09: Repurposing Content
Our Big 3 Takeaways

It takes a lot of impressions to make an impression.

Repurposing content can save you time while keeping your marketing sharply focused.

Repurposing content is important for new followers and new customers.
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Welcome to the business animal podcast. settle up for a gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you’ll learn how to tame your wild business beast, with tips, techniques, and tools that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts, Kim Beer, and Cara Taylor Swift
Kimberly Beer 0:23
Welcome to the business animal. I’m Kim Beer with Be More Business.
Cara Taylor Swift 0:27
And I’m Cara Taylor Swift with Fast Horse Photography.
Kimberly Beer 0:30
And today we’re going to talk with you about repurposing content. Now this is one of my favorite subjects because I love creating content. And I also love repurposing it especially for my clients because I think it saves their sanity many many times and I also think it is truly beneficial. Being able to make your social media marketing and your content marketing strategy viable and run a business at the same time. Cara, do you want to run over our big three for this episode
Cara Taylor Swift 1:01
I would but I want to first say that I like this topic. Because the opposite of Kim. I don’t like creating tons of content. I like creating just like a couple really stellar pieces and then making them work for me all over the place. Because we’re busy as animal based business owners and I know you guys are out there riding your tractors right now shout out to you guys, we see you, we hear you and you’ve got things you need to do besides sitting in front of your computer, creating content or creating videos, you’ve got better things to do. So if we CAN SLIM this down for you make it a little bit easier and give you ways to repurpose that content, then Gosh darn it, we’re gonna do it. So today’s Big Three, we’re going to talk about how it takes a lot of impressions to make a single impression. Number two, repurposing content can save you time, while keeping your marketing safely focused. And the third big three, repurposing content is important for your new followers and your new customers. You’re not just speaking to that old audience, guys.
Kimberly Beer 1:56
Absolutely. And you know, anything that gets me to spend more time on my tractor I’m all for. I have a love affair going with my tractor. So anyway, yeah, let’s talk about that impressions to make an impression because that’s a big deal. We did a little bit of research and tried to dig around and finding what the current statistic is now, old school statistic is seven impressions. Right? Yeah, but
Cara Taylor Swift 2:21
the truth is, nobody knows. Right, Kim? Yeah,
Kimberly Beer 2:25
no? Well, we kind of discovered in our research was that I think it’s gotten so far out of hand with how many impressions it takes to impress somebody that nobody really knows anymore. And it’s kind of like, how many licks does it take to get to the middle of a Tootsie Pop, we all give up.
Cara Taylor Swift 2:45
It’s lick lick crunch. We all know, that’s
Kimberly Beer 2:47
right. So for the impression piece of things, I think that rule of sevens is something that you’ve got to throw out now. Because what I did find when we were doing research is that the statistics on how many ads that we see in a day is astronomical, back in the 70s. If you were old enough, if you’re old enough to have been alive during this seven days, and and paying attention to advertising, there were eat I mean, we got bombarded with 500 to 1600 ads per day. And I mean, if you think about it, that seems like a lot. But that was 1970s, it is 2021 and hold on to your tractor steering wheel, my friends, it is 6000 to 10,000 ads a day that we see that’s a lot of advertising.
Cara Taylor Swift 3:37
That actually scares me because that what that means is that we’re so used to seeing them, we don’t even know we’re seeing them anymore, or that the content is so strategic, that you don’t even know you’re seeing an ad. And that’s scary. That’s kind of scary.
Kimberly Beer 3:53
It is scary. It’s scary on all of the above. what’s scary is that there’s that many people out in the world generating content and advertising space that comes up in front of us. But you’re right. It’s because advertising has gotten so integrated into what we interact with, like on social media, that sponsored ad indicator on Facebook, it’s really light gray. And if you’re not paying attention, you don’t know the difference between that and something that you have signed up to want to see. And where do you draw the line between what’s advertising and what’s not?
Cara Taylor Swift 4:24
Yeah, all right, animal business owners. Let’s teach you how to make more.
Kimberly Beer 4:28
Yeah, let’s make more money, that six figure business ad. But yeah, there’s there’s just so much advertising coming through. And that means one other thing that I think is the super important part of this conversation is as consumers, we have learned to tune a lot of that out because we don’t engage with it. It’s it would be just too much for us to think about to engage with all 6000 to 10,000 ads that we see in it. So we’ve gotten really, really good at tuning out marketing and advertising. And one impression, my friends is not enough. I always tell people in my classes, you know, it 30 to 40 impressions is probably the minimum for a piece of content before people start to really recognize that it’s even a repetition. And that’s where this repurposing comes in, because you don’t need to be reinventing the wheel. Because a lot of people are skipping over what they’ve seen you put out there, and it’s gonna take a few more times before they they really attached to it and register that it’s there. So next, let’s talk about how do you actually repurpose content? I mean, because our number two is repurposing content can save you time, and it can keep your marketing focused. What does that mean in some real terms, and I think that the very first thing you got to start off with is knowing your goal, right, Cara?
Cara Taylor Swift 5:59
Yeah, you have to kind of know what your focus is going to be. So when you’re thinking about the content you’ve already created, or the content that you want to create, what is going to be your goal with this. Because if you’re going to be repurposing a piece of content and putting it out there over and over and over again, and trying to make that 10 to 30 impressions that you’re wanting to make, you want to make sure that it’s targeted, where you need it to be targeted, and not just more noise that you’re putting out into the world. Absolutely. So
Kimberly Beer 6:25
what you’re saying is that we need to be mindful about which content that we want to repurpose, and then it has an ultimate goal. And I think that’s a shift that we’ve all had to make with social media marketing is that Gone are the days of just being able to put the cute cat commercial on and get get followers with it, you have to be you have to be mindful about it. You have to be purposeful, and you have to have an intention with where you’re going. So let’s even back up a little bit further. And I want to talk about what do we actually mean by repurposed content, things like a blog post that you have written or a white paper that you wrote, and for those of you who are going What on earth is a white paper, because I think we throw that term around, and people are like, okay, white paper good. And then they sit down to do it. And they’re like, what’s the white paper again, so, so that’s a corporate term for any kind of informational article that you’re going to reuse. So podcasts are content, the videos that you make our content ads that you make our content, visuals, photography, I mean, all of that is content. And you can shuffle it around and reorganize it, and take the same thing that you’ve used in the past, and maybe give it a little bit of a freshen up and use it again, that’s what we’re talking about. In repurposing, and my system is pretty simple. It’s I want to mindfully create a really high value piece of content to start off with. So I don’t write just a really quick 200 word blog post, I write a 1500, or 2000 word blog post that has a tremendous amount of value in it, it’s got a lot of quotable content, it has probably some really good setups for my customers for small victories, I mean, it’s really a good high value piece of content, whether that’s written on a podcast, or whether it’s on a video, I want it to be high value. And then from that main piece of high value content, I can go back in and I can pull out baby pieces of content. So I’m repurposing what I’ve already done. And then I’m gonna go back in and I’m going to grab little snippets of it, that will lead the person back to the bigger piece of content, hopefully, then I’m going to modify each piece of baby content for the network that it’s to be published on. I think this is one of the bigger mistakes that people make in social media marketing is they put the exact same thing on Facebook that they put on Instagram that they put on LinkedIn that they put on Twitter, that’s not the way that you want to do social media, each of those networks has a specific purpose and a specific audience. And it doesn’t take a lot of modification, but it should have some modification. Instagram is very dependent on hashtags Facebook, not so much. I mean, they’re usable. And yes, you can leave them on the post, but it feels more comfortable to a Facebook user, if there’s a minimum number of hashtags, whereas Instagram, we like to see a lot of hashtags on the post. So that’s just one way of saying it. LinkedIn has a little bit more structured language than Facebook does. So just modify it for each network that is published on and when you’re done that mother piece of content can have 10 to 30 babies. So right there you have majorly multiplied your high value piece of content. Now what happens is is that Content ages, then it falls away, it falls off of the newsfeed, it falls off your timeline, it falls back into the back parts of your blog, it falls into the archive episodes of your podcast, you can go back and reclaim that, and bring it forward again, and shuffle all of those baby pieces of content around and repurpose them again. So that one piece of valuable content is something that you can use over and over and over. And you know what, no one is going to notice that you’re using it over again. And if they do, that means they’re finally connecting
Cara Taylor Swift 10:40
with it. Yeah, that’s kind of the goal ultimately, is that they are starting to notice it and get the message over and over and over again, I would add that you’re, you’re always looking to reach that new audience too. So you’ve got people that maybe they go to one platform, you know, they might be totally missing your message if it’s not on a certain platform, or they are going through and they just like the visual, so they’re just looking for visual content, as opposed to like reading captions, or maybe they prefer video versus reading, you know, or maybe they like to listen in their car, like for podcasting. So having all of the different types of content, just kind of repurposing that content, you’re going to ensure I think that you’re reaching your larger audience in multiple ways, but there’s going to be some people that that might be the only way that they’re hearing from you.
Kimberly Beer 11:24
Yeah, and and that they take it in better from one source than another. And another thing I want to bring up is, we’re talking to animal based business owners here, every single one of you out there listening to this, I’ll bet you’ve trained an animal and what’s the best way to train an animal repetition. Repetition is how you get your message across repetition is how you create communication between you and another being in humans are animals at their heart, we learn through repetition, we connect to repetition, repetition is comfortable, repetition is trustworthy. These are all the reasons of why it works really well in behavioral training for animals and for humans. And for those of you who are creating a brand message out into the world and are wanting people to connect with that brand message. This is how you train people to understand your message.
Cara Taylor Swift 12:23
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Kimberly Beer 13:11
For example, I have my eight sustainable entrepreneurship practices. And I repost those repeatedly on social media. And we’ll because what I hope is, over time, people will start to really connect to those practices. And they may not even like completely put all the pieces together as to how all eight of them work together, or how they could, you know, come to me for that right away at least. But over time, it’s gonna start to make sense to them. And they’ll associate that with my business and with me, and hopefully that’ll lead them back to my door.
Cara Taylor Swift 13:46
Yeah, I read a statistic once that said that only like 2% of your Facebook audience sees what you post. And I was thinking about that in terms of like my business. And it certainly changed the way that I use my content. Like I have no fear now of reposting images, for example that I posted before because the chances that I’m reaching people that haven’t seen it, I think is pretty high, or you’ve got the new audience members coming in. So I would just encourage people like don’t be afraid that you don’t have to have a brand new message every single time you go like just beef up the one you have or refurbish or refresh the one you have. And you know, just be consistent with it because you’re going to be hitting and missing people all the time.
Kimberly Beer 14:26
Absolutely. And you also don’t know how engaged that person is. That’s on the other end of seeing that image in their newsfeed. That’s another piece of this that a lot of times I don’t think we realize as marketers, it’s not just the impression, it’s the recognition. It’s the connection that people have to make to it. And you maybe see that image in your newsfeed. If you’re scrolling, if you’re the consumer user and you’re scrolling thumbing through your newsfeed on your phone. What do you see that image for as you’re thumbing through like less than a second as it speeds on by and you eat Oh, that’s a really great image. And the cool thing is, is it It connects your brand in that person’s brain, I think when we were prepping for this episode you were telling us it’s about, you don’t really think about it until you need those pair of shorts, or that pair of shoes that you saw. And then you’re like, Where’s that ad, so it works the same way, you know, the person goes, Oh, I want to want to get her pictures of my horse done. And then they think, you know, my newsfeed, I’ve seen this photographer who does that again, and then they go flipping through and they find you. That’s the important thing is that you be there when they go through looking for you specifically. But all of those impressions that came before that are what caused that response. And I know a lot of people and I know you’re one of these that worry about over communicating with people. And I think in this day and age, I think is really hard to over communicate, because we as consumers have so much control over what communication we interact with.
Cara Taylor Swift 15:59
So do we want to talk a little bit like, this is the point where everybody can get their pens and papers? And kind of like, do we want to talk about some examples of ways to repurpose now?
Kimberly Beer 16:08
Yeah, yeah, let’s do that. Let’s talk about repurposing ideas for repurposing the content, you maybe have to stop driving the tractor, if you’re gonna write
Cara Taylor Swift 16:17
Yeah, or if you’re, you know, horseback right now or something, just know, you can come back to this when you’re sitting down. Like, we totally get that a lot of our audience like, you guys have reached out to us and told us that, you know, a lot of times you’re you’re listening to us while you’re working with animals, or while you’re in the barn, or while you’re on your tractor, we hear that. So just remember, you can come back to this, you can also go back to our website to the show notes. So these are some of the ideas that we have for you guys and Kim are just going to kind of work through them. I like to start, like you said, with a blog post or something really meaty. And then I like to take those pieces and pull them out. And one of my favorite things to do is to pull out pieces for social media. So if I have a blog post that has like five steps to creating awesome holiday pictures of your horse, I might have those five steps and then pull each one of those steps out and break them down separately. So that’s like an example of what I like to do like kind of right off the bat with my content,
Kimberly Beer 17:11
I think we all have a natural place that we like to create content from. In other words, some of us prefer to write some of us prefer to speak some of us prefer to be on video. And I think that the important thing is that first piece of content, the what I call the mother piece of content that needs to come from that space where you feel the most comfortable creating, and if it’s writing, for me, it’s writing, I like the written word, because I can edit it, I can think about it, I can appease my perfectionist while at the same time getting my information out into the world. And then second from that, I would like to speak and do video type of stuff. But the thing is, is you could take that blog post and you can read it on a video or you can read it into an audio there’s a lot of people that do that that’s that’s their podcast, right is that they they write a blog post and then read the blog post into the microphone. I always sound like I’m reading though, I like this better, where we’re getting to dialogue and think of things more off the cuff. So start with that start with whatever you feel the most comfortable with. And if your answer to that is I hate them all choose the least problematic for you choose the one that’s the easiest.
Cara Taylor Swift 18:27
You might be somebody that loves doing Instagram stories, for example. Yeah, and ask questions and you’re asking questions in your Instagram stories. And then you can take the information that you glean and turn that into a blog post. Absolutely turn it into a larger post. I see people do that all the time. And it’s incredible. I certainly recommend like Kim saying start from what you’re most comfortable with. And then the hardest part I think is like knowing what’s possible from there. And that’s where sometimes I struggle. Yeah, knowing what’s possible. Some other examples that you can do is if you train on something and you have some kind of instructional content, you can actually sit down and put together an instructographic, which is just like an infographic only, it’s giving instructions. So you’ve got this nice PDF piece that you can put on Pinterest or you can post it on your Facebook page that people can click on and actually learn from so it’s another piece of visual content.
Kimberly Beer 19:18
I love instructographic.
Cara Taylor Swift 19:20
I do too. I think that’s so fun, isn’t it?
Kimberly Beer 19:23
struct a graphic? It’s so much better than infographic it’s an instructor graphic,
Cara Taylor Swift 19:29
well an infographic and for a difference infographic
Kimberly Beer 19:32
exactly all of those pie charts and bar graphs and all of that the instructor graphic is step by step and you know you’ve also gotten all of this to consider your consumer out there as well the person that’s consuming it on the other end over the years I’ve done a lot of different things trying to help people be able to to connect better with their marketing and their small business and one of the things that I’ve always done is my make it happen Monday, which is One thing you can do this week to better build your business, and my people who follow me on that for many years, they wanted me to do instructor graphics. So it just is very time consuming. But that’s where this is cool, right? each step of the instructor graphic or the benefit, or the outcome can be turned into a separate piece of content. That’s why you’re aiming for the high value content. But your consumer may really like that, because they can print it off, they can hang it on their wall. And guess what, then you’re getting to be an impression every single day in a mindful way, and your name is up there. So when they want to call you for whatever they just learned, it’s right there in front of them.
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Cara Taylor Swift 21:18
Another great piece too is the checklist. You can create checklists based on your content. We did that with our podcast episode on choosing marketing images for your business. And we actually took the information that we talked about on the podcast, put it into a downloadable printable checklist that folks can go right over to our website, click on it, pull it off and print it and use it when they’re selecting marketing images for their animal based business.
Kimberly Beer 21:41
And when I speak for score, I have what I call the score sheet. It’s everything that I’ve talked about in the presentation. And it’s got a little checklist on it want to try this already done it doing it and happy or this wouldn’t be for me. And so people can just look at the list as I go through the presentation and check off but it’s branded, this is the thing I want you guys to get from this, a all this stuff needs to be branded, it needs to have your contact information on it. So when people go download that stuff, you’re with them, those impressions continue, inevitably, because they have that very valuable piece of content that you’ve created for them.
Cara Taylor Swift 22:19
I would also say pay attention to how people are responding to your content. So if they’re leaving, like on social media, if they’re leaving comments and suggestions or on your blog post, if they’re leaving comments and suggestions or your video if you have a comment and suggestion section, because you can actually learn a lot from what people are saying and pull from that on what your next piece of content should be about. So people might say like, I really love this, do you have anything I can print so that I can check? You know, do you have a checklist that I could have? You know, wow, let me go create one for you real quick, there’s a next piece of content for you that is still you know, we’re still saying the same message. But it’s another piece of content that’s out there for people. So you know, learn from what your people are telling you. And you can actually create something from that.
Kimberly Beer 23:10
Absolutely. And you know, another really good tip for that that’s kind of on topic and kind of off topic. At the same time, Google whatever the subject is, and look at the questions people ask questions people may ask about that topic. Those are the things that Google has determined that people really want to know. And if you google even your piece of content that you’ve created, like your blog post, or whatever, like the subject matter of it, then you can see there what what other people ask or what people ask about this, that gives you an opportunity to make even more pieces of content off of that one inspiration. That’s also creating content as well as repurposing it that I think it’s a very useful tip.
Cara Taylor Swift 23:54
That’s awesome. So I’m gonna give you guys a few more. So get your pen and paper back out. So one of the things you guys can do is you can go on to your Instagram stories, you can ask your questions, you can turn them into social media post answers, or you can do a video q&a, which is really fun. So you can take those in video q&a, or you can just reshare the questions with answers somewhere in your stories or on your Instagram reel. So we’re all looking for ways to do reels right now, right? Because they’re performing super high. So these are some awesome ways for you guys to do that. I would also tell people, go look at your analytics and see what has performed really well for you in the past. pull that up, take a look at what you have there. Like what’s so special about that? And can you repurpose it? So is it does it need to be updated? Does it need to be made appropriate for the time that we’re in right now in terms of like the climate that’s around us? But how do you reuse that or break it up and update it and then reshare it I would encourage people to pull together client questions. So if you have common questions that your clients ask you, you know, while you’re working your animal based business, pull those together, turn them into social media posts with answers, you can do videos You can do a whole blog post answering people’s questions. You can create content for your website. So you could do a whole page answering people’s questions or filling in where people are asking questions.
Kimberly Beer 25:11
Yeah. And then take those and share them back to social media. And every once in a while, go back to the ones that you’ve used in the past. And again, like Cara suggested, the ones that got the most traction if something went viral for a period of time, even a small way went viral. It can go viral again, we’ve all seen that how many horse owners have seen the 52 thoroughbreds?
Cara Taylor Swift 25:35
We’ve all been concerned about the 52 thoroughbreds Okay, at one point in time. 57 I don’t remember it doesn’t matter. There was a thoroughbred thoroughbred that
Kimberly Beer 25:45
worried about a thoroughbred? Yeah. But that’s the that’s the point, right? That is from, I don’t know, 10 or 12 years ago. And it the reason it goes so viral so fast, is because it had all of those comments from the past, and now it’s getting shared up into the present. So that’s a bad example. Don’t do that. Don’t share the 52 thoroughbreds please, please, please, let’s let’s let that go.
Cara Taylor Swift 26:10
Y’all are in trouble and start seeing 52 thoroughbreds around again, okay, yeah, people,
Kimberly Beer 26:15
somebody is going to tag us in that particular post, they’re gonna find it in tag. Please don’t. But if for your frequently asked questions, go back and recycle that reshare it again, with a fresh perspective, or lots of people have been asking me this question. And here was an answer. And I think you’ll find the comments section on this useful and reshare it this is the cool thing about the internet. It’s information that keeps on giving over time. And what’s cool is that, what does that take 10 seconds, it doesn’t take you having to rewrite that whole thing over again.
Cara Taylor Swift 26:52
I mean, unless you over analyze, like I do, then it might take you Yeah, but it’s okay.
Kimberly Beer 26:56
It’s okay. It’s all good.
Cara Taylor Swift 26:57
It’s all good, like, as long as you need to take as long as you need to. A couple other things that I like to see is I like to pull from like the podcast or from blog, post interviews, quotes, quotes are awesome content, and they get your message started. So you can pull out the quotes, share the quotes, and then add to the message as you need to, or go and gather. If you do interviews with people, either in a blog post, if you’ve done blog interviews, or if you’ve done podcasts interviews, you can actually go and pull those pieces and put together your own expert guide. Based on what you’ve learned from that expert. I know, right, we’re gonna we’re gonna do something, I hope we can do that one day, right. So we interview from the business animals that we interview, so you can pull like kind of their expert advice, and put it all together in content, you can also create spin offs from your awesome content. So if you’ve done a blog post, that was amazing. And you go back and look at it, see what you loved about it and pull from that little pieces that then you can spin off. I create content all the time where I’m looking at it, and I’m like, this section could be a blog post all by itself. And so you pull that section out, and then that’s where you expand on it. Who doesn’t love a good spin? All right. So sometimes you just need to go back and say, What have I already done and pull inspiration for that something I’ve been working really hard on since our social proof episode is my testimonial content. So I’ve been using testimonials as great content right now. I’m putting that out there everywhere. Let’s see, I feel like you can pretty much turn anything into an Instagram real as well. So I have been thinking of creative ways to do that. So you can go in, take your content that you’ve got, maybe you’ve got a blog post that has like, like I did one recently on how to take great pictures of your horse for the holiday. So I could actually take those points and put that into an Instagram reel during the holiday season. So Kim, do you have other ones you want to add? I’ve got a whole list. Just keep going.
Kimberly Beer 28:56
I have one you missed in the list where Yeah, you missed the round up. I round up. Yeah,
mean, what’s better than a good round up in this technique, what you do is you go back and you take a look at the blog posts you’ve written or those FAQs, and then you pull it together in around up like here’s all the things that I’ve done about this. Let’s go back and learn and you who this is great for. And I want to reiterate this, these are those new people that have come into your business that they didn’t have the basis of seeing this stuff come around the first time you posted it. So here’s their opportunity to interact with it now, which is our third of the Big Three. It’s important for your new followers and your new customers to get to know who you are and bringing things up from from things you’ve already posted or restating them in a different way helps those new followers and new customers really connect with you and get in touch with your business and get in touch with the way you do things. So it’s important for them to have that I think we think that everyone since it’s accessible on the internet that everyone will go back and look at it and they won’t.
Cara Taylor Swift 30:09
Well I think a great example of around might be something like my top five favorite dog grooming tools, or the favorite products I use while grooming my horse, you know, and then you can actually you’re rounding those things up, and you’re educating the community and you’re, you know, really sharing how you do your business. So I think those are some fun examples. But you can also do your own content.
Kimberly Beer 30:31
Yeah, you can round up your own stuff, or you can round up other people’s stuff. It’s just important to round it up.
Cara Taylor Swift 30:37
And then you can do things like guest posting. So if you’ve interviewed somebody, and you want to share that post, somewhere I recently shared, I was interviewed by another photographer, Ride the Sky photography, Betsy, and then I shared the interview that she did to my audience. Right? So anytime you can guest post somewhere or share if you know if you’ve ever been interviewed, those are some great examples, you can work to get your content syndicated. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. But I would love to be able to so you can work to get your contacts and negated gosh, there’s just I feel like it’s endless.
Kimberly Beer 31:12
It is it is. And I think that again, don’t worry about let’s talk about those factors that that people will push back against, don’t worry that you’re stating the same thing over and over again, or that you’re bringing something forward that you’ve already posted. The goal, I think of what we would love for you to walk away from this episode with is the fact that you don’t have to work so hard at creating always new stuff, that the stuff that you have is amazing, you’ve worked hard on it. And reusing it is actually a good thing. It’s good for the people that you’re working with, because it’s repetitive and it gets them to connect with it. It’s great for the people that are new coming into your audience to get to know you and to get to know your brand. So when you’re stressing about oh my gosh, how am I going to do all this social media marketing? And how am I going to get this done? The The answer is go back and look at what you’ve already created, probably already built, at least part of, if not a really nice library of good content that you can pull from and now move forward.
Cara Taylor Swift 32:19
And the truth is, we do not want to be sitting in front of computers, I mean, we are in our animal based business, because we want to be out in the field working with animals providing awesome service for our consumers and for the animals that they work with. And the truth is, we do not want to be in front of the computer. So my recommendation is sit down, batch it out, get that anchor piece of content, create all your little baby contents and all your little spin off contents all at the same time. Like dedicate some time to it. It’s done. Get it scheduled, get it ready to roll, have a plan for it. And then you can get out of the office, we can get back on the tractor you can get back lunging your horse or riding or, you know, whatever it is that you do out in the world of the animal industry and just get out from in front of the computer. That’s always my goal. How can I get out from in front of the computer faster?
Kimberly Beer 33:04
Absolutely. How can I get outside and enjoy some fresh air and being with the purpose of why I have a business. So in that vein, and in that effort, we would like to get you back out and doing what you’re doing. So let’s run over our big three again, and remind you that we are always here on our show notes page on our website at the business animal comm we also are on social media, we would love to interact with you guys on social media, we know you’re all busy, but leave us a note comment on some of the things that we’re doing out there. We would love to make this a very interactive experience. So our big three for this episode is number one, it takes a lot of impressions to make an impression. Don’t worry, you’re not going to irritate people by showing them the same thing more than once. repurposing content can save you time while keeping your marketing very focused and on task. And finally, the big three number three repurposing content is important because you have new followers and new customers that need to see that content because that’s part of your message. You worked hard to create it the first time bring it out and let them interact with it.
Cara Taylor Swift 34:14
Kim, should we create a downloadable option that has all the different ways that we like to think about that people can download and just kind of have it tacked up?
Kimberly Beer 34:25
I think we should do one of my score sheets. We’ll put all the things that we talked about in the episode and give you the scoresheet of I want to try it. I have tried it and love it. It’s not for me kind of situation.
Cara Taylor Swift 34:37
Okay, so you guys, it’ll be a surprise whatever we put in there. So
Kimberly Beer 34:41
yeah, we’ll have some fun with it.
Cara Taylor Swift 34:43
That’s right, go check the show notes. There’ll be something special for you guys over there to it’ll help you on this topic.
Kimberly Beer 34:49
Good deal. All right. Have an awesome week out there. Get back to drive in your tractor now. Right in the fours are walking the dog and we love that by the way I cannot tell you how much fun Cara I have had with the people that respond back to us with what they’re up to while they listen, that’s one of my favorite parts of the week is when people tell me that.
Cara Taylor Swift 35:11
Yeah, pretty amazing.
Jaz 35:13
Thanks for listening to this episode of the business animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And if you learned something today, leave us a review. To learn more, find us at the business animal.com we’d love to hear from you. Until next time, keep your business well trained with the business animal.
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