Public relations is about putting yourself and your business in the spotlight. It is an arm of marketing many people don’t utilize to the fullest extent — or at all! It is incredibly valuable and the only investment you need to make is time.
The Business Animal podcast is proudly
Kimberly Beer:sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress
Kimberly Beer:hosting, and Keap the premier CRM software for small business.
Kimberly Beer:Head over to for the
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Jaz:Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a
Jaz:gallop to the top of the animal industry. Where you'll learn how
Jaz:to tame your wild business beast, with tips, techniques,
Jaz:and tools that will take overwhelm to obedience school,
Jaz:and have you wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts,
Jaz:Kim Beer and Cara Taylor Swift.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there business animals, it's Kim with
Kimberly Beer:Be More Business
Cara Taylor Swift:and Cara with Fast Horse photography.
Kimberly Beer:Welcome to The Business Animal. Today's subject
Kimberly Beer:is public relations. And here's a little known Kim fact. I
Kimberly Beer:actually did public relations for two community colleges
Kimberly Beer:before well, actually kind of an in between my college career and
Kimberly Beer:becoming an entrepreneur. So I don't talk a lot about my public
Kimberly Beer:relations experience and I think it came as a shock to Cara when
Kimberly Beer:I brought this episode up.
Cara Taylor Swift:It did I feel like the things that you have
Cara Taylor Swift:done in your past are just endless. And you know, you're
Cara Taylor Swift:not that much older than me. So like you've just had this
Cara Taylor Swift:expansive history and endless stuff that you've done. And here
Cara Taylor Swift:I am. And, you know, I've had a couple of careers and you've had
Cara Taylor Swift:just a plethora of them. Always amazed. I'm like what you did
Cara Taylor Swift:that too?
Kimberly Beer:Well, I think that's a function of not knowing
Kimberly Beer:what I wanted to be when I grew up. And I just basically went on
Kimberly Beer:a smorgasbord buffet of let's try it all and see what sticks
Kimberly Beer:to the wall. So
Cara Taylor Swift:It's just given you a great bag of tricks
Cara Taylor Swift:too, I mean, like you've learned so much by dipping your toes in
Cara Taylor Swift:all of the different waters. You know, I just think it's such a
Cara Taylor Swift:cool thing that you bring to the table.
Kimberly Beer:I love it, too. It definitely has been helpful.
Kimberly Beer:And I'll tell you these few years that I spent doing the
Kimberly Beer:public relations stuff for the community colleges. It
Kimberly Beer:definitely taught me a lot about how to utilize this incredible
Kimberly Beer:opportunity we have for what some people consider free, I
Kimberly Beer:don't consider it free, but basically free publicity or free
Kimberly Beer:marketing. By utilizing public relations, which is where you're
Kimberly Beer:getting out into the world and making yourself known. And
Kimberly Beer:there's a lot of different ways to go about this. In this
Kimberly Beer:particular episode, we're really going to narrow in and focus on
Kimberly Beer:a unique aspect of it that I struggle with knowing how many
Kimberly Beer:people do not do this. So they don't even consider it a
Kimberly Beer:possibility. But we're going to be talking about news outlets
Kimberly Beer:and public relations that you're going to do in partnership with
Kimberly Beer:another organization or another resource that you may not have
Kimberly Beer:considered before. I know that like Cara when we brought up the
Kimberly Beer:topic, Cara immediately thought of social media as a public
Kimberly Beer:relations tool. And to an extent I agree with that. But this is
Kimberly Beer:not what we're going to talk about today we're going to talk
Kimberly Beer:about PR in a little bit of a different way. So it's important
Kimberly Beer:to utilize this very valuable resource in your business, which
Kimberly Beer:is you and your business. So our big three, let me dive into that
Kimberly Beer:because I'm going to get off topic. So our big three for this
Kimberly Beer:episode is, first of all, define your PR possibilities, what is
Kimberly Beer:available out there for you? What kind of outlets can you
Kimberly Beer:approach, what resources what things would really work for you
Kimberly Beer:and what is currently available to you. The second is to really
Kimberly Beer:establish what you can bring to the table? How can you serve and
Kimberly Beer:be part of this partnered relationship with the
Kimberly Beer:possibilities that you come up with in big three number one?
Kimberly Beer:And then finally, how do you reach out to these outlets? How
Kimberly Beer:do you go about taking that first step into creating the
Kimberly Beer:public relations that you would like to have out into the world?
Kimberly Beer:What are your thoughts around PR?
Cara Taylor Swift:I think this can be really scary, Kim. I
Cara Taylor Swift:think it can be really scary for animal and equine, pet based
Cara Taylor Swift:business owners. I just I think if you're a small business
Cara Taylor Swift:owner, sometimes you have a tendency to think about the work
Cara Taylor Swift:that you do and your business and the problems that you solve
Cara Taylor Swift:maybe as not being newsworthy if that makes sense. Like you can't
Cara Taylor Swift:it's really difficult sometimes to compete with the bigger
Cara Taylor Swift:stories that are happening in the world or even with just
Cara Taylor Swift:bigger businesses. So I know for me sometimes it's a it's a
Cara Taylor Swift:struggle to really kind of flip that script and think to myself,
Cara Taylor Swift:Okay, what problem am I solving? What can I share about what part
Cara Taylor Swift:of my story would be something that's newsworthy? And I think
Cara Taylor Swift:that is what you and I are hoping is to encourage small
Cara Taylor Swift:businesses like ours to consider this an option for your
Cara Taylor Swift:business.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely.
Cara Taylor Swift:It's like you said, I don't think many people
Cara Taylor Swift:take the time to actually do a lot of these things. So I'm
Cara Taylor Swift:excited to hear your take on it as someone who's worked in this
Cara Taylor Swift:field for a while, and also, you know, just kind of discuss ways
Cara Taylor Swift:we've done this in the past.
Kimberly Beer:Yeah, I want to approach what you said about it
Kimberly Beer:being scary or not feeling like you're newsworthy when we take a
Kimberly Beer:look at what is the news really about? It's about people, and
Kimberly Beer:you, my friend or a person and your business serves people. And
Kimberly Beer:so when we look at the bigger scheme of what is what is
Kimberly Beer:newsworthy, anything that's a story about an individual is
Kimberly Beer:newsworthy, because that connects us all. If we look at
Kimberly Beer:our base human desires, it's to be part of this larger
Kimberly Beer:community. It's to feel like where we fit in and to kind of
Kimberly Beer:assess where where we are in the bigger picture. And the news is
Kimberly Beer:really there to help us be part of that. And the stories of
Kimberly Beer:humans are often the best stories on the news, because
Kimberly Beer:those are the ones that we can relate to. So every one is
Kimberly Beer:newsworthy, everyone is worthy of public relations and being
Kimberly Beer:featured on different outlets. So let's dive into that first
Kimberly Beer:one, like what the heck are we really talking about here in
Kimberly Beer:concrete terms? Because I know people banter around the word PR
Kimberly Beer:and then it's like, well, what does that really flippin mean?
Kimberly Beer:It means newspapers. It means podcasts. It means YouTube
Kimberly Beer:shows. It means morning TV shows. It means speaking
Kimberly Beer:engagements. It means becoming an influencer or being featured
Kimberly Beer:with being an influencer feature on an influencers program. It's
Kimberly Beer:guest blogging, it's 100 different ways for you to reach
Kimberly Beer:an audience that another outlet has. And for that outlet to
Kimberly Beer:bring you to their audience for enrichment and enlightenment. So
Kimberly Beer:what's available to you out there? If you're in a small
Kimberly Beer:town, I live in a small town, our newspaper is still kind of
Kimberly Beer:important. We still have a newspaper, and the newspaper
Kimberly Beer:features stories, right? And In my, our newspaper is a small
Kimberly Beer:town newspaper, it's not going to put in information about the
Kimberly Beer:major political events taking on in the world. It's that's not
Kimberly Beer:its job. Its job is to serve the community that it is in and my
Kimberly Beer:business is part of that community. And your business is
Kimberly Beer:part of the community wherever you live. So does your town have
Kimberly Beer:a newspaper? If you're in a big city, this is a little bit more
Kimberly Beer:of a difficulty. If it's in a small town, trust me, believe
Kimberly Beer:me, you it's mostly slow news days. In Adrian, Missouri. It's
Kimberly Beer:just there's very few big news days and Adrian, Missouri. So do
Kimberly Beer:you have a newspaper in your to St. Augustine is pretty big
Kimberly Beer:isn't it?
Cara Taylor Swift:I would say we're considered a small town,
Cara Taylor Swift:we're probably I mean, we're bigger than the the average,
Cara Taylor Swift:like tiny town. I don't remember what our population is. But I
Cara Taylor Swift:mean, growing by the day over here, but we do have a
Cara Taylor Swift:newspaper, we have a local newspaper. And we also have some
Cara Taylor Swift:local magazines that are in our community that are geared around
Cara Taylor Swift:community events, and those types of things. So we
Cara Taylor Swift:definitely have options. One of the things that I try to think
Cara Taylor Swift:about when I think about PR possibilities and confidence
Cara Taylor Swift:level as small business owners is that all of these outlets,
Cara Taylor Swift:the newspapers, the podcast, I mean, we know as podcasters, the
Cara Taylor Swift:YouTube shows, they need the content. They need it as bad as
Cara Taylor Swift:we need them to use us. They need to fill space, they need to
Cara Taylor Swift:entertain their audience, they need to be read and to be
Cara Taylor Swift:watched whatever they're listened to. And they and they
Cara Taylor Swift:need the content, and we are content for them.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And content is hard, right? For
Kimberly Beer:those of you who are doing social media, you know, the day
Kimberly Beer:after day after day after day after day grind of coming up
Kimberly Beer:with something to say on your social media channels is hard.
Kimberly Beer:Now imagine that if it's your only your job to be able to put
Kimberly Beer:out information into your community or to your your
Kimberly Beer:resources. We talked about newspapers as part of a local
Kimberly Beer:town, but there's also news sources that serve industries or
Kimberly Beer:communities that are outside of maybe a location based
Kimberly Beer:community. So there's trade magazines, if you serve a trade
Kimberly Beer:audience with a product or a service. Wow, that's a big
Kimberly Beer:opportunity for you. Let's say your pet or animal based
Kimberly Beer:business is building websites for dog grooming businesses.
Kimberly Beer:There's specific news outlets, information outlets that serve
Kimberly Beer:the community of dog groomers in the world. That's a place you
Kimberly Beer:need to have a featured story on you or you need to bring
Kimberly Beer:something to them that can be established. Now we're going to
Kimberly Beer:get more to that in the second step of this and the second of
Kimberly Beer:the big three. But that's a way to think about it too. There's
Kimberly Beer:industry stuff, there's communities that are interested
Kimberly Beer:together. So, and nothing is too big or too small, so you can
Kimberly Beer:approach big news outlets. And sometimes if you have a good
Kimberly Beer:enough story, and it's a slow news day, you can find yourself
Kimberly Beer:on the morning cable TV talk show, or even maybe something
Kimberly Beer:bigger than that. Or you can find yourself on a podcast that
Kimberly Beer:serves a certain community featured in a magazine that
Kimberly Beer:serves a certain community magazines now are no longer just
Kimberly Beer:in print, they're also digital as well. Becoming a guest
Kimberly Beer:blogger or being able to speak at an event where your expertise
Kimberly Beer:is showcased to a group or an industry or a community
Kimberly Beer:audience. All of these are places that you should be mining
Kimberly Beer:as a good business person, to get your business represented
Kimberly Beer:and to serve the community that you're serving.
Cara Taylor Swift:Are you looking to bring awareness to
Cara Taylor Swift:your equine based product or service, or create a unique way
Cara Taylor Swift:for your audience to feel connected to your brand? Quality
Cara Taylor Swift:horse photos, tell your story and breathe life into your
Cara Taylor Swift:marketing. They draw your customers in and create an
Cara Taylor Swift:emotional connection. Powerful images, communicate your core
Cara Taylor Swift:values and highlight the benefits your product offers.
Cara Taylor Swift:Ultimately, proving your business is a voice your
Cara Taylor Swift:customers can trust. It's time to use dynamic images that
Cara Taylor Swift:define your small business and separate you from the rest of
Cara Taylor Swift:the herd. Fast Horse photography's professional photo
Cara Taylor Swift:library features:Cara Taylor Swift:businesses just like yours. And guess what? 100% of those images
Cara Taylor Swift:are horse related. Now finding the right horse images for your
Cara Taylor Swift:website, social media and marketing needs is easier than
Cara Taylor Swift:ever. Help your audience see that your brand offers the
Cara Taylor Swift:answers they are looking for. Search for the perfect images
Cara Taylor Swift:for your equine business right now! Spur your customers into
Cara Taylor Swift:action with That's
Cara Taylor
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, I really liked that idea of starting, you know, you don't
Cara Taylor Swift:have to think like primetime news. But you can even think
Cara Taylor Swift:like, what is my industry? Like? What are some of the leading
Cara Taylor Swift:news outlets or places that I get information for my industry?
Cara Taylor Swift:And how can I reach out to them and provide something of value
Cara Taylor Swift:that they'd want to write about or talk about or that their
Cara Taylor Swift:viewers or listeners would want to hear about? And I think start
Cara Taylor Swift:even just starting small with something in your local area or
Cara Taylor Swift:in your industry is a great place to start? If you're like
Cara Taylor Swift:me, and you get anxious about like, Oh, what do people want to
Cara Taylor Swift:do they really want to hear from me, you know, start small start
Cara Taylor Swift:with those folks that you know, are your audience and have an
Cara Taylor Swift:interest in what you're talking about?
Kimberly Beer:Well, the truth is, is that we're talking to
Kimberly Beer:animal and pet based businesses primarily in this conversation.
Kimberly Beer:And almost every family, almost every human has a pet in their
Kimberly Beer:life, pet industry is huge, it is huge. And so you have the
Kimberly Beer:ability to bring in to that newspaper, or that podcast or
Kimberly Beer:that magazine, something that serves a very large number of
Kimberly Beer:people, which is really what they want. They're looking for
Kimberly Beer:things that can bring readers or viewers or participants into
Kimberly Beer:whatever it is that they're promoting out into the world.
Kimberly Beer:Because the more people that get in there and like it and engage
Kimberly Beer:with it, the happier their sponsors are going to be who pay
Kimberly Beer:their bills. So that's a big thing. And so you've got a lot
Kimberly Beer:of reasons to do this. So what do you do first? The very first
Kimberly Beer:thing you need to do is you need to establish what you can bring
Kimberly Beer:to the table. So public relationships is a partnership,
Kimberly Beer:it has to be beneficial to all parties. In other words, you
Kimberly Beer:have to get something out of it, but so does the outlet that is
Kimberly Beer:featuring you to their audience. In this case, what you're going
Kimberly Beer:to do is you're going to bring your expertise to the table and
Kimberly Beer:your host is going to use it to enrich their audience's
Kimberly Beer:experience. When you go to approach a potential PR source
Kimberly Beer:for you are become a source. Technically you are a source and
Kimberly Beer:they are the outlet. But when you go to approach their outlet,
Kimberly Beer:you want to know ahead of time, what is it that you can do for
Kimberly Beer:them, don't just go in blindly and say I would like for your
Kimberly Beer:newspaper to write an article on me or I want to be on your
Kimberly Beer:podcast or you know, I have me as a guest on your YouTube show.
Kimberly Beer:You want to eventually ask those questions, but you want to tell
Kimberly Beer:them what it is that you can do for them. And I know for us as
Kimberly Beer:podcast hosts, one of the things that we look for when people
Kimberly Beer:approach us to be featured on the show is what can they bring
Kimberly Beer:to our audience like what is it and we're much more apt to get
Kimberly Beer:excited about a guest when they have a very clear idea of what
Kimberly Beer:they want to share with our Our listeners, because it's our job
Kimberly Beer:as podcast hosts to make sure our listeners get the best
Kimberly Beer:possible information. And so that's what we're looking for
Kimberly Beer:from our guests. Wouldn't you agree, Cara?
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, absolutely. And it's funny
Cara Taylor Swift:because I think you and I think about this from both sides of
Cara Taylor Swift:it, because we are actively working both sides of it both
Cara Taylor Swift:for our small businesses, but also because we have audiences
Cara Taylor Swift:with the podcasts, both this one and cowgirls with cameras that
Cara Taylor Swift:we need good content for that will help and will be
Cara Taylor Swift:entertaining for the people that are listening. So it's
Cara Taylor Swift:interesting when you think about it from both sides, and I can
Cara Taylor Swift:really see the clear picture for me, what are the things that
Cara Taylor Swift:helps make reaching out about PR, which I know we're going to
Cara Taylor Swift:talk about next. But one of the things that helps me, you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:get excited about putting myself out there and putting myself out
Cara Taylor Swift:into the world is thinking about building those relationships in
Cara Taylor Swift:advance so that I feel like I already have a connection before
Cara Taylor Swift:I reach out to try to get PR out into the world. So I think about
Cara Taylor Swift:things like Who are those people in my industry that are writing
Cara Taylor Swift:about it? Or that are talking about it? Or doing interviews?
Cara Taylor Swift:And how can I how can I connect with them in some way? You know,
Cara Taylor Swift:they're out there already routinely covering my industry.
Cara Taylor Swift:So how do I connect with them, and then that way, when they're
Cara Taylor Swift:looking for a story, or they're seeking ideas, that may be my
Cara Taylor Swift:business will be on the forefront of their minds, when
Cara Taylor Swift:they're putting that out there. There are some people in my
Cara Taylor Swift:industry, I feel like that do this really well. And because
Cara Taylor Swift:they do it really well, because they've done the work and made
Cara Taylor Swift:those connections. A lot of times, they're the people that I
Cara Taylor Swift:see getting picked up to be on podcast episodes or to be
Cara Taylor Swift:featured on YouTube channels or on the network. So I just I
Cara Taylor Swift:think that piece of it can be really big.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And that brings me to a big
Kimberly Beer:suggestion for people do your research know what, like when
Kimberly Beer:you pick an outlet? Get to know that outlet? I can tell? I don't
Kimberly Beer:know if Cara can too. But I can tell when somebody approaches us
Kimberly Beer:to be a guest on the podcast, and they haven't listened to our
Kimberly Beer:podcast?
Cara Taylor Swift:Absolutely.
Kimberly Beer:I can tell by what they say it's a huge red
Kimberly Beer:flag to us, right? So,
Cara Taylor Swift:Right
Kimberly Beer:you know, do your research, read it. And for all
Kimberly Beer:of those years that I worked in getting things put into
Kimberly Beer:magazines and getting featured stories, and all of that kind of
Kimberly Beer:stuff done. For other people. It's one of those things where
Kimberly Beer:you really do have to pay attention to what that
Kimberly Beer:particular outlet has done in the past. And when you make your
Kimberly Beer:pitch or when you decide what you're going to bring to the
Kimberly Beer:table for them, you have to look at what will really benefit them
Kimberly Beer:in their audience. And if you don't do your research ahead of
Kimberly Beer:time, you're not going to know that knowing what hole to fill
Kimberly Beer:is really good like identifying a gap in that particular outlets
Kimberly Beer:coverage of something and saying I could fit it right into that
Kimberly Beer:gap right there. And this would give a bigger picture to your
Kimberly Beer:audience. That's a huge benefit. Now, here's what I know is going
Kimberly Beer:to happen for you, you're going to look and go, oh my gosh, but
Kimberly Beer:that hole got filled by somebody else. And you've got to stop
Kimberly Beer:that thinking right then and there. Because holes can be
Kimberly Beer:filled in different ways. So your way may be unique, it may
Kimberly Beer:be a different approach, it may be contradictory, or adds
Kimberly Beer:another layer to somebody else's approach to filling that same
Kimberly Beer:gap. So definitely look into going ahead and filling those
Kimberly Beer:holes when you need to.
Cara Taylor Swift:So one of the things that I think about when
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm trying to identify how like a hole could be filled, or how
Cara Taylor Swift:my journey as a business owner can be beneficial to one of
Cara Taylor Swift:these outlets. As I start with my story, as a business owner, I
Cara Taylor Swift:don't think that any of us out there are probably going to get
Cara Taylor Swift:a lot of PR just by being really, really good at our
Cara Taylor Swift:business or being really good at what we do. A lot of times,
Cara Taylor Swift:that's not what they're looking for. It's our story that will
Cara Taylor Swift:get the attention. It's the story of how we got started, why
Cara Taylor Swift:we felt the need to be in this business, focusing on the
Cara Taylor Swift:problem that we're fixing or helping with and really
Cara Taylor Swift:identifying those people out there and or animals out there
Cara Taylor Swift:that we're trying to serve in bringing the issue around that
Cara Taylor Swift:to light. So you know, in it could be something like how do
Cara Taylor Swift:you get back to your community? And of course, what problem do
Cara Taylor Swift:you solve? But really, really thinking about that type of
Cara Taylor Swift:thing. And bringing that to light is a great place to start.
Cara Taylor Swift:What do you think about that? Kim?
Kimberly Beer:I think that is a fantastic place to start.
Kimberly Beer:Because remember what I said at the beginning of this episode,
Kimberly Beer:all of these outlets need to share human stories. News is
Kimberly Beer:news because it's about human beings and the personal stories,
Kimberly Beer:the ones that are the closest to that industry, they're the ones
Kimberly Beer:that are going to make the biggest impact and that's what
Kimberly Beer:these outlets are looking for is they're looking to make impact.
Kimberly Beer:So yes, sharing your story focusing on what's unique about
Kimberly Beer:you talking about the problem that you solve and giving back
Kimberly Beer:are all pieces and sharing your own personal story. And we did a
Kimberly Beer:whole episode on why you should share your story more here very
Kimberly Beer:recently. So if you haven't listened to that one, maybe go
Kimberly Beer:back and listen to it because I think it is really important for
Kimberly Beer:people to understand and hopefully it'll waylay a little
Kimberly Beer:the those fears that you have about reaching out to these
Kimberly Beer:outlets. Trust me on something these people want to hear from
Kimberly Beer:you. This is not you pestering them or bugging them or asking
Kimberly Beer:for a freebie or a handout. This is you really stepping up to the
Kimberly Beer:plate for helping your community, whatever community
Kimberly Beer:that is that you serve. So it's almost what I would consider an
Kimberly Beer:obligation in part of your mission to be able to do this.
Kimberly Beer:Every small business owner wants to gain traction in their
Kimberly Beer:marketing. After three decades of working with small business
Kimberly Beer:owners just like you, I have developed what I call my four by
Kimberly Beer:four marketing method. In just one-90 minute session, you'll
Kimberly Beer:discover the four major focus areas of a successful marketing
Kimberly Beer:plan. And together we'll uncover where your business is getting
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Kimberly to request your session today. That's
Kimberly Beer:B-E-M-O-R-E See you there.
Cara Taylor Swift:And I would add that we need to be world
Cara Taylor Swift:aware, like what's happening in the world around us? And how
Cara Taylor Swift:does your little niche in this world fit into that? And how can
Cara Taylor Swift:you contribute to things that are happening in the world
Cara Taylor Swift:around us, like a great example I like to give is when I think
Cara Taylor Swift:about like the holiday seasons, for example. So an article that
Cara Taylor Swift:I did for a local paper that was focused on the horse industry
Cara Taylor Swift:was something really simple. It was coming up on the holidays,
Cara Taylor Swift:and I wrote an article five ways to photograph your horse better,
Cara Taylor Swift:for your Christmas card this year. And it's a very simple way
Cara Taylor Swift:that I could contribute. And you know, Kim mentioned at the very
Cara Taylor Swift:top of this episode, you know, this is not where you are
Cara Taylor Swift:selling something, and I wasn't selling something I was
Cara Taylor Swift:providing some information, I was giving some tips, I was
Cara Taylor Swift:putting myself out there kind of as an expert in the industry by
Cara Taylor Swift:putting that out into the world and making it available. So try
Cara Taylor Swift:to think about what you do, how it relates to things that are
Cara Taylor Swift:happening in the world around you. And then because remember,
Cara Taylor Swift:if there's something happening, people are reading about it. And
Cara Taylor Swift:if you can be a voice in that in some way or connects yourself in
Cara Taylor Swift:a positive way, that's a great opportunity to get picked up.
Cara Taylor Swift:Because if it's something that is big and outlets are wanting
Cara Taylor Swift:to write about it, they're going to be looking for stories that
Cara Taylor Swift:are related to it.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. So are we ready to move on to let
Kimberly Beer:people know how to start this process?
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, I think that's a good, I think we're in
Cara Taylor Swift:a good place for that.
Kimberly Beer:Awesome. So a lot of you may be wondering, how do
Kimberly Beer:you actually get this to work? How do you put yourself out
Kimberly Beer:there for this to happen. And the best thing to do is once
Kimberly Beer:you've established what it is that you're going to bring to
Kimberly Beer:the table and you've thought about the outlets that you would
Kimberly Beer:like to reach out to you can use some very traditional methods to
Kimberly Beer:do this. Press releases are a very traditional way for you to
Kimberly Beer:do it. Traditional news outlets still kind of expect those press
Kimberly Beer:releases. And I'm gonna say "kind of expect" because I think
Kimberly Beer:they understand that when you're a small business and you are
Kimberly Beer:reaching out, you may not know all of the ins and outs of how
Kimberly Beer:to present yourself professionally in public
Kimberly Beer:relations. And most small businesses are not going to hire
Kimberly Beer:a PR firm, right? So I think they offer you a lot of grace.
Kimberly Beer:So don't feel like super uncomfortable. If you don't know
Kimberly Beer:how to write a press release, it's okay, send an email or pick
Kimberly Beer:up the phone and call the reporter or the host. I mean, I
Kimberly Beer:think there are great people that approached us about being
Kimberly Beer:on the podcast that they don't send us any kind of like a
Kimberly Beer:formal offer. What they do, however, is send a heartfelt
Kimberly Beer:email that says I've listened to your show, here's what I see
Kimberly Beer:that I could bring to your show and to your listeners. Would you
Kimberly Beer:be interested in having a deeper conversation? That's all you
Kimberly Beer:need to do. Don't overthink this because if you get to
Kimberly Beer:overthinking it, you're never going to put your toe out there
Kimberly Beer:in the water. So don't overthink it if what you need to do is to
Kimberly Beer:just simply reach out with an email to the morning TV host and
Kimberly Beer:say I have this really cool business that we serve this
Kimberly Beer:certain audience and I know that your listeners or your viewers
Kimberly Beer:would be interested in what I have to say around to this and
Kimberly Beer:hey, I've got animals and believe me you news outlets are
Kimberly Beer:really aware that pets bring people to the to anything that
Kimberly Beer:they do. Right? Animals are this natural attractant for humans
Kimberly Beer:and trust me, that's who they're trying to get into there. A
Kimberly Beer:couple of tips that I do have for this, if you do you want to
Kimberly Beer:do speaking like on a large stage basis, you're gonna have
Kimberly Beer:to have a speaker kit and I think we'll try to do an episode
Kimberly Beer:about this in the near future about how to dip your toe into
Kimberly Beer:speaking it's some thing that I have a lot of knowledge around.
Kimberly Beer:And I absolutely love to do. So we'll grab on to that at a at a
Kimberly Beer:point in the future. But more than that, it's about being a
Kimberly Beer:good partner in this relationship. So be aware that
Kimberly Beer:these places these outlets that you're reaching out, they have
Kimberly Beer:deadlines that they have to meet. And those deadlines, they
Kimberly Beer:don't have a ton of wiggle room. So if it's a magazine or a
Kimberly Beer:newspaper, it's got to be at a press at a certain time. And
Kimberly Beer:it's got to go through this whole process of designing and,
Kimberly Beer:and planning and all of those kinds of things. So be super
Kimberly Beer:deadline aware. Also be aware of the fact that many of them plan
Kimberly Beer:their content months or a year in advance. So you need to be
Kimberly Beer:aware that you may not be like right on the immediate
Kimberly Beer:publication side of things. So reach out, don't don't try to
Kimberly Beer:time a reach out. If you have an idea, go ahead and reach out
Kimberly Beer:with that idea. And then be be very cognizant of taking this
Kimberly Beer:seriously. I understand for a lot of people that there's fear
Kimberly Beer:around it. But there's also sort of this mindset of this is a
Kimberly Beer:free advertising piece. And I really want to kibosh that take
Kimberly Beer:it really seriously be on time to your meetings, pay attention,
Kimberly Beer:listen to what the outlet is asking you to do. If they edit
Kimberly Beer:your stuff, you know, be conscientious about saying
Kimberly Beer:that's okay, or whatever, whatever they ask you to do. Do
Kimberly Beer:it with grace and on a timely manner. Because believe me, they
Kimberly Beer:will love you for it. And they will ask you to come back. And
Kimberly Beer:that's the best part, right? Because once you build the
Kimberly Beer:relationship, then you can come back again and again and again,
Kimberly Beer:and reach that same resource. And then you become a trusted
Kimberly Beer:resource for whatever outlet it is. And you don't even hardly
Kimberly Beer:have to work. They'll be knocking on your door saying,
Kimberly Beer:can we feature you? Can we talk more? So yeah, be professional?
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, I think that's the biggest thing. I
Cara Taylor Swift:mean, you are a business owner, and you need to represent
Cara Taylor Swift:yourself as a professional in all of your communications. And
Cara Taylor Swift:they're business owners as well. They're on deadlines, just like
Cara Taylor Swift:you've got deadlines. So if you want to be respected, and you
Cara Taylor Swift:want to be asked to do it again, you want to make sure that you
Cara Taylor Swift:take their deadlines seriously and try to work within them. So
Cara Taylor Swift:that makes a lot of sense, Kim, good point. Now you have
Cara Taylor Swift:something here where you're talking about helping a reporter
Cara Taylor Swift:Out? Can you explain that for us?
Kimberly Beer:Yes. So it's basically a service is what I
Kimberly Beer:guess I would call it, it's called a HARO, H-A-R-O and that
Kimberly Beer:stands for Help a Reporter Out, if you just Google that, you'll
Kimberly Beer:be able to find them. And they send out a daily digest of
Kimberly Beer:emails. So outlets and organizations like magazines,
Kimberly Beer:news shows, documentaries, all kinds of things. They're always
Kimberly Beer:looking for experts in certain fields. And so they'll put in a
Kimberly Beer:request into HARO, and then HARO sends out a daily digest to you
Kimberly Beer:based upon the criteria that you say I'm an expert in this, this,
Kimberly Beer:this and this. And so if anybody requests an expert in those
Kimberly Beer:areas, you'll get a digest from HARO that says, we're looking
Kimberly Beer:for this person. So it could be maybe there's a magazine, a
Kimberly Beer:women's magazine that wants to talk about grooming your dog,
Kimberly Beer:right. So they've got you know, pet care or something is the
Kimberly Beer:focus of a certain article. So they'll be looking for dog
Kimberly Beer:groomers to talk about grooming tips, that kind of thing. So I'm
Kimberly Beer:not going to tell you that every single day is going to be filled
Kimberly Beer:up with things that would be pertinent to you. But joining
Kimberly Beer:HARO, or putting yourself on the list is really a good first step
Kimberly Beer:into starting to even understand what these news outlets are
Kimberly Beer:looking for, and how you might be able to tailor something to
Kimberly Beer:fit what they have. So I suggest you go check that out. Another
Kimberly Beer:place that I want to mention, if you're in the equine industry,
Kimberly Beer:there's the American Horse Publications, membership. So
Kimberly Beer:this is a place where a lot of the news and magazine and those
Kimberly Beer:kinds of outlets, they are members of American Horse
Kimberly Beer:Publications. And the AHP, as it's called, has a service where
Kimberly Beer:they will push your press releases out to their email list
Kimberly Beer:so that you get seen in that area. So if you have those
Kimberly Beer:formal press releases, and you're speaking to the equine
Kimberly Beer:industry, this can be a great place for you to be able to go
Kimberly Beer:ahead and publish those out and offer yourself up. That said,
Kimberly Beer:you can't just it's like any kind of marketing or advertising
Kimberly Beer:for your business. You can't just like stick it out there and
Kimberly Beer:think that people will just automatically do it you
Kimberly Beer:oftentimes if it's the place you want to have your stuff done.
Kimberly Beer:You've got to chase the person down and send the private emails
Kimberly Beer:and find out you know who's in charge of what do your due
Kimberly Beer:diligence and getting yourself on the radar for them.
Cara Taylor Swift:I would add that there's some options out
Cara Taylor Swift:there for people who want to be on podcasts as well on social
Cara Taylor Swift:media if you go onto Facebook and just do a simple search
Cara Taylor Swift:podcast guesting, there are multiple groups that are
Cara Taylor Swift:dedicated to finding podcast guests or being like being a
Cara Taylor Swift:podcast guests looking for podcast guests. So if that's
Cara Taylor Swift:something that you think might be a good fit for your business,
Cara Taylor Swift:there are a lot of great groups that are a great place to start
Cara Taylor Swift:for that too. Absolutely. So one other little tool that I just
Cara Taylor Swift:want to throw out there. Some of you guys may have already heard
Cara Taylor Swift:about it, but it's called Google Alerts. And I have a little like
Cara Taylor Swift:a Wikipedia definition of it here. It says Google Alerts is a
Cara Taylor Swift:content change detection and notification service that's
Cara Taylor Swift:offered by Google, this service sends emails to users when it
Cara Taylor Swift:finds new results, such as web pages, newspaper articles,
Cara Taylor Swift:blogs, research that matches the user's search term. So what that
Cara Taylor Swift:actually means is that you can go into Google Alerts a simple
Cara Taylor Swift:search on Google Go figure, it will take you right to Google
Cara Taylor Swift:Alerts. And you can actually set up alerts to be sent to you when
Cara Taylor Swift:something that you're interested in like a topic or even your own
Cara Taylor Swift:name, or your business's name is written about or mentioned
Cara Taylor Swift:online. So this is a really easy thing to do. I've set it up for
Cara Taylor Swift:myself, you can go in, you can type in the name of your
Cara Taylor Swift:business and add that as a search parameter you can put
Cara Taylor Swift:your name in, you can also put in things in your industry, if
Cara Taylor Swift:you want to, if anyone's writing about a particular topic, you
Cara Taylor Swift:can put that in and it'll send you directly to your email kind
Cara Taylor Swift:of a compiled list of recent articles that have come out. So
Cara Taylor Swift:it's kind of a neat way to monitor your brand's reputation
Cara Taylor Swift:if people are writing about you. And also you can monitor your
Cara Taylor Swift:competitors that way, potentially, as well by putting
Cara Taylor Swift:them in a search parameters. And what are they up to? What are
Cara Taylor Swift:they talking about? What are other people in your industry
Cara Taylor Swift:talking about or writing about? Who are the people that are
Cara Taylor Swift:doing all the speaking so it's not perfect, I will tell you in
Cara Taylor Swift:the time that I've been using it. And sometimes the search
Cara Taylor Swift:results send me really weird things that feel really off
Cara Taylor Swift:topic, but it's a computer system, and they're doing the
Cara Taylor Swift:search, but it has also caught other things that I found really
Cara Taylor Swift:interesting. So it might be worth giving it a try, for some
Cara Taylor Swift:folks that haven't done that yet.
Kimberly Beer:The off topic cracks me up. Because when I put
Kimberly Beer:in Kimberly Beer, can you guess what kind of results I get?
Cara Taylor Swift:Well, my last name is Taylor Swift. So if that
Cara Taylor Swift:tells you anything, I feel it to my core.
Kimberly Beer:I love it. I love it. Yep, I bet you do get some
Kimberly Beer:Taylor Swift stuff in there. That is fascinating. Yeah, I get
Kimberly Beer:a lot of things about beer.
Cara Taylor Swift:So you got to play around with it, I think
Kimberly Beer:You have to give it a lot more parameters when
Kimberly Beer:you have something in your business name or your name that
Kimberly Beer:is commonly associated with something else such as Taylor
Kimberly Beer:Swift and beer drinking. So before we wrap up today, I want
Kimberly Beer:to give you a couple of things that I consider red flags and in
Kimberly Beer:public relations. And the biggest one is when a magazine
Kimberly Beer:or an outlet asks you to pay to be a featured story. Paid PR is
Kimberly Beer:not public relations. It's an ad. So I don't say there's
Kimberly Beer:anything wrong with purchasing this. I also say that it's not
Kimberly Beer:really public relations, which is not what we were talking
Kimberly Beer:about today. So just be aware of when you do this, that there,
Kimberly Beer:there are sometimes repercussions. News outlets are
Kimberly Beer:always hurting for money. And so a lot of times they do offer
Kimberly Beer:this ahead. And if you just decline and say No, they'll come
Kimberly Beer:back with a different offer, right? Because they're always
Kimberly Beer:looking for more advertisers. That's their that's their
Kimberly Beer:paycheck. I don't think there's as much of a stigma to this as
Kimberly Beer:there once was, but I would still consider it a red flag.
Kimberly Beer:And I would really question whether or not it is an
Kimberly Beer:appropriate source for you if they're asking for money in
Kimberly Beer:exchange for them either writing about you or publishing
Kimberly Beer:something that you've written. And I would take that really,
Kimberly Beer:really seriously as something I would not step forward at least
Kimberly Beer:without a lot of thought around it. And by the way, it may be
Kimberly Beer:come in package of something like if you buy 10 ads will do
Kimberly Beer:an article on you. And that's a little sketchy too. I think you
Kimberly Beer:have to weigh those things situationally to know. The other
Kimberly Beer:thing is that I would bring up as a red flag is if you have a
Kimberly Beer:reporter or an interviewer who asks you to state some things
Kimberly Beer:specifically, especially that you don't want 100% agree with,
Kimberly Beer:I would decidedly have some pushback against that. So that's
Kimberly Beer:another red flag that I would say you need to take a deeper
Kimberly Beer:look at.
Cara Taylor Swift:Those are some really good points Kim. I
Cara Taylor Swift:hadn't even thought about that in terms of you know, the PR
Cara Taylor Swift:work, so that's a really, really great thing because I've
Cara Taylor Swift:definitely had magazines reach out to me and also news outlets,
Cara Taylor Swift:just local news outlets reach out to me trying to get me to
Cara Taylor Swift:pay to be in the publication and there was just something that
Cara Taylor Swift:felt kind of icky about it. So I could see it being a great thing
Cara Taylor Swift:if you want to pay for advertising but I understand
Cara Taylor Swift:what you're saying about it not being PR. So I think that brings
Cara Taylor Swift:us to a really good place to wrap us up for today. So just a
Cara Taylor Swift:recap our big three, first of all, just spend some time
Cara Taylor Swift:learning about what the PR possibilities in your community
Cara Taylor Swift:already are, or even in your industry are. So start looking
Cara Taylor Swift:for things like newspapers, podcast, opportunities,
Cara Taylor Swift:magazines, YouTube shows, all of those things that are out there
Cara Taylor Swift:that you might be interested in participating with, think about
Cara Taylor Swift:all the things that you can bring to the table, you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:where can you educate? Where can you share your expertise? Where
Cara Taylor Swift:can you have really great conversation topics that the
Cara Taylor Swift:folks out there that want to, you know, learn about you, but
Cara Taylor Swift:also the folks out there that are accessing those outlets that
Cara Taylor Swift:they might find entertaining. And third, actually work up the
Cara Taylor Swift:courage to reach out to those outlets. For me, I was always
Cara Taylor Swift:super nervous. So hopefully talking through some of this
Cara Taylor Swift:today and giving you guys some ideas will give you guys some
Cara Taylor Swift:new options around creating some PR for your business. So I think
Cara Taylor Swift:that's it for us today. Just a reminder, we are on social media
Cara Taylor Swift:at The Business Animal on Instagram and Facebook. We'd
Cara Taylor Swift:love to hear from you guys, it can be really quiet over there
Cara Taylor Swift:sometimes. So come hang out. Let us know what you think about the
Cara Taylor Swift:show. If you haven't already rated and reviewed, please do
Cara Taylor Swift:that on the listening app of your choice. This really does
Cara Taylor Swift:help us out and helps the show get listened to by other folks.
Cara Taylor Swift:So thank you so much.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of The Business
Jaz:Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And
Jaz:if you learned something today, leave us a review. To learn
Jaz:more. Find us at We'd love
Jaz:to hear from you. Until next time, keep your business well
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