:

have to play those games and definitely put into it your time

Kimberly Beer:

and effort and your commitment in order to make it work. I do

Kimberly Beer:

think that there is a lot of really good reasons to hire a

Kimberly Beer:

business coach. I've worked with coaches for many, many years.

Kimberly Beer:

And I've got to tell you that it has always improved my abilities

Kimberly Beer:

when I work with a coach. So I always have gotten something out

Kimberly Beer:

of those coaching relationships, even the ones where it may be

Kimberly Beer:

didn't actually reach the goal, I still walked away with a ton

Kimberly Beer:

of benefit. And I think that when we look at coaching now as

Kimberly Beer:

consumers, we have a better understanding of what that

Kimberly Beer:

really means. And if you do your homework and you hire the right

Kimberly Beer:

coach, it can take you miles ahead of where you thought you

Kimberly Beer:

might actually land. So it's a good all around thing. Just be

Kimberly Beer:

mindful about the way you do it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Excellent. This was awesome. I think it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

got me motivated. So a couple of the big three here, you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

thinking you're gonna you're ready to hire a business coach.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So big three, number one, you guys we got to do our homework,

Cara Taylor Swift:

okay, we got to ask for references. We got to interview

Cara Taylor Swift:

them, we got to look at their program very deeply. Second, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

want to be really clear about the scope of the coaching like

Cara Taylor Swift:

what do you want to accomplish both big picture goals and then

Cara Taylor Swift:

hopefully some smaller goals and maybe your coach can help you

Cara Taylor Swift:

with those. And then thirdly, and probably one of the most

Cara Taylor Swift:

Important, you've got to be ready to make the commitment and

Cara Taylor Swift:

be willing to be in some, you know, you're going to be in some

Cara Taylor Swift:

pain, just like Kim said, those athletes out there, they're

Cara Taylor Swift:

going to build up their strength. Here we are talking

Cara Taylor Swift:

about sports, again, they're going to build up their

Cara Taylor Swift:

strength. And they're going to do that through a series of

Cara Taylor Swift:

activities. And they're going to it's going to be painful to get

Cara Taylor Swift:

there. So hopefully, working with a coach is not painful for

Cara Taylor Swift:

you. But you know, growing pains will happen. And I think it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

just an cool opportunity. So I'm really glad we had this

Cara Taylor Swift:

conversation today. Kim, I think there's a lot of people out

Cara Taylor Swift:

there right now in this, especially in this time of small

Cara Taylor Swift:

business where people are looking to hire coaches, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's a lot of them out there. And it can be super confusing

Cara Taylor Swift:

when you're trying to figure out which route to go. So thank you

Cara Taylor Swift:

for your insight on this today.

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, you're very welcome.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Okay, so thank you, everyone for

Cara Taylor Swift:

listening today. Once again, we'd love to know what you

Cara Taylor Swift:

thought about this episode. Join us at The Business Animal on

Cara Taylor Swift:

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Cara Taylor Swift:

If you haven't already done so we'd love for you guys to leave

Cara Taylor Swift:

a review wherever you like to listen. And if you haven't done

Cara Taylor Swift:

so please hit that little subscribe button or follow

Cara Taylor Swift:

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Cara Taylor Swift:

to us and it lets us know that you're listening. Thanks, guys.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Have a Happy Tuesday.


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