Recognizing Your Unique Asset

Every business has a unique asset — something that they are KNOWN for that truly sets them apart from all other choices. It’s your secret sauce, your guarded recipe, the way you do it here,  your patented magic. Some businesses never fully become aware of their unique asset — and those businesses don’t reach their potential. In this episode, Kim and Cara walk you through how to discover your unique asset and give you ideas on how to use it in your marketing and service.

Kimberly Beer:

The Business Animal podcast is proudly

Kimberly Beer:

sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress

Kimberly Beer:

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Kimberly Beer:

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Kimberly Beer:

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Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools


that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you


wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts, Kim Beer, and


Cara Taylor Swift.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals, it's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara with Fast Horse photography.

Kimberly Beer:

Welcome to The Business Animal podcast Cara and

Kimberly Beer:

I have an interesting topic to talk to you about today. And I'm

Kimberly Beer:

going to tell you a little bit of story of why this is one of

Kimberly Beer:

my chosen topics of why I brought this up in our meetings.

Kimberly Beer:

Years ago, I went to it was a conference for business

Kimberly Beer:

consultants, basically that were affiliates of a certain product.

Kimberly Beer:

And they had a keynote speaker that came on that I absolutely

Kimberly Beer:

loved, I cannot remember her name, I should probably look

Kimberly Beer:

that up at some point. And I listened to her keynote and

Kimberly Beer:

since have like extrapolated one little small idea I got from the

Kimberly Beer:

keynote into being something that's much bigger in my own

Kimberly Beer:

business consulting world. And what she said was every business

Kimberly Beer:

has a unique asset, they have something that they're known

Kimberly Beer:

for, that truly sets them apart and makes them really different.

Kimberly Beer:

It's the secret sauce. It's the guarded recipe, it's the way

Kimberly Beer:

that you do it here. It's your patented magic. And the thing

Kimberly Beer:

that I recognize in working with small businesses, literally

Kimberly Beer:

1000s of them every year is that some of them, or a lot of them

Kimberly Beer:

actually, I don't think ever become fully aware of their

Kimberly Beer:

unique asset. And I don't think they reach their potential

Kimberly Beer:

because they don't really capitalize on that. So that's

Kimberly Beer:

our topic for today. Cara, are you excited about this topic?

Cara Taylor Swift:

I am I'm I'm just happy to be here today,

Cara Taylor Swift:

actually, and this is a good topic. And it is something that

Cara Taylor Swift:

I think a lot of small business owners don't even think about,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, they think about trying to be all the things or

Cara Taylor Swift:

trying to put all the information out about their

Cara Taylor Swift:

business. But if you can focus on your unique asset, you really

Cara Taylor Swift:

stand out from the crowd.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And I love what you just said about

Kimberly Beer:

small business owners focusing on all the things right, one of

Kimberly Beer:

the crazy things about marketing in particular is that the more

Kimberly Beer:

that you try to include every little piece of things, the

Kimberly Beer:

harder it becomes for you to build a business. And when

Kimberly Beer:

you're marketing, the more people that you're talking to

Kimberly Beer:

the harder it is for people to hear you. And that is a good

Kimberly Beer:

point about having that unique asset for your business. Or

Kimberly Beer:

actually, this conversation isn't about having it, it's

Kimberly Beer:

about finding it then utilizing it

Kimberly Beer:

putting it to work exactly, exactly putting it

Cara Taylor Swift:

putting it to work

Cara Taylor Swift:

to work in your business. So our big three number one is for you

Cara Taylor Swift:

to find that what is the one most unique thing about you and

Cara Taylor Swift:

or your business. And then our big three, number two is for you

Cara Taylor Swift:

to assess that how or if you're even using that asset at all at

Cara Taylor Swift:

this point. And then finally, big three number three is how do

Cara Taylor Swift:

you make your unique asset more prominent in your business, your

Cara Taylor Swift:

marketing and your service? So let's dive in. For me

Cara Taylor Swift:

personally, when the speaker asked that question, what is

Cara Taylor Swift:

your unique asset and I sat in that room all those years ago, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

thought, my unique asset because I'm in a room full of business

Cara Taylor Swift:

consultants, right? You could reach out in either direction

Cara Taylor Swift:

and find a business consultants really easily. And I thought

Cara Taylor Swift:

what makes me different from all of these people.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I would imagine that you have a lot of

Cara Taylor Swift:

the same strengths and techniques and processes and

Cara Taylor Swift:

those sorts of things. So it's kind of like everybody in the

Cara Taylor Swift:

room has this baseline of characteristics and things that

Cara Taylor Swift:

they do that just kind of comes with it. So how are you

Kimberly Beer:

What do I bring? What's my patented magic that I

Kimberly Beer:


Kimberly Beer:

bring to the situation? Because you're exactly right. Every

Kimberly Beer:

person sitting in that room pretty much offered the exact

Kimberly Beer:

same service, and they may have had niches and target markets

Kimberly Beer:

that were slightly different. But if you boiled us all down

Kimberly Beer:

into one thing, it would be really easy to say this is what

Kimberly Beer:

this roomful of people does. And as I looked around me I thought

Kimberly Beer:

what what do I have that's different, what is what is truly

Kimberly Beer:

different about me and the immediate answer that came to me

Kimberly Beer:

was my ranch. I came from a very different background than those

Kimberly Beer:

other people in the room. It was in Arizona and it was in a very

Kimberly Beer:

it was in Phoenix. So it was in a big city. And the people that

Kimberly Beer:

were in the room came from all over the world, really. But the

Kimberly Beer:

mass majority of them if I would say not all of them, they didn't

Kimberly Beer:

come from a small farm in Missouri. You know, I was the

Kimberly Beer:

only person in the room that came from a small farm in

Kimberly Beer:

Missouri, I was the only person in the room that probably was

Kimberly Beer:

the second generation rancher on that small farm. So I brought

Kimberly Beer:

all of this unique thoughts around my ranch. And I had

Kimberly Beer:

already to some degree incorporated that, like I'd

Kimberly Beer:

started writing about the fact that I always feel that ranchers

Kimberly Beer:

are, you know, they're some of the original entrepreneurs in

Cara Taylor Swift:

Are you looking to bring awareness to

Cara Taylor Swift:

growing food for a village or a community even in long ago,

Cara Taylor Swift:

historic times that may have been like the only entrepreneur

Cara Taylor Swift:

your equine based product or service or create a unique way

Cara Taylor Swift:

in town, and farmers also had to be sustainable. They had to

Cara Taylor Swift:

think about the long term, they had to figure out how to do

Cara Taylor Swift:

things in a production way, a lot of my business was centered

Cara Taylor Swift:

for your audience to feel connected to your brand? Quality

Cara Taylor Swift:

around the lessons that I had learned over the years about

Cara Taylor Swift:

being on this farm. And being that second generation child

Cara Taylor Swift:

that was here with agriculture, and working in partnership with

Cara Taylor Swift:

animals that were my team and understanding the sustainability

Cara Taylor Swift:

horse photos, tell your story and breathe life into your

Cara Taylor Swift:

of agriculture and how that really relates to small

Cara Taylor Swift:

businesses. And it just started to explode in my head about Wow,

Cara Taylor Swift:

that really is my unique asset in my business. And honestly,

Cara Taylor Swift:

marketing. They draw your customers in and create an

Cara Taylor Swift:

it's wonderful that people can come here and experience the

Cara Taylor Swift:

ranch and in conjunction with their business building. But

Cara Taylor Swift:

truthfully, I carry it with me everywhere I go. And I bring it

Cara Taylor Swift:

emotional connection. Powerful images, communicate your core

Cara Taylor Swift:

into everything that I do. And I hadn't recognized that before

Cara Taylor Swift:

that moment in time. And so it was a big realization for me.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And it shifted a lot of things for me, which I'm very, very

Cara Taylor Swift:

values and highlight the benefits your product offers.

Cara Taylor Swift:

happy about when it comes to finding your unique asset for

Cara Taylor Swift:

your business. Cara has some wonderful ideas for you about

Cara Taylor Swift:

where you might go hunting for that if you're sitting in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

car or your tractor, or you're listening at your desk and

Cara Taylor Swift:

Ultimately, proving your business is a voice your

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're going what is my unique asset? I don't have an immediate

Cara Taylor Swift:

answer for that question.

Cara Taylor Swift:

customers can trust. It's time to use dynamic images that

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, this is a good place to start. So start thinking about

Cara Taylor Swift:

define your small business and separate you from the rest of

Cara Taylor Swift:

the herd. Fast Horse photography's professional photo

Cara Taylor Swift:library features:Cara Taylor Swift:

businesses just like yours. And guess what? 100% of those images

Cara Taylor Swift:

things like your location in your community, are you the only

Cara Taylor Swift:

person that's providing services in that location? That might be

Cara Taylor Swift:

are horse related. Now finding the right horse images for your

Cara Taylor Swift:

simply a unique asset that you can start with. Do you have a

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique service that you provide that your competition's not

Cara Taylor Swift:

providing? Do you have an exclusive product that you can

Cara Taylor Swift:

offer that maybe isn't available to other folks that work in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

website, social media, and marketing needs is easier than

Cara Taylor Swift:

same industry? But another unique asset could just be you,

Cara Taylor Swift:

your personality, the way that you like to work and your team,

Cara Taylor Swift:

maybe you have a team and other businesses don't have the option

Cara Taylor Swift:

of having a team. Your reputation could also be another

Cara Taylor Swift:

ever. Help your audience see that your brand offers the

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique asset how people know you in the community. It could be

Cara Taylor Swift:

that you provide services to a really small set of clients,

Cara Taylor Swift:

maybe to a unique population. For example, I work strictly

Cara Taylor Swift:

with horse owners. So for me in my community of photographers, a

Cara Taylor Swift:

answers they are looking for. Search for the perfect images

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique asset might be that I provide services to horses and

Cara Taylor Swift:

their people. It could be that the way that you do business,

Cara Taylor Swift:

your processes and your procedures might be very

Cara Taylor Swift:

different than your competition. It could also be the types of

Cara Taylor Swift:

equipment that you have access to or that you use. Maybe you do

Cara Taylor Swift:

for your equine business right now. Spur your customers into

Cara Taylor Swift:

something really different in my community of photographers, for

Cara Taylor Swift:

example, a unique asset might be that I can come on site and

Cara Taylor Swift:

shoot and then show you your pictures right there on site. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

that might be different from other photographers in my area.

Cara Taylor Swift:

action with That's

Cara Taylor Swift:

It might be that you have a really unique skill set a

Cara Taylor Swift:

certification or degree that allows you to stand out from the

Cara Taylor Swift:

crowd in your area and just adds a little clout to what you do.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And it could also be your brand and the way that you do business

Cara Taylor Swift:

Cara Taylor Swift:

or service, just that unique brand that's strictly yours.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And that unique brand. So when we

Kimberly Beer:

were prepping for this episode, Cara asked me a little bit about

Kimberly Beer:

that. And the way that I interpret this because I think

Kimberly Beer:

for a lot of businesses, it is their brand. It's how they show

Kimberly Beer:

up and what they bring to the table. And for your business,

Kimberly Beer:

for example, Cara, I see that for you, you have a very unique

Kimberly Beer:

way of showing up for your clients. You're their realist,

Kimberly Beer:

but you're also their cheerleader. The degree that you

Kimberly Beer:

offer service to your clients is exceptional in a world of

Kimberly Beer:

photographers that do offer already exceptional service. So

Kimberly Beer:

to be the exceptional in the exceptional crowd is definitely

Kimberly Beer:

a unique asset. But as we were talking about this, I explained

Kimberly Beer:

a story of memory that I had. So my very, very, very first job

Kimberly Beer:

that I really never talked about was flipping burgers at

Kimberly Beer:

McDonald's. I was a cook at McDonald's. I didn't know that

Kimberly Beer:

about you. Yes, I was all of 15-16 years old, I don't even

Kimberly Beer:

think I could drive at the time. And it was a summer job. And it

Kimberly Beer:

paid a crazy amount of money. I think it was like $2.50 An hour

Kimberly Beer:

or something. But McDonald's had a very unique way of doing

Kimberly Beer:

business and that they're one unique asset at the time now

Kimberly Beer:

things have shifted a little bit, and they've changed their

Kimberly Beer:

branding around. But at the time, it was fast. Like the way

Kimberly Beer:

that they produced hamburgers was better than anybody else

Kimberly Beer:

could do it. That was the one thing they did, everybody could

Kimberly Beer:

depend on McDonald's being fast. And the way that it happened

Kimberly Beer:

back when I was a teenager was McDonald's would like cook all

Kimberly Beer:

of the food ahead of time, like I would make a big batch of

Kimberly Beer:

hamburgers. And I would put them all together and I would stick

Kimberly Beer:

them in these bins that had like a warming element to them. And

Kimberly Beer:

then when you drove up to the drive thru, or came to the front

Kimberly Beer:

thing, they would hand you your food, it was like immediate, it

Kimberly Beer:

was like I ordered and boom, my food is in front of me, which

Kimberly Beer:

back in the day was harder to get. And then Burger King comes

Kimberly Beer:

along and Burger King capitalized on making their

Kimberly Beer:

unique asset, something that McDonald's couldn't do very

Kimberly Beer:

well, which was Have it your way, it was such a prominent

Kimberly Beer:

part of their marketing because you could order your food and

Kimberly Beer:

they would make it right then in there, like they put the

Kimberly Beer:

toppings on the burger. And I noticed that very stealthily, if

Kimberly Beer:

you were if you're an old folk like me, you will have noticed

Kimberly Beer:

that now McDonald's has really adopted Burger Kings way of

Kimberly Beer:

doing things because they now make everything sort of fresh to

Kimberly Beer:

fresh todays. But But back in the day, when somebody had to

Kimberly Beer:

order something special. Like if you didn't want onions on your

Kimberly Beer:

burger, it was the secret code to get your fresh burger,

Kimberly Beer:

because that meant that I had to cook it completely from scratch

Kimberly Beer:

for you while you waited, which sort of killed the whole unique

Kimberly Beer:

asset concept. Because the burgers came with onions and all

Kimberly Beer:

of the ones in the little bin that were waiting for humans had

Kimberly Beer:

onions on them. So that might be a better way of looking at I

Kimberly Beer:

know it's not an Well, technically not an animal based

Kimberly Beer:

business. But you can see how that way of doing things and the

Kimberly Beer:

branding, how that became that unique asset?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I think the big part of that is just

Cara Taylor Swift:

identifying, you know, what sets you apart. And for McDonald's,

Cara Taylor Swift:

that example you gave it was super fast. They were one of the

Cara Taylor Swift:

first real fast food industry leaders. So what are the

Cara Taylor Swift:

distinguishing characteristics that really set you apart in

Cara Taylor Swift:

your animal industry? So start thinking about that. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

recommend, you know, one of the things that I think was super

Cara Taylor Swift:

helpful for me is make a list of all the things in your business

Cara Taylor Swift:

that you feel are unique. And then Kim and I were talking

Cara Taylor Swift:

about this, and she says this is where you get to choose the one

Cara Taylor Swift:

that makes you you, you know, but making that list and kind of

Cara Taylor Swift:

going through and thinking okay, well, I'm different here and I'm

Cara Taylor Swift:

different here and just making that list, do the activity of

Cara Taylor Swift:

that. And then you get to, in some regards, choose what that

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique asset is. Another good thing that I've done in the past

Cara Taylor Swift:

is is solicit feedback from your clients, your past clients. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

you can do this in a couple different ways poll them, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can contact them and ask them you can also you know ask for it

Cara Taylor Swift:

in the form of testimonials. You know, when you're requesting

Cara Taylor Swift:

information about the service that you provide, you can tailor

Cara Taylor Swift:

your questions in a way that you can help learn you know, what

Cara Taylor Swift:

they really felt set you apart why they decided to work with

Cara Taylor Swift:

you. And look for those things out there that you hear again

Cara Taylor Swift:

and again about your business. So one of the things that I hear

Cara Taylor Swift:

all the time is, you know, I'm blown away by your

Cara Taylor Swift:

professionalism, you know, and your support through this

Cara Taylor Swift:

process. That comes up again and again and again. And that to me,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, it's something that I think about, okay, so people

Cara Taylor Swift:

really appreciate this part of it, maybe they've worked with

Cara Taylor Swift:

photographers in the past that weren't as professional. So your

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique asset should really be unique to your business. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're looking for things that aren't something that happens in

Cara Taylor Swift:

your competitors business, it's not something that you see

Cara Taylor Swift:

routinely. So like Kim's giving the example of sitting at this

Cara Taylor Swift:

conference in a room full of coaches, and probably every one

Cara Taylor Swift:

of those coaches had something in common, they had things that

Cara Taylor Swift:

were routine as part of an average coaching business. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

what you're doing as you're looking for that one thing that

Cara Taylor Swift:

sets you apart, and it really needs to become a recognizable

Cara Taylor Swift:

part of your brand, which I think moves us into big three

Cara Taylor Swift:

number two, Kim, do you think

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely, And that one is assess how or if

Kimberly Beer:

you're even using that asset.

Kimberly Beer:

Every small business owner wants to gain traction in their

Kimberly Beer:

marketing. After three decades of working with small business

Kimberly Beer:

owners just like you, I have developed what I call my four by

Kimberly Beer:

four marketing method. In just one-90 minute session, you'll

Kimberly Beer:

discover the four major focus areas of a successful marketing

Kimberly Beer:

plan. And together we'll uncover where your business is getting

Kimberly Beer:

stuck, you'll leave the session with an action plan of next

Kimberly Beer:

steps that engage your revenue engine. Drop by

Kimberly Beer: to request your session today. That's

Kimberly Beer: See you there.

Kimberly Beer:

So back in that room, I was not using this ranch as an asset at

Kimberly Beer:

the time, particularly I was, like I said, I was only writing

Kimberly Beer:

a few blog posts here and there about it. But what I discovered

Kimberly Beer:

was when I started or when I guided sales conversations to my

Kimberly Beer:

background in agriculture, and my background with land and

Kimberly Beer:

nature, and horses, and all of those things, people really

Kimberly Beer:

started to listen in a very, very perked up ear way, they

Kimberly Beer:

were kind of mesmerized, because they'd heard it all before in

Kimberly Beer:

these very businessy terms. But here we were talking about, you

Kimberly Beer:

know, topics like how we do prescribed burning here on the

Kimberly Beer:

ranch, and how it burns off all of this clutter that gets into a

Kimberly Beer:

pasture. And what happens is, yes, there's a lot of a lot of

Kimberly Beer:

scarring and a lot of destruction. But in that

Kimberly Beer:

destruction comes back life tenfold from what it was before

Kimberly Beer:

the pasture was burned. So being able to use that as a metaphor

Kimberly Beer:

for a business that feels like tired or cluttered, or I hear

Kimberly Beer:

from a lot of small business owners, I am overwhelmed. You

Kimberly Beer:

know, okay, so you're overwhelmed, and you don't feel

Kimberly Beer:

like you're growing. So let's like burn away all of that stuff

Kimberly Beer:

that has accumulated and let's get some fresh growth in there.

Kimberly Beer:

And it really does stimulate that. So So using the metaphors

Kimberly Beer:

from the ranch, people really started to listen to me in a

Kimberly Beer:

very deep and meaningful way that I got their attention. And

Kimberly Beer:

I became memorable, which is when you're doing marketing is

Kimberly Beer:

like your number one goal, right? You want people to

Kimberly Beer:

remember you for you.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well you set yourself apart and you found

Cara Taylor Swift:

your audience.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And when I go back into that

Kimberly Beer:

community now of other businesses that do exactly what

Kimberly Beer:

I do, they know me usually as the horse girl, I'll tell you,

Kimberly Beer:

one of the biggest differences I made is I've always been I

Kimberly Beer:

wasn't embarrassed of my agricultural background, but I

Kimberly Beer:

always felt a little weird dragging it out in really high

Kimberly Beer:

end business situations, right because I worked in a corporate

Kimberly Beer:

job I felt like I needed to have on you know, like skirts and

Kimberly Beer:

heels and dress really nicely and very businessy three piece

Kimberly Beer:

suit attire. And that day was the day that I stopped showing

Kimberly Beer:

up to a lot of my speaking engagements, the ones that I

Kimberly Beer:

knew people weren't going to freak out on me. I stopped

Kimberly Beer:

showing up into speaking engagements in business attire,

Kimberly Beer:

and I started wearing my jeans and coming in and in a nice

Kimberly Beer:

shirt and jeans and clean boots. But it became part of who I

Kimberly Beer:

showed up as and it was so much more authentic because you know

Kimberly Beer:

me, Cara, you know me as that person right? Can you imagine me

Kimberly Beer:

wandering around? And

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, I can't picture you in a three piece

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Three piece suits and pumps and that kind of

Kimberly Beer:

stuff. It's not me

Cara Taylor Swift:

your pantsuit.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, and and so another big thing that I did in

Kimberly Beer:

that moment that I changed was I changed my biopic, on all of my

Kimberly Beer:

slides where I introduced myself, I changed it to me with

Kimberly Beer:

the horse and it really sparked conversations in the room

Kimberly Beer:

because when it flipped to me with the horse, and I'm sitting

Kimberly Beer:

in this group of business owner business owners, right that I do

Kimberly Beer:

a lot of instruction with city, very concrete jungle folks. And

Kimberly Beer:

so I flipped to that and they see the horse and I can always

Kimberly Beer:

see him go, what on earth? Is there a, why is there a horse in

Kimberly Beer:

the room with us? And then I explain my background and about

Kimberly Beer:

the ranch and it always brings up three or four people at the

Kimberly Beer:

end of the presentation that either talk to me about their

Kimberly Beer:

horse experience or talk to me about agriculture. So what I'm

Kimberly Beer:

trying to get out with this number two is take that moment

Kimberly Beer:

and see, are you really using your asset? And if you aren't,

Kimberly Beer:

why not? In my case, I was terrified. I thought these

Kimberly Beer:

people are not going to take me seriously. If I show up with

Kimberly Beer:

jeans on and a horse in my slideshow, they're gonna be

Kimberly Beer:

like, oh my god, she is some country bumpkin that doesn't

Kimberly Beer:

know jack about businesses and entrepreneurship. And I'm like,

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, I know it better because I have this, this is where I've

Kimberly Beer:

been. So ask yourself for your own business. Where is that at?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, I think it sounds to me, like also, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

made yourself one of the more memorable people, you know, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

were so unique and different that everyone knew who you were

Cara Taylor Swift:

in a sea of a bunch of people that were very similar and

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. Think back to McDonald's on their

Kimberly Beer:

trying to fit in and trying to be like everyone else, like you

Kimberly Beer:

were the one that probably most people remembered, you know, you

Kimberly Beer:

had that unique element. So that's amazing, which I think

Kimberly Beer:

rolls us into number three, how can you make your unique asset

Kimberly Beer:

more prominent in your marketing and service? I mean, Kim started

Kimberly Beer:

right away, she changed the way she dressed, she went back to

Kimberly Beer:

how she wants to feel comfortable, she changed our

Kimberly Beer:

marketing image to better, you know, clarify who she is. And

Kimberly Beer:

that was a great place to start. But I think the biggest thing is

Kimberly Beer:

you have to talk about it. So for Kim, she had to talk about

Kimberly Beer:

the ranch, you know, she had to make that part of her story and

Kimberly Beer:

the examples that she gives in the way that she teaches and

Kimberly Beer:

coaches elements of the ranch came into that and the people

Kimberly Beer:

that find you and gravitate to you appreciate that you have to

Kimberly Beer:

write about it, you have to use them in your you know,

Kimberly Beer:

repeatedly in your marketing. So you can't be like a one hit

Kimberly Beer:

wonder where you talk about it once and then hope that people

Kimberly Beer:

remember it, it has to be a continuous presence in your

Kimberly Beer:


Kimberly Beer:

sign. If you look at McDonald's signs, I think even today, it

Kimberly Beer:

says billions and billions served back when I worked there,

Kimberly Beer:

it was like they would have a number that actually changed.

Kimberly Beer:

But the focus hasn't shifted off of that we do things fast, we

Kimberly Beer:

serve lots of people food fast, that's on their sign, it's right

Kimberly Beer:

underneath their logo, it's something that has become a meme

Kimberly Beer:

in our life long before memes were memes. It's such a part of

Kimberly Beer:

their brand that it becomes so ingrained in culture. And the

Kimberly Beer:

same thing needs to happen for your business in that when you

Kimberly Beer:

do find your asset, you do want to be remembered for it, you do

Kimberly Beer:

want to make it a focal point. Because again, you don't want to

Kimberly Beer:

have the same old tired conversations that your

Kimberly Beer:

competitor is having, especially if your competitor hasn't quite

Kimberly Beer:

realized yet that they have a unique asset and gone and done

Kimberly Beer:

the work like you're doing you're 10 steps ahead of them if

Kimberly Beer:

you start the conversation in a place that they never even get

Kimberly Beer:

to. So I think that that's a great plan in making it more

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. So you're talking about it,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're writing about it, you're using it repeatedly in the

Cara Taylor Swift:

market. The next step is you need to have the people that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

work with talking about it and recognizing and sharing it and

Cara Taylor Swift:

it needs to come from them as well that word of mouth piece of

Cara Taylor Swift:

it. So one of the ways that I do this is when I request

Cara Taylor Swift:

testimonials, I ask questions that lead and encourage people

Cara Taylor Swift:

to talk about the unique asset. So I'm not the only one that's

Cara Taylor Swift:

talking about it, you then have word of mouth and you have other

Cara Taylor Swift:

people talking about your brand your business and what makes it

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique. So I don't know. Have you done much of that Kim, where

Cara Taylor Swift:

you then have other people talk about your unique asset?

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. I want testimonials about what

Kimberly Beer:

it's like to come here to the ranch and work with me and the

Kimberly Beer:

horses in the Gestalt process. I want businesses to talk about my

Kimberly Beer:

down to earth sustainable practices that I provide for

Kimberly Beer:

entrepreneurs. I definitely yes, I asked leading questions that

Kimberly Beer:

help people and also for the person who's answering the

Kimberly Beer:

questions and helps them identify why they chose me why

Kimberly Beer:

they want to work with me. And I do think you want to see that

Kimberly Beer:

overall in all of your business. When you're choosing this unique

Kimberly Beer:

asset, when you decide that that's what you want to bring

Kimberly Beer:

forth, make sure it's something that is really something you

Kimberly Beer:

love and are passionate about. And I also encourage you to seek

Kimberly Beer:

in some of the darker corners like for me recognizing that my

Kimberly Beer:

difference in the crowd was going to be something that I

Kimberly Beer:

very much of it is authentically me but I didn't bring out very

Kimberly Beer:

often was a big wake up moment for me in my business. And over

Kimberly Beer:

the years. I brought it in more and more and more and I keep

Kimberly Beer:

expanding on the idea and and processing it further into my

Kimberly Beer:

business. And so keep on looking to make it more and more

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. And then the last little piece

Cara Taylor Swift:

of that is we talked about in episode 58 competitive research,

Cara Taylor Swift:

right? So if you miss that episode, pop back over there and

Cara Taylor Swift:

take a listen to episode 58. But you should be doing competitive

Cara Taylor Swift:

research because you want to know what your competition's

Cara Taylor Swift:

unique assets are, as well. And you want to see if they're

Cara Taylor Swift:

trying to copy your unique asset because once you take off and

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're doing some incredible stuff with your brand and your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business, then you might find out that your competition is

Cara Taylor Swift:

trying to piggyback on that a little bit. And there's not

Cara Taylor Swift:

necessarily much you can do about that as a business owner,

Cara Taylor Swift:

but it gives you the knowledge so that you can keep building on

Cara Taylor Swift:

that and growing and being the best that you can be in your

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Yep, you can dive deeper or go higher than the

Kimberly Beer:

competition is on that particular topic

Cara Taylor Swift:

because it's unique to you.

Kimberly Beer:

It is it is it's a fun process to sit and examine

Kimberly Beer:

your business for what exactly is the unique thing that you

Kimberly Beer:

bring to the table? And I would love to hear from you guys, I

Kimberly Beer:

know Cara would as well, what is your unique asset that you

Kimberly Beer:

bring? What did you discover in the process of taking a few

Kimberly Beer:

minutes or a few days or a few weeks even to think about how

Kimberly Beer:

you show up in your for your target market? And what can you

Kimberly Beer:

do to make that a really unique conversation in a world full of

Kimberly Beer:

conversations that tend to repeat?

Cara Taylor Swift:

That's right, we want to hear from you guys.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So hop over to The Business Animal on Instagram and Facebook

Cara Taylor Swift:

and let us know what is your unique asset? What is the thing

Cara Taylor Swift:

that sets your business apart in your community? We want to hear

Cara Taylor Swift:

from you. Thank you guys so much for joining us today. Please

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't forget to like, follow, review. We need all of that for

Cara Taylor Swift:

The Business Animal podcast. It helps us get seen by more folks

Cara Taylor Swift:

that are out there trying to grow their business. So, thank

Cara Taylor Swift:

you guys so much.


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Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And


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Until next time, keep your business well trained with The