Part one of a two part series on creating customer loyalty programs. Today Kim and Cara visit with Terri Cage of Terri Cage Photography. Terri shares her program that turns existing customers into a branded sales team to grow her business and expand her social reach and referral network while mindfully targeting her ideal clients.
Customer loyalty programs are essential to any good lifecycle marketing program. A return customer will spend more than a new customer — and you have already invested in acquiring them, so there is more profit in return customer sales. Loyal customers are also your best source of NEW customers through their social proof actions (shares, referrals, reviews, etc.). On today’s episode, Terri shares an outstanding program she has used in her equine photography business that turns her customers and models into her own “customer based sales team!” This model is innovative and can be applied to almost any kind of animal based business. Tune in and get your creative marketing juices flowing!
Look for part two coming up in a couple of weeks!
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