Collaboration over Competition

Shifting your mindset away from seeing the businesses in your industry as competition to seeing them as collaborators is not always an easy feat — and yet doing it can change the level of success. In this episode, Kim and Cara discuss tactics to help you make this...

How You Can Motivate Your Clients to Buy

On this episode of The Business Animal Podcast, we delve into the art of motivating clients to buy by leveraging three key strategies: selling the solution, creating a sense of time or scarcity, and mastering the art of closing deals. Join us as we explore practical...

How Your Business is Affecting Your Body

Owning and managing an animal-based business can have both positive and negative effects on a person’s body, as it often involves a combination of stress, responsibility, and lifestyle changes. It’s so important for animal-based business owners to be aware of these...

Psychology of Pricing

The psychology of pricing plays a crucial role in the success of animal-based businesses. Business owners need to understand the psychological factors that influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions in order to set prices that are attractive to their...

Coach Yourself

Coaching oneself as a small business owner can be a valuable approach to personal and professional development. While having an external coach can provide objective insights, self-coaching can also be effective. On this episode of The Business Animal, Kim and Cara...

Dream Big

Dreaming big is one of the most fun and most scary parts of being an entrepreneur. It’s doubly impactful for those of us with mission based businesses in the animal industry. Today, Kim and Cara talk about how you can step out of your comfort zone and take the next...