Expos and tradeshows are target rich environments for sales and marketing. Spring expo season is headed our way right now and it’s time to get ready in a way that will create success that does more than just cover the booth fee! In today’s episode, Kim and Cara talk about three key aspects of creating a happy expo experience for you and your business.

Kimberly Beer:

The Business Animal podcast is proudly

Kimberly Beer:

sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress

Kimberly Beer:

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Kimberly Beer:

head over to thebusinessanimal.com for the

Kimberly Beer:

best deals on these two amazing products.


Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools


that will take overwhelm to obedience school and have you


wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts Kim Beer and Cara


Taylor Swift

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals It's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara with Fast Horse photography.

Kimberly Beer:

Welcome to The Business Animal Podcast. Today

Kimberly Beer:

we're going to be talking about one of my favorite subjects and

Kimberly Beer:

that is trade shows and expos and how to bring the WOW to the

Kimberly Beer:

next one that you do. You know what is coming up Cara? One of

Kimberly Beer:

my favorite times of year. Do you know what that time of year is?

Cara Taylor Swift:

If it doesn't have anything to do with

Cara Taylor Swift:

chocolate or being outside with my animals? Because it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

springtime. I honestly have no idea. You're going to have to

Cara Taylor Swift:

fill me in. But I'm guessing it's something to do with expos

Cara Taylor Swift:

because that

Kimberly Beer:

It's Expo season.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Okay Expo Season I should have guessed

Kimberly Beer:

It is Expo season. It's Expo and tradeshow

Kimberly Beer:


Kimberly Beer:

season. And weirdly enough, I know that this is gonna sound

Kimberly Beer:

super twisted. And there's tons of people out there that are

Kimberly Beer:

listening to this that are going man Kim is weird, but I think

Kimberly Beer:

everyone would probably agree to that to a degree. But I love

Kimberly Beer:

trade shows and expos I love going and chit chatting with

Kimberly Beer:

people at them. I love doing the sales part. I don't like setting

Kimberly Beer:

up or breaking down the booth. Anything else beyond that I

Kimberly Beer:

absolutely adore I love planning for them. I love picking out the

Kimberly Beer:

graphics for them. Cara and I have both spent way too much

Kimberly Beer:

time this morning when we should have been recording the podcast

Kimberly Beer:

talking about a trade show that we're going to be going to very

Kimberly Beer:

soon called AIM.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Animal image makers. So that's why we decided

Cara Taylor Swift:

to chat about this topic on the show. Because this is all we've

Cara Taylor Swift:

been talking about. For the last I don't know hour we've been

Cara Taylor Swift:

sitting here planning our animal image makers trade show booth,

Cara Taylor Swift:

our expo booth. So we were like, You know what, there's other

Cara Taylor Swift:

people that are dealing with this right now in the animal

Cara Taylor Swift:

world. So we're gonna hop on and we're gonna do a quick episode

Cara Taylor Swift:

for you guys.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. So we came up with a big three for

Kimberly Beer:

expos and trade shows. The first one of that is to get your

Kimberly Beer:

offers together, which is what Cara and I have been working on

Kimberly Beer:

this morning, how what are we going to offer? How are we going

Kimberly Beer:

to focus on that? How are we going to drive the traffic in

Kimberly Beer:

our booth? And what is the result that we want to get from

Kimberly Beer:

that. The second thing we're going to talk about today is

Kimberly Beer:

designing a booth that has an open flow to it. This is a

Kimberly Beer:

question that I get a lot from people, when I talk to them

Kimberly Beer:

about trade shows and how to do them, they think they just need

Kimberly Beer:

to bring a table and their first inclination is to set that table

Kimberly Beer:

right in front of the booth. And we're going to talk about why

Kimberly Beer:

that's not a good idea. And then also the part of the expo booth

Kimberly Beer:

that I absolutely adore. And that is doing the sales

Kimberly Beer:

conversation that you need to have with the people that are

Kimberly Beer:

coming up. We've got some great tips for you around that. But

Kimberly Beer:

first, before we even go there, I do want to just address for a

Kimberly Beer:

moment. Why should you even be doing trade shows and expos Do

Kimberly Beer:

you have any ideas around that Cara? What What are your

Kimberly Beer:

thoughts on why people should do? Why are why are we doing a

Kimberly Beer:

trade show?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I think there's I mean, I think there's

Cara Taylor Swift:

a lot of different reasons that a business owner would do a

Cara Taylor Swift:

trade show or an expo and have a booth set up. I think there's a

Cara Taylor Swift:

lot of different reasons. I've certainly done them where I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

been selling things I've done on where I've been trying to gain

Cara Taylor Swift:

more exposure and meet more people and grow my mailing list.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I mean, we just were at art of the cowgirl. Gosh, how long ago

Cara Taylor Swift:

was that? Several weeks ago now. We were just at art of the

Cara Taylor Swift:

cowgirl in our main goal and focus there while we were

Cara Taylor Swift:

selling art for the barn. We were also talking about Cowgirls

Cara Taylor Swift:

with cameras and some of the offers that we have. And we were

Cara Taylor Swift:

growing our mailing list and mostly just meeting people and

Cara Taylor Swift:

making connections. So yeah, I think there's a lot of different

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

So for me, I think trade shows and expos are

Kimberly Beer:

at the top of my list especially for new businesses or businesses

Kimberly Beer:

that are just launching into a marketplace for you to really

Kimberly Beer:

get kick started in in your business. A lot of us today

Kimberly Beer:

depend on social media, we depend on the internet to bring

Kimberly Beer:

us our business but there is nothing that beats that meeting

Kimberly Beer:

people hands on looking at a product or really talking to the

Kimberly Beer:

person that's providing the service and knows a lot about it

Kimberly Beer:

and and from a consumers perspective of getting your

Kimberly Beer:

questions answered and seeing all of your options in one

Kimberly Beer:

central location. And I know it's been a few years since

Kimberly Beer:

we've really been able to have a good Expo experience with COVID

Kimberly Beer:

hanging around and sort of dogging us into not having as

Kimberly Beer:

many live events. But those things are coming back now. And

Kimberly Beer:

despite the fact that I'd brought home COVID from Art of

Kimberly Beer:

the cow girl, I think we're all proceeding back to that that

Kimberly Beer:

situation where we're going to be face to face with each other

Kimberly Beer:

again, and this is a really important way to be able to

Kimberly Beer:

promote your business. And there are trade shows, and expos too,

Kimberly Beer:

that that happen online, I don't want to discount that. But what

Kimberly Beer:

we're talking about today are going to be those live events

Kimberly Beer:

where lots of consumers show up and you have a booth for your

Kimberly Beer:

business. So let's dive into the first part of the big three,

Kimberly Beer:

which is to get your offers figured out before you get to

Kimberly Beer:

the trade show. So it's really important to understand what to

Kimberly Beer:

focus on, if you have a lot of things that you're selling, what

Kimberly Beer:

I see happens is that it gets really difficult to sell

Kimberly Beer:

anything, it's sort of like all things in marketing, when you

Kimberly Beer:

are talking to everyone or have lots of choices, no one listens,

Kimberly Beer:

and no one actually makes a choice. So what I recommend when

Kimberly Beer:

you book your booth at a trade show, first of all, there's some

Kimberly Beer:

work that goes into thinking in advance, is this a good place

Kimberly Beer:

for me to be? Does it have my target market there? And would

Kimberly Beer:

they be interested in an offer that I have available? And if

Kimberly Beer:

the answer to those questions is all yes, then you need to think

Kimberly Beer:

about what do I want to get out of this tradeshow? What is my

Kimberly Beer:

goal? is my goal to sell products? And if it's to sell

Kimberly Beer:

products, is there a specific line of product that I want to

Kimberly Beer:

promote at this event? If I'm selling a service? What do I

Kimberly Beer:

want people to do? Do I need them to book an exploratory

Kimberly Beer:

call? Do I need to just get them on my database so I can

Kimberly Beer:

communicate and follow up with them afterward? So you need to

Kimberly Beer:

have a clear focus for your booth about what it is that

Kimberly Beer:

you're selling what you're offering. So that's your offer?

Kimberly Beer:

And then how are you going to present that to people? And what

Kimberly Beer:

is the next best step for that tradeshow audience to take with

Kimberly Beer:

whatever it is that your offer is. So if it's an exploratory

Kimberly Beer:

call, can you sign him up for it right then and there, so you're

Kimberly Beer:

booking that? If it's a product, are you going to have that

Kimberly Beer:

product in your booth? So you can hand it to them and send

Kimberly Beer:

them on their way? What are your thoughts around offers? Cara?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I agree after our art of the cowgirl

Cara Taylor Swift:

experience, I think one of the challenges that you know, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

worked at our booth most of the most of the week we were there.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I think one of the challenges was we had two things

Cara Taylor Swift:

we had as products. One was our art for the barn, which was

Cara Taylor Swift:

hanging on the walls, tangible, something they could touch and

Cara Taylor Swift:

take or order online. The second piece was we had our cowgirls

Cara Taylor Swift:

with cameras information, where we were hoping to pull people

Cara Taylor Swift:

in, or at least give them information about our upcoming

Cara Taylor Swift:

workshops. So one of the challenges with having both of

Cara Taylor Swift:

those offers was we were talking to two completely different

Cara Taylor Swift:

audiences for the most part. And so Marcy and I who was Marcy was

Cara Taylor Swift:

helping at the booth, you know, that was one of our challenges

Cara Taylor Swift:

was trying to keep tabs on who was interested in what and

Cara Taylor Swift:

getting them into the right funnels at that actual event. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

I agree having a small number, something really small that

Cara Taylor Swift:

everyone on your team is focused on pushing and promoting and

Cara Taylor Swift:

talking about with a consistent message probably would have made

Cara Taylor Swift:

that week a little easier for us.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. You know, this brings to mind to me

Kimberly Beer:

an experience that I had when I was selling at National Western

Kimberly Beer:

Stock Show in Denver quite a few years ago, but I was

Kimberly Beer:

representing a co-op of Equine businesses that had kind of

Kimberly Beer:

bought into doing a single booth around some really nice elite

Kimberly Beer:

equine products, there was Rockin J horse stalls, CSI

Kimberly Beer:

saddle pads, a product called the equiface saver and some

Kimberly Beer:

other other really nice products that kind of decided to do a

Kimberly Beer:

co-op. And then we just took turns in sales booth. And that

Kimberly Beer:

meant that I had a lot of offers to present to people which

Kimberly Beer:

presented a challenge. So if you're a business that has that,

Kimberly Beer:

what you want to do is try to figure out right away or as

Kimberly Beer:

quickly as possible, what they're interested in and then

Kimberly Beer:

have an offer for that item. Right? I would ask the person

Kimberly Beer:

when they came up to the booth, you know, what kind of riding do

Kimberly Beer:

you do, I would get them started talking about their equine

Kimberly Beer:

experience. And then it would be pretty evident pretty quickly

Kimberly Beer:

what it is that they'd be interested in. And I could shift

Kimberly Beer:

them to that offer, which I think is exactly what we did at

Kimberly Beer:

the art of the cowgirl booth, we got to know kind of quickly what

Kimberly Beer:

it is they were interested in and then being able to present

Kimberly Beer:

that but the fewer number of those offers that you can get

Kimberly Beer:

things down to the easier it is for you to navigate sales in

Kimberly Beer:

your booth. So it's just simpler if you can reduce it to even one

Kimberly Beer:

offer. And you know what, for a lot of you who have service

Kimberly Beer:

oriented businesses or you're into just the launch phase of

Kimberly Beer:

your business, it's okay if that offer is just simply to build

Kimberly Beer:

your database at this event. You don't have to sell a lot of

Kimberly Beer:

stuff, you don't have to have something that's super

Kimberly Beer:

complicated. It could just be a an opportunity for people to

Kimberly Beer:

start seeing you to understand your brand presence. And then

Kimberly Beer:

for you to consider the conversion in this sale, getting

Kimberly Beer:

them to sign up for your database, and we had a lot of

Kimberly Beer:

success with that at art of the cowgirl I was very, very pleased

Kimberly Beer:

with the number of people that signed up to want to continue to

Kimberly Beer:

communicate with us after that event.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Are you looking to bring awareness to

Cara Taylor Swift:

your equine based product or service or create a unique way

Cara Taylor Swift:

for your audience to feel connected to your brand? Quality

Cara Taylor Swift:

horse photos tell your story and breathe life into your

Cara Taylor Swift:

marketing. They draw your customers in and create an

Cara Taylor Swift:

emotional connection powerful images, communicate your core

Cara Taylor Swift:

values and highlight the benefits your product offers.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Ultimately, proving your business is a voice your

Cara Taylor Swift:

customers can trust, it's time to use dynamic images that

Cara Taylor Swift:

define your small business and separate you from the rest of

Cara Taylor Swift:

the herd. Fast Horse photography's professional photo

Cara Taylor Swift:library features:Cara Taylor Swift:

businesses just like yours. And guess what? 100% of those images

Cara Taylor Swift:

are horse related. Now finding the right horse images for your

Cara Taylor Swift:

website, social media and marketing needs is easier than

Cara Taylor Swift:

ever help your audience see that your brand offers the answers

Cara Taylor Swift:

they are looking for search for the perfect images for your

Cara Taylor Swift:

equine business right now spur your customers into action with

Cara Taylor Swift:

fasthorsephotography.com. That's fasthorsephotography.com.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I think the thing that really helped us too is that we spent

Cara Taylor Swift:

so much time beforehand, thinking about that process and

Cara Taylor Swift:

how that would work. So that it would be really smooth. I mean,

Cara Taylor Swift:

because honestly Gone are the days where you have to you have

Cara Taylor Swift:

a clipboard with a piece of paper where you people are

Cara Taylor Swift:

writing their information. I mean, there's so many better

Cara Taylor Swift:

ways that you can pull people in and get them right into your

Cara Taylor Swift:

system. And so we had a really great system where we were able

Cara Taylor Swift:

to pull people's information right in and send it to our CRM,

Cara Taylor Swift:

so they were in the funnel and ready to roll. So that was super

Cara Taylor Swift:

helpful for us as well is that we took the time beforehand to

Cara Taylor Swift:

figure out how we were going to do that and have everybody that

Cara Taylor Swift:

was doing that trained in the system and how to put people's

Cara Taylor Swift:

information in and pull that. So that was huge. For us.

Kimberly Beer:

It was huge. And then it also eliminates that

Kimberly Beer:

horrible experience as a business owner when you get back

Kimberly Beer:

to your office. And you figure out how poor people's

Kimberly Beer:

handwriting really is, or how how different that they write

Kimberly Beer:

from you. And it's really hard to read the addresses and then

Kimberly Beer:

you don't communicate and the person on the other end thinks

Kimberly Beer:

you're just not doing your job because you're not communicating

Kimberly Beer:

with them. So the goal here is to really get it down to narrow

Kimberly Beer:

down what you're wanting to do. The second piece of that is to

Kimberly Beer:

really think about how to invite those conversations to start and

Kimberly Beer:

that is centered a lot around your booth design. So I did a

Kimberly Beer:

lot of tradeshow selling CSI saddle pads across the equine

Kimberly Beer:

experience and the booths that were set up for CSI were very

Kimberly Beer:

open. In other words, the product was all against the back

Kimberly Beer:

wall of the booth, the owner of that company went to extra

Kimberly Beer:

trouble to always get a corner booth so that the booth was even

Kimberly Beer:

more open. Now I realize we all can't have corner booths because

Kimberly Beer:

there's not that many corners in a trade show. But the goal here

Kimberly Beer:

is to remember that people need to get out of the aisle and back

Kimberly Beer:

when equine trade shows where all the balm across everything.

Kimberly Beer:

And I mean it just was you would go to equine affair and there

Kimberly Beer:

was just like literally hardly any room to stand in the aisles

Kimberly Beer:

of the booths, especially as you got towards the middle of the

Kimberly Beer:

aisle or along the bigger traffic areas. And what would

Kimberly Beer:

happen is if you were having a conversation with somebody, they

Kimberly Beer:

kept getting bumped into by the people, and it was uncomfortable

Kimberly Beer:

as the people were moving through. So we learned really

Kimberly Beer:

quickly how to set up a booth where it had an open space so

Kimberly Beer:

that people could walk in out of the traffic pattern and be able

Kimberly Beer:

to stop and chit chat. And it's nice to make that experience as

Kimberly Beer:

comfortable as possible. One Crazy little thing that we

Kimberly Beer:

learned at the CSI Booth was if we put down a foam on the floor

Kimberly Beer:

of the booth and people step on it, they've been walking on hard

Kimberly Beer:

concrete and then they step into your booth and it's

Kimberly Beer:

automatically more comfortable on their legs. It's a noticeable

Kimberly Beer:

difference for them and they'll hang out with you just a little

Kimberly Beer:

bit longer because they are enjoying the comfort of standing

Kimberly Beer:

on a soft surface which was important for us with the saddle

Kimberly Beer:

pads because that had to do with pressure and all of that. So it

Kimberly Beer:

was also we turned that into a sales tool. But that's just a

Kimberly Beer:

cool point of how you design your booth matters for the

Kimberly Beer:

people that are coming into it. They need to feel welcome.

Kimberly Beer:

People won't walk through a really narrow space. They've got

Kimberly Beer:

to have a several feet like a minimum of four feet to feel

Kimberly Beer:

like they're not like intruding on you,

Cara Taylor Swift:

Especially during a pandemic.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, especially during a pandemic. And you don't

Kimberly Beer:

want to block that front entrance with a table or with

Kimberly Beer:

something else where it feels like they're not welcome to walk

Kimberly Beer:

past a certain barrier. So just really think hard about how can

Kimberly Beer:

I make my booth feel warm and welcoming to people coming into

Kimberly Beer:

it? And I know, Cara, you are a warm and welcoming person. So do

Kimberly Beer:

you have any tips for folks around that?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I know that that was a constant

Cara Taylor Swift:

challenge for us at art of the cowgirl and also at other events

Cara Taylor Swift:

that I've done, because we had so many large pieces and

Cara Taylor Swift:

everything hanging in set up. And then we had so many people

Cara Taylor Swift:

hanging around our booth, which is a great problem to have, the

Cara Taylor Swift:

way that our booth was set up is that it was easy for people to

Cara Taylor Swift:

get in and get trapped inside. And so I do remember spending a

Cara Taylor Swift:

lot of time trying to move people through and keeping the

Cara Taylor Swift:

open area open for folks. And I think that's probably that was

Cara Taylor Swift:

probably one of the challenges in it. And I've had that issue

Cara Taylor Swift:

at other events as well, you do want it to be open. I mean,

Cara Taylor Swift:

we've all been in that situation where we've been walking down

Cara Taylor Swift:

the expo aisle, and the booths are on both sides of you. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's certain booths that are more inviting for one reason or

Cara Taylor Swift:

another. And for me, I am drawn to the ones that have more space

Cara Taylor Swift:

that I feel like I can be in the booth but not necessarily have

Cara Taylor Swift:

to have a conversation right away, if that makes sense. Like

Cara Taylor Swift:

I can just kind of pick around and look at stuff and touch a

Cara Taylor Swift:

couple things. And that's moving us into I know our number three.

Cara Taylor Swift:

But you know, that's a big thing I think is you've got to get

Cara Taylor Swift:

people close enough to your booth to even start number

Cara Taylor Swift:

three, your sales pitch, right?

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, you do. You've got to get them in and

Kimberly Beer:

they have to feel comfortable. And it's also important to

Kimberly Beer:

understand there are introverts and extroverts in the world. So

Kimberly Beer:

for me, I immediately make contact with the person in the

Kimberly Beer:

booth and acknowledge that I'm there. And that's just part of

Kimberly Beer:

my extrovert where you rely on your introvert and want a little

Kimberly Beer:

bit more privacy. And as a savvy salesperson, you will start to

Kimberly Beer:

recognize with body language and with other hints, when is the

Kimberly Beer:

appropriate time to walk over and start that sales

Kimberly Beer:

conversation with people and I do think that moves us into our

Kimberly Beer:

number three, which here the big takeaway for this one is, is I

Kimberly Beer:

want you to move from having a sales pitch into having a sales

Kimberly Beer:

conversation with people. So many times at tradeshow booths,

Kimberly Beer:

it feels like the people who set up booths especially when

Kimberly Beer:

they're new, they like got too attracted. I don't know if

Kimberly Beer:

you've been to like a state fair. And they have like the

Kimberly Beer:

cooking booth that selling the pots and pans or knives or

Kimberly Beer:

whatever they sell. And the person sits up there in the

Kimberly Beer:

thing and they they have a whole sales spiel about this knife

Kimberly Beer:

cuts Ginsu knives cut this, you know, I mean, it's the

Kimberly Beer:

infomercial kind of deal, it feels like a lot of businesses

Kimberly Beer:

when they are new to trade shows. That's the way they set

Kimberly Beer:

their booth up, right and you walk in and they just

Kimberly Beer:

immediately kind of start into their pitch about their product

Kimberly Beer:

and they don't take the time to get to know you. As a person

Kimberly Beer:

who's done a lot of sales, I can tell you that the secret to

Kimberly Beer:

making sales is not doing all of the talking it's actually doing

Kimberly Beer:

all of the listening and then helping guide the person through

Kimberly Beer:

the sales experience and that is having a conversation and when

Kimberly Beer:

all you do is pitch then it becomes much more difficult to

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah 100% 100% I am not one that is

Cara Taylor Swift:

ever been a sales pitchy person I do I like to sell so for me

Cara Taylor Swift:

even though I'm an introvert I do like to sell. So you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

when people are coming to our booth and walking into our

Cara Taylor Swift:

booth, and we've got art hanging up, we're hoping to sell to

Cara Taylor Swift:

someone I love to use open ended sentences. So I might say like a

Cara Taylor Swift:

question I might say something like, tell me which piece you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

drawn to that made you come in I would love to tell you the story

Cara Taylor Swift:

about how that was created. Just something to talk to people

Cara Taylor Swift:

about what brought them in and how they're enjoying their day.

Cara Taylor Swift:

You know, what do you think about this weather but trying to

Cara Taylor Swift:

use conversation as a way to get them talking? So not asking

Cara Taylor Swift:

those yes or no questions? Like are you having a good time

Cara Taylor Swift:

today? Can I tell you about that piece? Yeah, so these are all

Cara Taylor Swift:

yes or no answers you're going to get from them. So getting

Cara Taylor Swift:

them talking and then having the conversation is the best part

Cara Taylor Swift:

and then you warm up to each other. And the next thing you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know I had you know I was standing there telling them the

Cara Taylor Swift:

stories behind all the pieces and adding that emotional

Cara Taylor Swift:

connection to things make such a difference than for the next

Cara Taylor Swift:

step when you're selling equine art.

Kimberly Beer:

Every small business owner wants to gain

Kimberly Beer:

traction in their marketing. After three decades of working

Kimberly Beer:

with small business owners just like you I have developed what I

Kimberly Beer:

call my four by four marketing method. In just one 90 minute

Kimberly Beer:

session you'll discover the four major focus areas of a

Kimberly Beer:

successful marketing plan and together will uncover where your

Kimberly Beer:

business is getting stuck. You'll leave the session with an

Kimberly Beer:

action plan of next steps that engage your revenue engine drop

Kimberly Beer:

by bemorebusiness.com to request your session today. That's

Kimberly Beer:

B-E-M-O-R-Ebusiness.com. See you there!

Kimberly Beer:

I don't care what you're selling, starting out with

Kimberly Beer:

having a conversation with people and asking them a

Kimberly Beer:

question that they can't answer with yes or no is just a really

Kimberly Beer:

important piece. And you don't have to start out if you don't

Kimberly Beer:

like idle chit chat. You don't need to start out with how are

Kimberly Beer:

you enjoying the weather? How are you enjoying the trade show?

Kimberly Beer:

You can go ahead and start in like you did. I think that was a

Kimberly Beer:

brilliant question to ask people, you know, what image

Kimberly Beer:

were you drawn to in here, because I'd like to share the

Kimberly Beer:

story behind it. Or maybe you'd like to learn the story behind

Kimberly Beer:

it. And it's fun, because our images do have some great

Kimberly Beer:

stories behind them. And we all have a special memories of those

Kimberly Beer:

stories that we love to share with people. But the same is

Kimberly Beer:

true across anything that you're selling. Even if you're selling

Kimberly Beer:

a widget, you know, I mean, just asking people what their

Kimberly Beer:

experience is and getting an idea I mean of what what either

Kimberly Beer:

draws them in or what their pain point is, on why they walked

Kimberly Beer:

into that booth because they're they have a curiosity about

Kimberly Beer:

something and having them explain that to you, it means

Kimberly Beer:

that you can move the conversation into a conversion a

Kimberly Beer:

whole lot easier, because it feels very special for them. And

Kimberly Beer:in all of those hundreds or:Kimberly Beer:

sold, or horse stalls or any of the variety thing. I sold carpet

Kimberly Beer:

Cleaning for a while, I mean, it's just crazy, the number of

Kimberly Beer:

things that I've sold in my lifetime, learning that one

Kimberly Beer:

secret to stop pitching and start asking and really take the

Kimberly Beer:

time to listen to the person that is speaking to me and what

Kimberly Beer:

their needs are and where they're approaching, it really

Kimberly Beer:

helps me guide where I want to take my sales conversation, that

Kimberly Beer:

would be the best thing to help them. The other thing this

Kimberly Beer:

allows you to do is it allows you to build a rapport with

Kimberly Beer:

people that makes them want to sign up to hear more from you

Kimberly Beer:

because you've taken an interest in them. So even if they don't

Kimberly Beer:

purchase the conversion to them signing up for your VIP list is

Kimberly Beer:

a whole lot easier, because you've listened to them. And

Kimberly Beer:

they do want to be in contact with you again, because you've

Kimberly Beer:

taken the time to get to know them. So I do think it makes a

Kimberly Beer:

huge difference with being able to get people to return loose of

Kimberly Beer:

their email address and sign up for other activities.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well yeah because even if they don't end

Cara Taylor Swift:

up, you know, buying something from you that day, if there's

Cara Taylor Swift:

not a conversion, that conversion could literally be

Cara Taylor Swift:

that the last ditch is you've at least got them on your mailing

Cara Taylor Swift:

list, and you can continue to educate them on your product and

Cara Taylor Swift:

services and how you can alleviate pain points. I mean, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

think that's a win too. And it's okay for that to be the win.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, exactly. It is okay for that to be a win.

Kimberly Beer:

Cara, you have some really interesting little tips on here,

Kimberly Beer:

kind of underneath all of this that we probably should have

Kimberly Beer:

gotten to at the beginning. But let's talk about this I see on

Kimberly Beer:

here. So Cara, and I have a note sheet that we work off of so

Kimberly Beer:

that we stay on the same topic, because otherwise I probably

Kimberly Beer:

have a tendency to go chase butterflies somewhere. And on it

Kimberly Beer:

she's talking about social media channels and promoting, tell us

Kimberly Beer:

tell us what your thoughts are around that. Because that's such

Kimberly Beer:

a good idea. And I think people just don't always do it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, I think a lot of the events, especially

Cara Taylor Swift:

the bigger events, they have tools in place already to help

Cara Taylor Swift:

you. So one of the things that I like to think about is if they

Cara Taylor Swift:

have tools to help you like if they have a social media channel

Cara Taylor Swift:

that they're talking about, you know, how do you get involved

Cara Taylor Swift:

with being a part of their social media channel and their

Cara Taylor Swift:

information they're putting out to the world. Also, a lot of

Cara Taylor Swift:

times they are using event hashtags now. And if you can

Cara Taylor Swift:

plan to build hype before, during and after the event by

Cara Taylor Swift:

posting things that you're doing to prep for the event using the

Cara Taylor Swift:

hashtag asking people you know, who's going to be at the event?

Cara Taylor Swift:

And can you need do you want to stop by and see us, and then at

Cara Taylor Swift:

the event, look what we're doing, if you're here, stop by

Cara Taylor Swift:

and see us, you know, or here's, you know, even if you're not

Cara Taylor Swift:

here, here's a special promo we have going on that you could

Cara Taylor Swift:

access during the event, or Oh, leaving the event, it was a

Cara Taylor Swift:

great week, you know, here's some of the wins that we had,

Cara Taylor Swift:

like just using those hashtags. And being a part of that Expo

Cara Taylor Swift:

community and ride that wave, while it's happening can be

Cara Taylor Swift:

really good for your business before and after, as well. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

not just during that time that you're there. And I also like to

Cara Taylor Swift:

point out because Kim and I, I mean, we're talking about it,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, in terms of I feel like because I'm thinking of

Cara Taylor Swift:

animal image makers, or other big expos that I've been to,

Cara Taylor Swift:

like I'm thinking about it in terms of bigger events. But for

Cara Taylor Swift:

a lot of animal based business owners, this might look like a

Cara Taylor Swift:

small festival in your community. You know, if you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

an artist like I am, we have a lot of art festivals here in St.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Augustine. And I do have the opportunity sometimes to

Cara Taylor Swift:

participate in those that might not be an event that draws a lot

Cara Taylor Swift:

of people but if I've identified it as an event, we're all seeing

Cara Taylor Swift:

my audience, these tactics and this setup and this kind of prep

Cara Taylor Swift:

work for the small level events as well. So if you don't find

Cara Taylor Swift:

your yourself in a place where you're going to a big Expo, but

Cara Taylor Swift:

maybe you've got a big I don't know, if you have a big horse

Cara Taylor Swift:

show coming to your area and you have the opportunity to set up a

Cara Taylor Swift:

booth there even using some of these tactics to get people in

Cara Taylor Swift:

to talk to you, you know, having beautiful eye catching signage

Cara Taylor Swift:

available so that people are drawn to your booth and they see

Cara Taylor Swift:

you and they see your brand. And they you're getting that

Cara Taylor Swift:

exposure, we're doing some kind of contest or giveaway at the

Cara Taylor Swift:

event like these are all things that work or the really small

Cara Taylor Swift:

animal based business as well and can transfer to smaller

Cara Taylor Swift:

events, if they're appropriate for your audience. If your

Cara Taylor Swift:

people are going to be there, then you can be there too, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

get some value from that.

Kimberly Beer:

I think those are all great ideas. And I do think

Kimberly Beer:

that, you know, we do tend to think about the bigger events

Kimberly Beer:

being where we want to focus. But I've made some great

Kimberly Beer:

contacts at small events. And one of my best events that I

Kimberly Beer:

ever did was a Purina horse owners workshop in Kansas City.

Kimberly Beer:

And I kind of got randomly invited at the last minute to

Kimberly Beer:

set a table up for my photography. And honestly, I met

Kimberly Beer:

a client at that event that changed my life, because they

Kimberly Beer:

were very well known. And then after that, they introduced me

Kimberly Beer:

to a lot of other well known people. So it was a huge break

Kimberly Beer:

for me. And it was a crazy little table that I had set up.

Kimberly Beer:

It wasn't even a four foot long table with a few photos on it.

Kimberly Beer:

And it was covered in a paper tablecloth

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

So yeah, it was it was not my finest booth

Kimberly Beer:

moment. But these things allow you to do networking, which you

Kimberly Beer:

never know where the next big break for your business is going

Kimberly Beer:

to actually come from. I mean, we can take some educated

Kimberly Beer:

guesses. But this allows you to set yourself up for really

Kimberly Beer:

opening doors for your business. So I've watched numerous

Kimberly Beer:

businesses, especially in the animal based and equine

Kimberly Beer:

industries, launch their entire success that was able to carry

Kimberly Beer:

them through everything in the future by focusing on attending

Kimberly Beer:

trade shows, and expos and really learning how to work this

Kimberly Beer:

system so that they could become successful at it

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well Kim I hear a lot of people talk about

Cara Taylor Swift:

like they went to an event and they had a booth. But it really

Cara Taylor Swift:

wasn't successful for them. Like they didn't get anything out of

Cara Taylor Swift:

it. And what I think happens there and this is from personal

Cara Taylor Swift:

experience is that they weren't doing our big three, right, they

Cara Taylor Swift:

weren't, first of all, they didn't have a focus, they were

Cara Taylor Swift:

just there for exposure. And I'm using air quotes here. But they

Cara Taylor Swift:

didn't have a focus with an offer. And they didn't put the

Cara Taylor Swift:

time in to really think about how they were going to present

Cara Taylor Swift:

that offer. And instead, they spent their time sitting behind

Cara Taylor Swift:

the booth not talking to people. And I think that's the biggest

Cara Taylor Swift:

thing, you know, spend the time in advance, making sure that

Cara Taylor Swift:

this event that your people are there that you have potential

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients there, and then streamline that offer so that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're ready to talk about it. And you've got the tools in

Cara Taylor Swift:

place to either sell to convert to get them on your list

Cara Taylor Swift:

somehow, so that you can convert them later, and that you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

making those connections at that event. And then you know, once

Cara Taylor Swift:

again, you see the booths, they're set up, they've got the

Cara Taylor Swift:

table in the front, they're sitting behind the desk, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

it's it just doesn't look inviting at all are your people

Cara Taylor Swift:

like me that are introverts and they want to sneak up to the

Cara Taylor Swift:

booth and look at things first before talking to anyone you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know that it's set up in a way that people want to, you know

Cara Taylor Swift:

that there's something about that booth that just draws them

Cara Taylor Swift:

in. And then the third have conversations, you know, having

Cara Taylor Swift:

conversation sales conversations versus a pitch. And I mean, we

Cara Taylor Swift:

all know our products and services hopefully inside and

Cara Taylor Swift:

out. And when that person is ready to chat about that, we'll

Cara Taylor Swift:

be ready to chat about that. But you've got to get them to that

Cara Taylor Swift:

point. And you've got to build I'm calling it a relationship,

Cara Taylor Swift:

but you've got to build a connection, you know, before you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can get to that side of things. So that's why I think there are

Cara Taylor Swift:

people out there that have those experiences, like this was just

Cara Taylor Swift:

not a good event for me. And I think a lot of times we need to

Cara Taylor Swift:

pull some of that ownership back on us and really identify, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know what we did to get ourselves there and were we as

Cara Taylor Swift:

prepared as we could have been?

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely and it is it's not good when you walk

Kimberly Beer:

into a trade show and you're going down the aisle as a

Kimberly Beer:

consumer and there's somebody sitting in a chair in the back

Kimberly Beer:

of the booth with just a table with some literature and the

Kimberly Beer:

front of the of the booth is just not an inviting situation

Kimberly Beer:

for people. I do have one like really random tip before we wrap

Kimberly Beer:

up that is specific to that. One of the things that I learned

Kimberly Beer:

pretty quickly was if you raise the table up to chest height,

Kimberly Beer:

and then you use director's chairs, if you want to sit and

Kimberly Beer:

talk to people raise your table up to chest height and then use

Kimberly Beer:

director's chairs so you're on eye level with the people that

Kimberly Beer:

are walking down the aisle. It makes that contact for

Kimberly Beer:

conversation a little bit easier. It just facilitates it

Kimberly Beer:

because you're at eye level with them. They aren't looking down

Kimberly Beer:

on you. You're looking at them straight on. So There's a little

Kimberly Beer:

tactic that you can use to be able to really help with your

Kimberly Beer:

booth is set up so that it makes it more comfortable for you. And

Kimberly Beer:

it makes it easier for you to make that contact with people

Kimberly Beer:

eye to eye and start the conversation with them when

Kimberly Beer:

they're walking down the aisle way. So if you're struggling

Kimberly Beer:

with that, and you find yourself in the back of the booth a lot,

Kimberly Beer:

try that particular tactic, raise your table, raise your

Kimberly Beer:

chair and see if you can get more success that way. I think

Kimberly Beer:

that these are all great tips. And I like I said it's one of my

Kimberly Beer:

favorite seasons out of the entire year trade shows and expo

Kimberly Beer:

season. I am excited because I haven't been to trade shows and

Kimberly Beer:

expos just here and there dotted especially for the last couple

Kimberly Beer:

of years. And I have I'm going to Equifest of Kansas. I have a

Kimberly Beer:

booth now at a networking event in Kansas City that I'm excited

Kimberly Beer:

about we're doing AIM there's just a lot of really good

Kimberly Beer:

opportunities that are coming up that where I get to spend in my

Kimberly Beer:

wheelhouse of standing in a booth and chit chatting with

Kimberly Beer:

people and doing sales conversations. And they're going

Kimberly Beer:

to get hit with a double whammy with Cara and I in the same

Kimberly Beer:

booth at AIM. So be prepared if you're coming to AIM

Cara Taylor Swift:

And a triple whammy with Phyllis there so

Kimberly Beer:

and a triple Phyllis is not like she's so

Kimberly Beer:

sweet and southern. She has a whole different style than we

Kimberly Beer:

do. She's she's got this very kind demeanor and people just

Kimberly Beer:

really are drawn to her and that's

Cara Taylor Swift:

So you're saying she's less obnoxious than

Cara Taylor Swift:

we are. I don't understand?

Kimberly Beer:

I don't know I don't know where I was going

Kimberly Beer:

with that. I probably better get my foot out of my mouth before I

Kimberly Beer:

insert it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Exactly. You want to keep doing the show

Cara Taylor Swift:

together. You better you better watch what you say in the next

Cara Taylor Swift:

two seconds of this episode.

Kimberly Beer:

I love it. And speaking of speaking of our

Kimberly Beer:

lovely famous Phyllis friend we do have another podcast now

Kimberly Beer:

called Cowgirls with cameras and Phyllis is in that one. So just

Kimberly Beer:

a quick reminder that that has launched into find it if you

Kimberly Beer:

have not had enough of Kim and Cara then definitely go find us

Kimberly Beer:

on the Cowgirls with cameras podcast and enjoy listening to

Kimberly Beer:

us there and you get to meet our sweet famous Southern friend

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

That's right by the time this episode comes

Cara Taylor Swift:

out the Cowgirls with cameras podcast will have launched so we

Cara Taylor Swift:

highly recommend and we would love the support of anyone in

Cara Taylor Swift:

our listening audience. Now that needs a second podcast to listen

Cara Taylor Swift:

to. This podcast is really geared towards photographers,

Cara Taylor Swift:

people who love photography, and specifically equine

Cara Taylor Swift:

photographers. So we would love for you guys to join us over

Cara Taylor Swift:

there on the show. In the meantime, please reach out to us

Cara Taylor Swift:

on social let us know that you're listening. What do you

Cara Taylor Swift:

think about this episode, and we would love to hear your ideas

Cara Taylor Swift:

for upcoming shows for the next season. You can find us at The

Cara Taylor Swift:

Business Animal on Instagram and Facebook and at

Cara Taylor Swift:

thebusinessanimal.com. We'd love to hear from you guys. Thank you

Cara Taylor Swift:

so much for joining us today.


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