T3: Customer Service

Three Thoughts for Thursday (T3) on Customer ServiceIn this episode I share three thoughts on customer service for mission-based business owners. I started my working career as a Customer Service Agent for ChemLawn back in the 1980s. (Wow, I’m getting old...

Customer Service with Sherrie Ortiz

In this interview, Sherrie Ortiz shares how her focus on customer service makes Just One Day Travel Tours a unique opportunity and beloved business for those who tour with her.About Sherrie:The day tour travel business has been on my mind for many years. I had an...

T3: Customer Pain Points

Welcome to a new feature of The Business Animal podcast: Three Thoughts on Thursday or T3. In this short weekly segment, I pick one topic and provide three pieces of wisdom (thoughts) plus three strategies and three suggestions on how to take action on those thoughts....

Serving Wholeheartedly with Annie Young

In this episode, Annie Young and I talk about what it’s like to build a business with your whole heart and in service of a population that you not only know well, but deeply feel compassion around. We also discuss what it’s like to get your vision together...