Ahhh summer, summer, summer — and things seem to just slow down and so does our momentum around our goals and objectives. (Yeah, remember all those goals you set the first of the year!) In this episode, Kim and Cara give you tips and tricks to help you maintain your momentum through this slowdown so you stay on track.
The Business Animal podcast is proudly
Kimberly Beer:sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress
Kimberly Beer:hosting, and KEAP the premier CRM software for small business
Kimberly Beer:head over to the business animal.com for the best deals on
Kimberly Beer:these two amazing products
Jaz:Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a
Jaz:gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how
Jaz:to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools
Jaz:that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you
Jaz:wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts Kim Beer and Cara
Jaz:Taylor Swift.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there business animals. It's Kim with
Kimberly Beer:Be More Business
Cara Taylor Swift:and Cara with Fast Horse Photography. Hi, Kim.
Cara Taylor Swift:Good morning. Happy Friday. It's Friday here in our world. And
Cara Taylor Swift:it's so hot. Oh my gosh, I'm just sweating nonstop right now.
Cara Taylor Swift:I walked outside yesterday, and I thought my skin was gonna melt
Cara Taylor Swift:off from the hot breeze or you guys are having that kind of
Cara Taylor Swift:weather over in Missouri right now.
Kimberly Beer:We had really hot weather this last week. And then
Kimberly Beer:Tuesday, we had a little rain storm and it cooled off to the
Kimberly Beer:90s. And it's within the 80s even one day so we were really
Kimberly Beer:happy with that and our humidity dropped down quite a bit. It was
Kimberly Beer:really pleasant. When I was out here just a few minutes ago, I
Kimberly Beer:went out because we were having a motorcycle race this weekend
Kimberly Beer:on the ranch and the guys are here to work on the trails and
Kimberly Beer:stuff. And so I was out telling the guy that was doing it to
Kimberly Beer:make sure he watched his dog so it didn't hurt our baby goat
Kimberly Beer:that's out there. So anyway, it was really really pleasant
Kimberly Beer:outside very pleasant. Yeah, my goats are quite the characters.
Kimberly Beer:So
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm not jealous at all. We're over here
Cara Taylor Swift:in Florida, we're basically sweating through our bras when
Cara Taylor Swift:we have to go out and be courses. So it's like melt your
Cara Taylor Swift:skin off hot. That's the only way to describe it. Which is why
Cara Taylor Swift:I think today's episode is so perfect because it's summertime
Cara Taylor Swift:right and I am 100% Feeling the summertime slump. Right now I
Cara Taylor Swift:want to be on vacation or just at a staycation I want to go to
Cara Taylor Swift:the beach, I want to go the barn, I want to do anything
Cara Taylor Swift:besides work. So I love our topic today, maintaining your
Cara Taylor Swift:moment, I
Kimberly Beer:totally get that because I feel you I'm right
Kimberly Beer:there with you. I've had such a stressful spring with health
Kimberly Beer:issues and trying to maintain my business. And I've decided to
Kimberly Beer:eradicate a lot of the stress out of my life. And I have to
Kimberly Beer:tell you, I'm thoroughly enjoying not living at a
Kimberly Beer:stressed out level. And I don't want to go back to that again.
Kimberly Beer:But I also want to maintain or actually restart some of my
Kimberly Beer:momentum. I had a lot of big plans at the first of the year.
Kimberly Beer:And some things got derailed for higher priority incidents. And
Kimberly Beer:now those things are put away and I need to move on and get to
Kimberly Beer:the next step. So I do think this is a very timely topic for
Kimberly Beer:people. And it's something where I think we get into different
Kimberly Beer:times here both the summer and for me also the dead of winter
Kimberly Beer:tends to be a little bit on the slumpy side, I just don't want
Kimberly Beer:to work, the holidays roll around and you want to spend
Kimberly Beer:time with friends and family or you're here in the summertime.
Kimberly Beer:And you get that moment where you're just like, Ah, I'm tired,
Kimberly Beer:I just want to go take a nap and drink lemonade under the tree.
Kimberly Beer:It's so true or in the air conditioning if you're in
Kimberly Beer:Florida. So we have three things for you guys today that Karen
Kimberly Beer:and I are both doing and that we think sharing with you might
Kimberly Beer:help you also through those times in your business when you
Kimberly Beer:feel like you've made a lot of progress. But you want to make
Kimberly Beer:sure that progress keeps going and you're able to maintain it
Kimberly Beer:over time. So I'm going to run down the big three and then
Kimberly Beer:we'll jump in the first one is to review and assess where you
Kimberly Beer:are with your goals and adjust accordingly. And then number two
Kimberly Beer:is to seize the slowdown, there is a lot of positivity that you
Kimberly Beer:can have around to this person my favorite part of the process,
Kimberly Beer:it's it's part of that circular process of our lives. And then
Kimberly Beer:finally play like you've reached your goals and celebrate your
Kimberly Beer:success for number three, going back and reviewing and assessing
Kimberly Beer:where you've kind of set your goals to be and adjusting them.
Kimberly Beer:I think that people sometimes feel like and I know I do, too.
Kimberly Beer:I set a goal. And then I feel like if that's the goal I have
Kimberly Beer:to reach and if I don't reach that specific goal, I either
Kimberly Beer:haven't been successful or a conversely, another problem I
Kimberly Beer:have is I reach that goal right away. And then I'm like okay,
Kimberly Beer:check mark, no reason to do anything more after that. So
Kimberly Beer:there's two sides to that coin, where I think that we need to go
Kimberly Beer:back take a look at the goals that we've set for ourselves in
Kimberly Beer:our business and decide if we want to adjust those. If you've
Kimberly Beer:reached the goal and you're early. Do you want to up that
Kimberly Beer:goal and make it bigger. Or if you haven't reached the goal,
Kimberly Beer:were you unrealistic when you started out? And can you set
Kimberly Beer:that goal a little bit better.
Cara Taylor Swift:That's so true. I'm doing I'm actually
Cara Taylor Swift:doing this right now in my business with I have a couple
Cara Taylor Swift:photography pals, Betsy from ride the sky photography and
Cara Taylor Swift:Tracy from pennywhistle photography we meet regularly
Cara Taylor Swift:and one of the next topic we're meeting on is assessing our
Cara Taylor Swift:goals to see where we are. And in anticipation for that
Cara Taylor Swift:meeting, I pulled up my goals and was looking at like what I
Cara Taylor Swift:said at the beginning of the year, okay, these are the things
Cara Taylor Swift:we're going to focus on this year. And some of the things I
Cara Taylor Swift:feel like I've done a great job on and on other things, it's
Cara Taylor Swift:definitely going to take some refocusing, or maybe doing some
Cara Taylor Swift:course correction around what I thought I was going to be doing
Cara Taylor Swift:this year, and then life kind of kicks you in the butt and you
Cara Taylor Swift:get kicked down the road to another direction. So anyway,
Cara Taylor Swift:just if this is such a good point in the year for that, to
Cara Taylor Swift:really figure out where you stand with those goals you set
Cara Taylor Swift:for yourself at the beginning of the year, you know, and ask
Cara Taylor Swift:yourself, What am I focusing on? And why and what am I not
Cara Taylor Swift:focusing on? And why like, there's reasons for those
Cara Taylor Swift:things, is it because it's fun or not fun? Is it because it's
Cara Taylor Swift:not a priority right now, or your business has worked itself
Cara Taylor Swift:in another direction, and you've had other priorities, and that's
Cara Taylor Swift:okay, that is totally okay to have those thoughts and to make
Cara Taylor Swift:decisions around that. And it's okay at this point to weed out,
Cara Taylor Swift:I think what you don't need at this point and start kind of
Cara Taylor Swift:making some cuts, it doesn't mean you're cutting your goals,
Cara Taylor Swift:but you're reevaluating the priorities and making some
Cara Taylor Swift:changes around the goals that are no longer a priority for
Cara Taylor Swift:your business. And I think it's a it's a great time to use it to
Cara Taylor Swift:reinvigorate and re motivate by looking at those goals again,
Cara Taylor Swift:and refining them doing a little course correction and get you re
Cara Taylor Swift:motivated just because okay, I now have new priorities. And I
Cara Taylor Swift:understand where I'm going with those goals. And there's still a
Cara Taylor Swift:lot of time. Yeah, we
Kimberly Beer:still have six months of the year left as we're
Kimberly Beer:recording this. But the truth is, even if there's only three
Kimberly Beer:weeks left in the year, you have time to reevaluate your goals
Kimberly Beer:and adjust your objectives. And I think here is a really good
Kimberly Beer:point to reiterate what goals and objectives are, because I
Kimberly Beer:think we talk about this and then we don't get really
Kimberly Beer:concrete about it, or we forget how to be concrete about it
Kimberly Beer:goals are overarching things that you want to add to your
Kimberly Beer:business or that you want to take away like you want to
Kimberly Beer:remove stress is one of my now goals. It wasn't my goal at the
Kimberly Beer:first of the year. But now it definitely is because I've seen
Kimberly Beer:the toll that stress can take on my life. So another one would be
Kimberly Beer:to make more revenue to have more customers. I mean, goals
Kimberly Beer:are these overarching things that you want to do for the
Kimberly Beer:year. And then your objectives are the things that you do step
Kimberly Beer:by step in order to reach those goals. And sometimes it may not
Kimberly Beer:be the goal that you need to adjust, maybe you want to leave
Kimberly Beer:that goal, but the objectives that you have defined to reach
Kimberly Beer:that goal maybe are what need adjusted. So for example, if you
Kimberly Beer:wanted to add more customers to your business, and you decided
Kimberly Beer:at the first of the year, one of the objectives that you were
Kimberly Beer:going to follow was to get 300 more Instagram followers, and
Kimberly Beer:now you've gotten close to that or you've tried it, it didn't
Kimberly Beer:work, you haven't seen that improve your bottom line, then
Kimberly Beer:it's time to readjust and say okay, what can I do differently
Kimberly Beer:to get that momentum back on track? Or if it started a little
Kimberly Beer:bit and just kind of fizzled out kind of short of what you wanted
Kimberly Beer:to do, then how can you up your game a little bit so that you're
Kimberly Beer:able to actually reach that particular goal. So I think that
Kimberly Beer:that's a quick little reminder and what goals and objectives
Kimberly Beer:really do mean to us. And to know that maybe you don't need
Kimberly Beer:to change the overarching broad goal, but you need to change the
Kimberly Beer:steps that you're taking to get there. If they're not working,
Kimberly Beer:or if they worked really well, then expanding the objective
Kimberly Beer:quantification to actually be able to expand it even further.
Kimberly Beer:I love the adage of ride the pony until it's done. So keep
Kimberly Beer:going on that if you find something that works keep going
Kimberly Beer:until the horse underneath you says hey, I'm done and I don't
Kimberly Beer:want to go anymore and then go get a fresh horse. And it's been
Kimberly Beer:a lesson to me. Every small business owner wants to gain
Kimberly Beer:traction in their marketing. After three decades of working
Kimberly Beer:with small business owners just like you I have developed what I
Kimberly Beer:call my four by four marketing method. In just 190 minute
Kimberly Beer:session you'll discover the four major focus areas of a
Kimberly Beer:successful marketing plan and together we'll uncover where
Kimberly Beer:your business is getting stuck. You'll leave the session with an
Kimberly Beer:action plan of next steps that engage your revenue engine
Kimberly Beer:dropped by be more business.com To request your session today.
Kimberly Beer:That's B E mo worry business.com See you there.
Cara Taylor Swift:I would just add with that to like your goals
Cara Taylor Swift:that you're setting for your business and for yourself that
Cara Taylor Swift:they don't all have to be like work, you know, like it's okay
Cara Taylor Swift:to have an add in at this point of the year when you're feeling
Cara Taylor Swift:your momentum is slumping, add something fun, you know, have a
Cara Taylor Swift:fun goal that you could spend a little time working on to that's
Cara Taylor Swift:going to have something awesome at the end of it that's outside
Cara Taylor Swift:of your work, I think that sometimes we get so caught up
Cara Taylor Swift:and all of our goals are around moving the business forward or
Cara Taylor Swift:making our lives better or our family's lives better. And
Cara Taylor Swift:sometimes we need to just have the goal. You know, like Kim
Cara Taylor Swift:said, removing stress from the life we need to have the goal to
Cara Taylor Swift:get outside more or be horseback more, or take the dogs for an
Cara Taylor Swift:extra walk or get to the beach more often. You know, I mean, I
Cara Taylor Swift:live a couple of miles from the beach, and I'm never there. So
Cara Taylor Swift:you know, thinking about things like that can get us excited
Cara Taylor Swift:about okay, you know, we can talk about that when we get to
Cara Taylor Swift:number three. But I just think that that can help get me
Cara Taylor Swift:motivated when my goals are not all work related all the time.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And I think one of my biggest lessons
Kimberly Beer:from this year thus far has been that I've been doing this
Kimberly Beer:entrepreneurship thing for a lot of decades. Now. It's decades,
Kimberly Beer:not years, it's a decade Hot Minute. And I've had a
Kimberly Beer:refocusing, like you said reprioritizing, what is
Kimberly Beer:important and what isn't. And many times I set my goals up
Kimberly Beer:until this year up until this spring, I set my goals based on
Kimberly Beer:what I thought was best for the business. And the truth is, is
Kimberly Beer:now I'm readjusting that view to say what is the best for Kim?
Kimberly Beer:What is the best for me moving forward? And where can I have
Kimberly Beer:the most impact while also having the most joy and ease and
Kimberly Beer:passion fulfillment in my life, rather than what is the best
Kimberly Beer:thing for the bottom line of my business? That's a new step for
Kimberly Beer:me as an entrepreneur to really look at that in that light and
Kimberly Beer:sort of take my own medicine is I tell people that a lot. And
Kimberly Beer:I've started to chip away at it over the years, but having a
Kimberly Beer:health crisis where you look at your life and go, Okay, it's
Kimberly Beer:time to figure out what really makes me happy and what doesn't,
Kimberly Beer:and understanding the impact of the stress that it can be as an
Kimberly Beer:entrepreneur that can impact your life and going okay, what
Kimberly Beer:stresses me out, I want that out of my business. What brings me
Kimberly Beer:peace and joy I want more of so I do think reprioritizing is
Kimberly Beer:really important. And I think it's a nice time of year to sit
Kimberly Beer:and look back and say am I really in the right track.
Kimberly Beer:Because honestly, at the first of the year, we're all so
Kimberly Beer:wrapped up in goal setting. And I mean, it's it's like peer
Kimberly Beer:pressure, right? Everybody's on it. And this time of year, it's
Kimberly Beer:not as prominent, we're not having that discussion every
Kimberly Beer:single day. So you can take a little bit more time to relax
Kimberly Beer:and ease into how you want to do the rest of your year playing
Kimberly Beer:out. So I think it's time to move on to number two, because I
Kimberly Beer:know you have some great ideas around how to seize the moment
Kimberly Beer:of the slowdown, how to actually feel into this and let the
Kimberly Beer:momentum be flexible and mutable and allow it to kind of find its
Kimberly Beer:own path. So I'm turning it over to you. And I'm going to tell
Kimberly Beer:you right now, number one on your list I really am wanting to
Kimberly Beer:embrace.
Cara Taylor Swift:Well, it's time to seize the slowdown. And
Cara Taylor Swift:it is a time when a lot of businesses either slow down or
Cara Taylor Swift:they pick up and if you're one of those businesses like mine
Cara Taylor Swift:where we're slowing down right now it's hot out and it is a
Cara Taylor Swift:time when you can kind of reevaluate I say take a break,
Cara Taylor Swift:take the break, plan a trip, enjoy a little staycation if you
Cara Taylor Swift:can take a vacation take it this is the time and it's okay to set
Cara Taylor Swift:the auto responder the out of office responder on your email
Cara Taylor Swift:and enjoy a little time off you are you know it Kevin may had
Cara Taylor Swift:this conversation this morning. If you need a day your business
Cara Taylor Swift:isn't going anywhere he just need a day you know to relax and
Cara Taylor Swift:to catch up. I also think it's a great time to do a little spring
Cara Taylor Swift:cleaning. There's a reason that spring cleaning term is around.
Cara Taylor Swift:It's an awesome time to reset your workspace for me when my I
Cara Taylor Swift:think I've said this on here before when my space starts to
Cara Taylor Swift:get messy and cluttered from being busy. My inspiration and
Cara Taylor Swift:my excitement about being in the office is a downward trajectory
Cara Taylor Swift:the messier it gets the less I feel like being in the space so
Cara Taylor Swift:it's a nice time to reset your workspace. I recently had sugar
Cara Taylor Swift:ants in my car which is extremely awkward to talk about
Cara Taylor Swift:I guess on a podcast but I had a really bad sugar at issue in my
Cara Taylor Swift:car. It's part of having a child that eats junk food in the
Cara Taylor Swift:backseat I guess constantly and little crumbs are building up so
Cara Taylor Swift:part of my spring cleaning was attacking the sugar and
Cara Taylor Swift:situation I'd like to announce to the world that it's
Cara Taylor Swift:officially under control. But I was like my truck is everything.
Cara Taylor Swift:I take my truck everywhere. It's got all my work gear In it
Cara Taylor Swift:everything and it was like I couldn't get in without being
Cara Taylor Swift:covered in sugar in it. So everybody's totally creeped out
Cara Taylor Swift:now. You're laughing but it's like a real issue. Okay. And I
Cara Taylor Swift:Googled it. And apparently this is a very common thing.
Kimberly Beer:I am only laughing because I commiserate
Kimberly Beer:because we have had a sugar an invasion of our own. So somehow
Kimberly Beer:outside, I don't know how it happened. But outside the front
Kimberly Beer:door that we never used, there's gotten to be a conglomeration. I
Kimberly Beer:don't know if they're sugar ants, they're freaking ants, I
Kimberly Beer:their little tiny ants, little itsy bitsy once. And they have
Kimberly Beer:they have like, invaded our home. And like they've, they've
Kimberly Beer:started crawling up into our sink. And I there was one on my
Kimberly Beer:desk this morning when I came in here, and we keep spraying for
Kimberly Beer:them. So I totally commiserate with your ant problem. And
Kimberly Beer:you're gonna have to share your secrets and how you rid your
Kimberly Beer:life of these ants, because we are battling the ants right now.
Kimberly Beer:And the little shits are winning.
Cara Taylor Swift:All right, well, I, I believe that we are
Cara Taylor Swift:probably not the only two people on the planet that have this
Cara Taylor Swift:problem. So if you too are suffering from sugar hands,
Cara Taylor Swift:please send us a DM and let us know how you handle this
Cara Taylor Swift:situation. I also think that this year is a good time, this
Cara Taylor Swift:time of year is such a great time to try to complete one of
Cara Taylor Swift:those. I'm putting this in air quotes. But you guys can't see
Cara Taylor Swift:that. But Kim can if I only had the time activities, try to
Cara Taylor Swift:complete one of those if I only had the time activities, how
Cara Taylor Swift:many times have you found yourself saying gosh, if I if I
Cara Taylor Swift:just had the time, I would sit down and write this book or I
Cara Taylor Swift:would you know, record this song or I would do you know a total
Cara Taylor Swift:rework of my marketing materials like this is a great time to do
Cara Taylor Swift:that, like set that as a goal and set it as a priority and
Cara Taylor Swift:feel really good when you knock it out. And then the last thing
Cara Taylor Swift:I want to add to sees the slowdown is this is such an
Cara Taylor Swift:awesome time of year to really assess where updates are needed
Cara Taylor Swift:in your business. Is it time to update your website, your
Cara Taylor Swift:marketing materials, maybe you've been holding off doing
Cara Taylor Swift:that software update forever, because it takes forever and
Cara Taylor Swift:you're worried it's going to crash your computer, now's a
Cara Taylor Swift:good time to manage that situation, right? Update your
Cara Taylor Swift:client resources, if they're needed, maybe your social media
Cara Taylor Swift:descriptions need to be updated. And y'all it's probably time to
Cara Taylor Swift:update your bio. If you haven't, this is a beautiful time to do
Cara Taylor Swift:that I'm in the process. So this is that's what I want to add to
Cara Taylor Swift:seize the slowdown. Kim, do you have anything you want to add to
Cara Taylor Swift:that?
Kimberly Beer:I do? I? Of course I do. How could I not. So
Kimberly Beer:the title of this episode is maintaining your momentum. And
Kimberly Beer:I'm gonna tell you from my perspective, there's also
Kimberly Beer:another thing that I would like to add here and that it's okay
Kimberly Beer:to coast. So, you know, as an entrepreneur, it's sometimes it
Kimberly Beer:feels like when you're building your business up, it's like
Kimberly Beer:climbing a big giant hill, you are going up and up and up and
Kimberly Beer:up. And you have to take moments and breathe and then you get to
Kimberly Beer:the top of the hill. And, yes, now is the time to look at the
Kimberly Beer:next hill. But it also might be the time to just sit down, take
Kimberly Beer:a Zen moment, breathe and let yourself coast on the progress
Kimberly Beer:that you've made. That's one of the things that I have enjoyed
Kimberly Beer:for the last couple of months is that I did make some big changes
Kimberly Beer:in my business a few years ago. And I did change a lot of the
Kimberly Beer:things that I was doing that weren't making me happy and to
Kimberly Beer:things that were and I shifted my business model quite a bit.
Kimberly Beer:And I was able to actually sit back and really take care of
Kimberly Beer:myself this spring and coast a little bit on the business karma
Kimberly Beer:or the progress that I had made prior to that. And I appreciate
Kimberly Beer:every one of my clients who's been super patient with me
Kimberly Beer:through this, I promise you I am I'm back in the office and on
Kimberly Beer:the on the track for getting things done again, but the fact
Kimberly Beer:that I did all of that work ahead of time made it so nice.
Kimberly Beer:And you know what I just want to give everyone who's at that
Kimberly Beer:point where they're at kind of at the top of the hill, just,
Kimberly Beer:you know, go ahead, take a minute, take a deep breath,
Kimberly Beer:enjoy the view coast for just a few minutes and enjoy it and
Kimberly Beer:really, really be present with yourself and with your success.
Kimberly Beer:It's completely okay that things are going to slow down.
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Cara Taylor Swift:That's fast horse photography.com.
Cara Taylor Swift:We never feel like as business owners that that's okay. I mean,
Cara Taylor Swift:we're on social media, we're hearing from our other business
Cara Taylor Swift:owner friends, you know, in our groups and stuff, and it feels
Cara Taylor Swift:like in order to keep your business going, you have to keep
Cara Taylor Swift:going and doing all the time. And it's part of that is because
Cara Taylor Swift:a lot of us are solopreneurs. And we're the only person and if
Cara Taylor Swift:we're not working it, nothing's happening. But the other piece
Cara Taylor Swift:of that is we're always feeling like we're in competition. And
Cara Taylor Swift:if I decide to take a vacation and take some time off, and I
Cara Taylor Swift:don't, for example, if I take a social media break, I feel like
Cara Taylor Swift:what does that mean? Like what's happening with my competition?
Cara Taylor Swift:Or does that mean that my business isn't being successful
Cara Taylor Swift:this week? And I think that we have to give ourselves that,
Cara Taylor Swift:okay, and say, it's totally fine. We're not going anywhere.
Cara Taylor Swift:Our friend Marcy Joe photography, said to me the
Cara Taylor Swift:other day, I said, Oh, I haven't posted in three days. And she
Cara Taylor Swift:said, No one is noticing that you're not there. It's when you
Cara Taylor Swift:are there that they see you. But they don't say to themselves, I
Cara Taylor Swift:haven't seen a post from you know who in a while. It's when
Cara Taylor Swift:you're when you do post that they see you. And I think that's
Cara Taylor Swift:the truth. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, no one's sitting
Cara Taylor Swift:around going, Oh, I haven't seen anything from Fast Horse
Cara Taylor Swift:photography this week. I mean, come on, they're following
Cara Taylor Swift:10,000 people online, they could care less. So it's totally fine.
Cara Taylor Swift:Like you're not hurting anyone's feelings by not being out there
Cara Taylor Swift:doing something all the time you're not. And with that being
Cara Taylor Swift:said, this is an awesome time to take a social media cleanse, I
Cara Taylor Swift:mean, I will tell you, the only downside to doing it is when you
Cara Taylor Swift:start, it's really hard to get back into it. I just took a week
Cara Taylor Swift:off from social media. And it was really hard. And it almost
Cara Taylor Swift:felt sickening to have to like get back on all the platforms
Cara Taylor Swift:again and get back to work there, I was really enjoying the
Cara Taylor Swift:break, I really want to take a little break, and just enjoy not
Cara Taylor Swift:being social for a while.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely coast, just enjoy the coast and the
Kimberly Beer:progress that you've made, and appreciate it and be thankful
Kimberly Beer:for where you are gratitude wise, as you're standing at the
Kimberly Beer:top of that hill. Or if you're halfway up it, it's okay to take
Kimberly Beer:a break too. I mean, I totally agree with all of that. I think
Kimberly Beer:that our culture just tells us push push, push, push, push, and
Kimberly Beer:you're not being successful if you aren't pushing, and I'm
Kimberly Beer:sorry, but the reason we push is so that we can take a break. And
Kimberly Beer:so push, push, push, take a minute, breathe, and enjoy the
Kimberly Beer:view. So the third part of what we want to impart today is to
Kimberly Beer:maintain your momentum to play like you've reached your goals,
Kimberly Beer:and then celebrate your successes. And I think we've
Kimberly Beer:talked a little bit about that in this series, The slowdown
Kimberly Beer:just now. But one of the things that I've noticed in a lot of my
Kimberly Beer:clients, businesses, as well as my own, not so much now, but in
Kimberly Beer:the past in particular is I'll set a goal, I'm I'll just throw
Kimberly Beer:myself under the bus here, but I'll set a goal, then I don't
Kimberly Beer:feel like I've reached that goal, right. It's a new goal,
Kimberly Beer:maybe for me, and I haven't, I haven't made as many inroads
Kimberly Beer:into being able to achieve that goal as I would like. And so I
Kimberly Beer:don't, I don't fully step into it with confidence, right? I
Kimberly Beer:don't have a lot of confidence around it. And then I find
Kimberly Beer:myself when I do that, that at the end of the day, I fall short
Kimberly Beer:of that goal. And what I want to encourage people to do,
Kimberly Beer:especially to help maintain momentum in their businesses is
Kimberly Beer:play like you've already reached the goal. Like if you want to
Kimberly Beer:add 10 more customers to your business, play like you already
Kimberly Beer:have those 10 Customers added I work with a lot of people who
Kimberly Beer:are starting coaching businesses. So I have a great
Kimberly Beer:many of clientele that are starting into coaching
Kimberly Beer:businesses, and at the beginning of a coaching business, they
Kimberly Beer:don't have a full client book. But when they come to me and we
Kimberly Beer:sit down and we talk about their coaching business, what I
Kimberly Beer:recommend is that they take a look at their schedule, and I'm
Kimberly Beer:a big proponent for how do you want to spend your day How do
Kimberly Beer:you want to spend your week how do you want to spend your year
Kimberly Beer:and when we look at the day or the week, I'm like, how do you
Kimberly Beer:want to spend that if it's in a perfect world and everything is
Kimberly Beer:the way that you want it to be? How many clients do you want to
Kimberly Beer:see in that week? Well, I want to see six clients every single
Kimberly Beer:week. Okay, mark out those six client time periods, whether
Kimberly Beer:they're 30 minutes or an hour or whatever it is, and show up.
Kimberly Beer:Even if you don't have a client show up, like you're gonna have
Kimberly Beer:a client be at your desk, be in the barn be wherever it is that
Kimberly Beer:you see your clients, and spend that time in that space. Like
Kimberly Beer:you already have those clients. Now on the backside of that you
Kimberly Beer:got to go after the clients, you can't just just let that drop
Kimberly Beer:and just hope that they appear in those time periods. The world
Kimberly Beer:isn't that magical. But what happens in that is because you
Kimberly Beer:play like you have those clients, like you have a full
Kimberly Beer:client book, when you have a person approach you and say,
Kimberly Beer:hey, I want to work with you don't tell them Well, I have all
Kimberly Beer:of these six slots open, say, Well, I have a coaching slot
Kimberly Beer:that I think will work for you. And then shuffle around and see
Kimberly Beer:what would work for them and add them to it. But play like you
Kimberly Beer:already have that book mostly done like you have filled your
Kimberly Beer:coaching slots up for the week, and you just have one left to
Kimberly Beer:fill up. And you'll notice that it really does work in that you
Kimberly Beer:get in the mindset of you're going to be there at those times
Kimberly Beer:when you said you were going to coach and you're showing up for
Kimberly Beer:yourself you're showing up and proving and I know Cara's gonna
Kimberly Beer:go You're being too woowoo here to the universe, that that that
Kimberly Beer:that time is perfect for what you've designated it for. So
Kimberly Beer:don't just say, Oh, I don't have a client this afternoon. So I'm
Kimberly Beer:going to sit down and watch all my children or something. I
Kimberly Beer:think all my children is off the air at this point. But I used to
Kimberly Beer:be addicted to that show. By the way. I've wasted a lot of my my
Kimberly Beer:early entrepreneurial years watching all my children versus
Kimberly Beer:seeing clients. I miss all my children. But anyway, so just
Kimberly Beer:make sure you're focusing on that Kara's laughing Did you
Kimberly Beer:ever watch any soap operas
Cara Taylor Swift:days of our lives? I started with my mother.
Kimberly Beer:You watched the one after the one I watched a
Cara Taylor Swift:nude into college. I was Yeah, I can't use
Cara Taylor Swift:came on.
Kimberly Beer:I was I was definitely all my children was
Kimberly Beer:always my favorite. I just I loved that show so much.
Cara Taylor Swift:Well as a 10 year old I think more than two
Cara Taylor Swift:hours of soap operas was probably plenty and my mother
Cara Taylor Swift:was probably like, Okay, you need to get outside and play
Cara Taylor Swift:now. You've seen Days of Our Lives as the days of our lives.
Kimberly Beer:She's the things that we did. I don't think
Kimberly Beer:anybody watches soap operas anymore.
Cara Taylor Swift:We have reality TV. Yeah, I
Kimberly Beer:guess we're watching Real Life soap operas.
Kimberly Beer:So who cares about the made up
Cara Taylor Swift:when it's right, it's way more exciting.
Kimberly Beer:I don't know. I still love the fact that anybody
Kimberly Beer:could die on all my children and they could come back. They were
Kimberly Beer:their evil twin or they're identical. At any point,
Cara Taylor Swift:it was the same thing. We're like, Yep,
Cara Taylor Swift:we've really gone down a rabbit hole here. With that being said
Cara Taylor Swift:it spent a little more time enjoying your soap operas. So if
Kimberly Beer:the way you want to celebrate your success at
Kimberly Beer:reaching your goal is to watch your soap opera in the afternoon
Kimberly Beer:and give yourself that hour. By all means do so. But definitely
Kimberly Beer:play like you've reached your goals. And when you do reach the
Kimberly Beer:goal or get close to it, celebrate your progress, for
Kimberly Beer:God's sakes, take yourself out to whatever makes you happy. And
Kimberly Beer:it doesn't have to be work related. You know, take the
Kimberly Beer:staycation take a weekend off and say, you know, I've worked
Kimberly Beer:really hard, I'm going to take the weekend off. And I'm not
Kimberly Beer:going to think anything about my business for three whole days.
Kimberly Beer:I'm gonna just concentrate on self care and my family and my
Kimberly Beer:animals and just enjoy my life.
Cara Taylor Swift:All right. Well, I think that wraps us up
Cara Taylor Swift:for today. Ken, what do you think?
Kimberly Beer:I do? I do. And I think that I hope that well, I
Kimberly Beer:hope that people have gotten a lot of good out of this because
Kimberly Beer:I know I have. It's made me feel a whole lot better about where I
Kimberly Beer:am just talking it out like this and understanding it from the
Kimberly Beer:perspective of being able to take that break and to
Kimberly Beer:understand that that momentum will continue.
Cara Taylor Swift:Absolutely. Well, you know what, we hope
Cara Taylor Swift:that this episode helps you guys get through your summertime
Cara Taylor Swift:slump and helps you maintain your momentum with your animal
Cara Taylor Swift:based business, y'all It is time we are in need of a couple of
Cara Taylor Swift:reviews for The Business Animal podcasts. So if you enjoyed this
Cara Taylor Swift:episode, and maybe you enjoyed some of our previous episodes,
Cara Taylor Swift:we would love for you guys to hop on and give us a rate and
Cara Taylor Swift:review. If you haven't already clicked the little Follow button
Cara Taylor Swift:as well on your listening app of choice. We would love it if you
Cara Taylor Swift:would do that too. This really helps out our podcast get heard
Cara Taylor Swift:by other folks that are out there looking for shows like
Cara Taylor Swift:ours. My hope you guys are having a good summer and we'll
Cara Taylor Swift:see you next week.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of The Business
Jaz:Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And
Jaz:if you learned something today, leave us a review. To learn
Jaz:more. Find us at the business animal.com We'd love to hear
Jaz:from you. Until next time Keep your business well trained with
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