Do you ever feel disconnected from your business? Yep, us, too. Sometimes it feels like we get so carried away in working in our business we forget to work on our business. In this episode, Kim and Cara discuss three ways you can reconnect to your business (and your passion!).


Welcome to The Business Animal Podcast. Saddle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools


that will take overwhelm to obedience school and have you


wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts, Kim Beer, and


Cara Taylor Swift.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals. It's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara with Fast Horse photography. Hi, Kim.

Kimberly Beer:

Hi, Cara. We have been having the most interesting

Kimberly Beer:

chats this morning. While we're getting ready to record I've

Kimberly Beer:

really enjoyed learning about all the wildlife in Florida.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I've enjoyed learning about how fast

Cara Taylor Swift:

your horses are eating hay right now.

Kimberly Beer:

I guess some of us


rambling rampages?

Kimberly Beer:

Yes, my horses are eating their hay too fast.

Kimberly Beer:

They need to learn to ration better. They don't understand

Kimberly Beer:

there's a storm coming.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, you guys are getting it. You guys

Cara Taylor Swift:

are apparently gearing up for a ton of snow right now. While

Cara Taylor Swift:

we're gonna be having a Iguanas falling out of trees next week.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So due to the cold

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, good grief. Yes, that would be that would be

Kimberly Beer:

an unexpected moment in my life. If I walked outside and an

Kimberly Beer:

iguana fell on my head.

Cara Taylor Swift:

That's a crazy world out here. So what

Cara Taylor Swift:

are we talking about today,

Kimberly Beer:

it is a crazy world down there. We're talking

Kimberly Beer:

about how to reconnect with your business, which apparently we

Kimberly Beer:

need to reconnect with our topics. So that's probably a

Kimberly Beer:

good indication that we need to kind of get better focused.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I've enjoyed the rambling this

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Okay, so for all of you that are out there

Kimberly Beer:

listening that hopefully enjoyed a little giggle with that and

Kimberly Beer:

aren't being clocked by falling iguanas in Florida, or frozen in

Kimberly Beer:

Missouri or somewhere else where this polar vortex is coming

Kimberly Beer:

along. What we want to talk to you today about is reconnecting

Kimberly Beer:

to your business. As entrepreneurs, there are times

Kimberly Beer:

that we get so carried away with working in our business, and

Kimberly Beer:

what's going on inside of our business that we get where we

Kimberly Beer:

feel really disconnected from our business as a whole kind of

Kimberly Beer:

like, I don't know, like you're the bus driver, and possibly,

Kimberly Beer:

you've just left the wheel and kind of put it on whatever

Kimberly Beer:

autopilot, you know, put a brake on the gas pedal and tied this

Kimberly Beer:

triggering wheel down and just, you know, hammer down and now

Kimberly Beer:

you're paying attention to what's going on in the back of

Kimberly Beer:

the bus instead of figuring out where you're going. So that's

Kimberly Beer:

your metaphor for today is the runaway bus metaphor.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Oh, here we go with the runaway bus. I think

Cara Taylor Swift:

I think it was a runaway train a couple episodes ago.

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, there's all kinds of runaway things in my

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, it's this is such good timing,

Cara Taylor Swift:

because we're recording this right before, right at the end

Cara Taylor Swift:

of the year. And we're moving into the new year. And I do

Cara Taylor Swift:

think a lot of us put our businesses on autopilot and kind

Cara Taylor Swift:

of let things just we're just getting through, you know, we're

Cara Taylor Swift:

trying to get through the holiday season. We're trying to

Cara Taylor Swift:

finish out our year, we're getting ready to prep for taxes.

Cara Taylor Swift:

You know, we're just it's we're on autopilot a little bit. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

we can feel really disconnected, disconnected from things that

Cara Taylor Swift:

are happening every day disconnected from the industry

Cara Taylor Swift:

and as a whole and disconnected from our why and the feelings

Cara Taylor Swift:

around our business. And the reason that we're we have a

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely, absolutely. And so what we have

Kimberly Beer:

for you guys today are three ways that you can pick that

Kimberly Beer:

connection back up, take a hold of the steering wheel, get a

Kimberly Beer:

hold of the train or the airplane, whatever metaphor it

Kimberly Beer:

is that you're using for your business, it's time to take back

Kimberly Beer:

control of things get reconnected and focus back on

Kimberly Beer:

your business. Big Three number one is for you to step away from

Kimberly Beer:

the work and take a look at the big picture. So use this time to

Kimberly Beer:

get that view of where it is that you want to go or what what

Kimberly Beer:

road or track that you're on right now. And is it the

Kimberly Beer:

direction you need to go. Number two is reignite your passion

Kimberly Beer:

with a few hours each week for a business date. And I remember

Kimberly Beer:

Cara texting me when this was on the big three and saying exactly

Kimberly Beer:

what is a business day, Kim. So if you're curious about that,

Kimberly Beer:

we'll get to that in a moment and explain what a business date

Kimberly Beer:

is. And then number three, connect with other business

Kimberly Beer:

owners and industry leaders to get yourself back into the

Kimberly Beer:

current flow. So let's take a look at number one, stepping

Kimberly Beer:

away from the work So stepping away from working in your

Kimberly Beer:

business, and take a look at the big picture of working on your

Kimberly Beer:

business. And there's a big distinction there. And that

Kimberly Beer:

statement that I said work on your business versus working in

Kimberly Beer:

your business comes from a book by Mr. Gerber. It's called The E

Kimberly Beer:

Myth. And I recommend The E Myth Revisited rather than the E Myth

Kimberly Beer:

itself, or the E Myth, workbook, go with the E Myth revisited.

Kimberly Beer:

That's the one that you want. And if you're interested in

Kimberly Beer:

learning more about that, I think he has a lot of valid

Kimberly Beer:

points. The most valid one of the points is this one. A lot of

Kimberly Beer:

entrepreneurs, they come from a background where they've been

Kimberly Beer:

the employee, and now they're the business owner. And when you

Kimberly Beer:

come into a business, from the perspective of being an

Kimberly Beer:

employee, you get busy working in the business, because that's

Kimberly Beer:

what you've always known. But when you're the business owner,

Kimberly Beer:

that's not the place where your business makes the most forward

Kimberly Beer:

motion. And the most connection, the place from that happens is

Kimberly Beer:

when you're standing in the position of the CEO. So that's

Kimberly Beer:

the basic lesson that we're talking about when we say, you

Kimberly Beer:

know, work on your business instead of in it. And that's

Kimberly Beer:

where this number one comes in is where you need to step away

Kimberly Beer:

from being the cog in the wheel, of being an employee of being

Kimberly Beer:

the person who's doing the work, and reconnect with your

Kimberly Beer:

business. And like Cara mentioned, uh, you know,

Kimberly Beer:

reconnecting with your why, reconnecting with the how

Kimberly Beer:

reconnecting with the future and where you're going. So that's my

Kimberly Beer:

take on number one.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I think that makes perfectly good sense.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I love when you mentioned the part about like, we started out

Cara Taylor Swift:

as a lot of us started out as employees and worker bees. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

it you have to, you have to be both of those things in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business. And if you're not used to thinking about the big

Cara Taylor Swift:

picture, it can be a mind shift to put yourself in those shoes,

Cara Taylor Swift:

and to put on your big picture hat and get to work. So thinking

Cara Taylor Swift:

about things like, you know, where is your business going?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Like, where are you headed? Where do you hope to be in the

Cara Taylor Swift:

end of next year, for example, or in five years or 10 years?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Where's your business headed? So sometimes, especially this time

Cara Taylor Swift:

of year, where we've got you know, a January's coming up in

Cara Taylor Swift:

this episode will probably be coming out beginning of January,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, taking the time to reassess your business goals and

Cara Taylor Swift:

your timeline expectation, and make sure that you're still

Cara Taylor Swift:

headed in the right direction, where you want your end goal to

Cara Taylor Swift:

be in the next year or five years. And then I know Kim

Cara Taylor Swift:

mentioned it earlier, you know, reconnecting with your why and

Cara Taylor Swift:

making sure that your Y is still just as important to you as it

Cara Taylor Swift:

or maybe that's shifted, you know, has your wife shifted a

Cara Taylor Swift:

little bit. And it's possible sometimes when we're busy

Cara Taylor Swift:

working in our business instead of on our business that we

Cara Taylor Swift:

forget, you know why we started our business in the first place.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So just simply taking a moment to reconnect that piece to your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business can be a big shift. And when you're thinking about the

Cara Taylor Swift:

big picture, I also recommend, and this is something I have to

Cara Taylor Swift:

do, at least once a year, I have to take a step back and

Cara Taylor Swift:

determine as my business become too complicated. Maybe I need to

Cara Taylor Swift:

look for ways to streamline my business, I definitely can get

Cara Taylor Swift:

caught up and thinking I need to do that I need to do that I need

Cara Taylor Swift:

to add that I need to incorporate that Oh, that would

Cara Taylor Swift:

be really cool to incorporate in. So I start adding all these

Cara Taylor Swift:

little things. And the next thing I know, my business is no

Cara Taylor Swift:

longer streamlined, it no longer has a clear path that my clients

Cara Taylor Swift:

should take. And so it just really does become complicated.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I have to take a step back. Look where I need to streamline,

Cara Taylor Swift:

look at the things that are serving my business and not

Cara Taylor Swift:

serving my business, and then start thinking about okay, some

Cara Taylor Swift:

of this needs to be outsourced. Some of this needs to be

Cara Taylor Swift:

automated, some of this needs to be put away. It's just not

Cara Taylor Swift:

working for my business. Another piece that I think is really

Cara Taylor Swift:

important here, when you're looking at the big picture, is

Cara Taylor Swift:

look for places in your business, where you hear

Cara Taylor Swift:

yourself saying words like never, or can't, and make sure

Cara Taylor Swift:

that those nevers and those cans are still serving your business.

Cara Taylor Swift:

For example, I hear clients, I do mentoring for photography

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients, and I hear them say things like, I could never

Cara Taylor Swift:

charge that much money. Or I'm don't have the ability to take a

Cara Taylor Swift:

vacation or take time off. And I just can't do that. So think

Cara Taylor Swift:

about what that means. And is that still serving? Is that

Cara Taylor Swift:

still serving you maybe in the early days of your business? You

Cara Taylor Swift:

couldn't charge that much, but maybe you're someplace where you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can now can What do you think about that the nevers and the

Cara Taylor Swift:

cats like looking for those places in your business?

Kimberly Beer:

Oh yeah, that That's That's NLP, that's

Kimberly Beer:

classic neuro linguistic programming. And picking up on

Kimberly Beer:

when we say that and walking back and asking ourselves and I

Kimberly Beer:

can hear Melissa Pierce's voice in my ear saying this because

Kimberly Beer:

I've she said it to me so many times if I get caught in that,

Kimberly Beer:

it you know, if I say I could never do that, and or I could

Kimberly Beer:

never charge that, let's take that her question and I hear it

Kimberly Beer:

immediately because it's ingrained in me now is never

Kimberly Beer:

really, you could never imagine a possible scenario where you

Kimberly Beer:

might be able to charge that never. So it another one is,

Kimberly Beer:

anytime you do the ones that are like, so definite, like I always

Kimberly Beer:

do this, or a lot of times we say that when somebody else does

Kimberly Beer:

it to us, right? Like he always treats me poorly. And it's like

Kimberly Beer:

always, is it? Is it always? Or was it just a few times and now

Kimberly Beer:

you've sort of gone to that extreme. So anytime you catch

Kimberly Beer:

yourself in that language, ask yourself that question really is

Kimberly Beer:

is never Can you imagine a possible scenario there's

Kimberly Beer:

there's no way that could happen in that gets your brain to open

Kimberly Beer:

up the the world of possibility. And then you're able to walk

Kimberly Beer:

through that door. So anytime you hear yourself or catch

Kimberly Beer:

yourself doing that, make sure that you can you question it. So

Kimberly Beer:

neural NLP is fascinating. And once you dive down into it, it

Kimberly Beer:

really you start to catch yourself where you do a lot of

Kimberly Beer:

things where you sabotage your own self. So that's a that's a

Kimberly Beer:

good one. And I hear that same thing from my mentees as well

Kimberly Beer:

with the well, I could never charge that. Or I could never

Kimberly Beer:

take photos like that. Or, yeah, so I could never have that kind

Kimberly Beer:

of a life. Right? Or that kind of a business. That's, that's

Kimberly Beer:

definitely limiting for you.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. You have to Yeah, definitely. If

Cara Taylor Swift:

you hear yourself doing that,

Kimberly Beer:

yes. If you hear yourself doing it, stop it right

Kimberly Beer:

now. Stop it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

That's right. And then the last little piece

Cara Taylor Swift:

that all add to this would be the idea of gratitude and just

Cara Taylor Swift:

reminding yourself to practice some gratitude. You know, we

Cara Taylor Swift:

were talking about this the other day that you've got to

Cara Taylor Swift:

remind yourself, sometimes you have to just stop and see how

Cara Taylor Swift:

far you've come. And that somewhere inside of of each of

Cara Taylor Swift:

us little entrepreneurs out there is a version of us, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, is this version of you just starting out, that would be

Cara Taylor Swift:

just so incredibly amazed with how far you've come and that the

Cara Taylor Swift:

things that you know, right now, today that you're finding boring

Cara Taylor Swift:

or just unexciting in your business, are the things that

Cara Taylor Swift:

that original version of you really dreamed of having. And so

Cara Taylor Swift:

I do remind myself of that I remember, you know, when I first

Cara Taylor Swift:

picked up the camera and thought I could make this a business. I

Cara Taylor Swift:

remember never in my life, what I imagined, where I am today,

Cara Taylor Swift:

having clients and hosting workshops and being a part of a

Cara Taylor Swift:

community of cowgirls with cameras. And I mean, it's just

Cara Taylor Swift:

like that person that I was then would just be jumping up and

Cara Taylor Swift:

down screaming and squealing with delight to think about some

Cara Taylor Swift:

of the things that today I'm like up just gotta get to work,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know that it's like commonplace everyday stuff

Cara Taylor Swift:

today. You know, do you have moments like that?

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, yeah. I'm sure that the me who started

Kimberly Beer:this business back in:Kimberly Beer:

and flabbergasted actually, if I would be able to go back there

Kimberly Beer:

and sit with her and tell her what I'm doing now. Should be

Kimberly Beer:

like, yeah, no way, that there's no way that that that's going to

Kimberly Beer:

happen. So yeah, absolutely. And to say that, I've done it now

Kimberly Beer:

for 30 plus years is is amazing. So super happy with that.

Kimberly Beer:

Entrepreneurship for 30 plus years. Okay, so Yeah, are you

Kimberly Beer:

ready to move on to number two? Let's do it. Let's do it. So

Kimberly Beer:

reigniting your passion a few hours each week with a business

Kimberly Beer:

state. Now this idea came to me or this concept came to me and I

Kimberly Beer:

do this with my own business, by the way, through the process

Kimberly Beer:

called, it's by Julia Cameron. It's called the artists way. And

Kimberly Beer:

basically what the artists way is, is a 12 step program to help

Kimberly Beer:

artists reconnect with their creativity. So a lot of times

Kimberly Beer:

life gets in the way of our creativity. It kind of eats at

Kimberly Beer:

us, other people pick at us the day to day sort of success drive

Kimberly Beer:

from our creativity, and part of the process that she has you

Kimberly Beer:

walk through, there's 12 weeks and 12 steps and one of the

Kimberly Beer:

things that that is just at the very beginning of it that she

Kimberly Beer:

sets up with you. There's actually two one is daily

Kimberly Beer:

journaling. And then the second one is once a week to Take

Kimberly Beer:

yourself out on an artist date. And I give this to my business

Kimberly Beer:

owner clients as going out on a business date. So this is going

Kimberly Beer:

taking a couple of hours a week that you set aside specifically

Kimberly Beer:

to go explore something that is working on your business and

Kimberly Beer:

hopefully outside of your office space or outside of where you

Kimberly Beer:

work. So if you're a dog groomer, get out of the dog

Kimberly Beer:

grooming area, you get away from the grooming table, don't take

Kimberly Beer:

your tools with you, but go somewhere where there's

Kimberly Beer:

something interesting and exciting. I don't know if

Kimberly Beer:

there's such a place but maybe a place where you could go look at

Kimberly Beer:

new scissors, I grew up in a family of dog groomers, like new

Kimberly Beer:

scissors and new clippers were a lot of fun for them. That's

Kimberly Beer:

their, that's their like their paint brushes, right? So, go

Kimberly Beer:

find something along those lines for you. If you're a horse

Kimberly Beer:

trainer, or you raise horses breed horses, you know, here's

Kimberly Beer:

here's something I don't think anyone has probably ever given

Kimberly Beer:

you as an assignment in your business. But go hang out at the

Kimberly Beer:

tax store for a few hours. Like go just wander around a tack

Kimberly Beer:

store with no specific thing in mind to go by. Go take a look at

Kimberly Beer:

what's new look at the halter is in the ropes and the and the

Kimberly Beer:

training tools and and all of the all of the paraphernalia

Kimberly Beer:

that comes along with horses because those are your paint

Kimberly Beer:

brushes. And the way that you start to work on your canvas to

Kimberly Beer:

create that horse that the client is going to absolutely

Kimberly Beer:

adore all of us even even those of us who work in offices. So

Kimberly Beer:

for me, one of my business dates, go to the office supply

Kimberly Beer:

store. I absolutely love going to the office Play Store. Now

Kimberly Beer:

here's where Cara is gonna get a good giggle out of this. I love

Kimberly Beer:

to buy organizational things that I never use. So those of us

Kimberly Beer:

that are the least organized are the ones with the most planners.

Kimberly Beer:

And the most, most file thingies and the most all of that now the

Kimberly Beer:

thing is, is I'll bring those things home, and then not use

Kimberly Beer:

them. And they are very disorganized thing Lee stored in

Kimberly Beer:

my closet. However, just the interaction of going to the

Kimberly Beer:

office supply store, and seeing all of the things there and

Kimberly Beer:

interacting with them or buying a new favorite pen or I found

Kimberly Beer:

here's here's one of the things I found on a business date. I do

Kimberly Beer:

these canvases with clients where we put sticky notes all

Kimberly Beer:

over canvases, and it's a whole thing if you're interested in

Kimberly Beer:

growing your business. It's a it's a fun adventure to go on

Kimberly Beer:

with the canvas experiment, and I can explain more about it. But

Kimberly Beer:

in the context of this, we're just no we're putting sticky

Kimberly Beer:

notes on things. Well, they kept falling off, and it irritated

Kimberly Beer:

me. And I'm one of my excursions for no other purpose. But to

Kimberly Beer:

just wander around an office supply store, I found these

Kimberly Beer:

sticky notes that are meant for outdoor use. And so they're like

Kimberly Beer:

extra sticky. And though they put up with humidity, which

Kimberly Beer:

Missouri is like, prone for, and they are extra tough. And like

Kimberly Beer:

when you write on them, even if they get a little wet. The it

Kimberly Beer:

like absorbs the ink so that the ink won't run. So they're meant

Kimberly Beer:

to be used in extreme situations. So I now have

Kimberly Beer:

extreme sticky notes that we can use and they stick really well

Kimberly Beer:

on the vinyl canvases. So you never know what you're going to

Kimberly Beer:

come up with on an artist date.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, and I think that, you know, when I

Cara Taylor Swift:

think about going on a business date, if it's not connected

Cara Taylor Swift:

sometimes to the productivity of my business, I'm less inclined

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do it, even though I know it's really an important thing

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do. So I would encourage if there's folks out there like me

Cara Taylor Swift:

that you know, don't be afraid to try something new. But you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can, it's also okay to find something that you know, can

Cara Taylor Swift:

ignite a little passion inside of you that also serves your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business in some way. So a great example that I like is you see

Cara Taylor Swift:

pet photographers that are donating their time and

Cara Taylor Swift:

photographing shelter pets for adoption. For example, one of my

Cara Taylor Swift:

pals Penny, I'm sorry, Tracy, a pennywhistle photography, she

Cara Taylor Swift:

does a ton of shelter photography. And it's it's a way

Cara Taylor Swift:

for her to give back to a cause that she really believes in. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

she gets to do different things with her photography and she

Cara Taylor Swift:

gets to be creative in ways that she can't always be for paying

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients. So she's found a way to connect that to her business in

Cara Taylor Swift:

a way that's helpful for her business. You know, and then

Cara Taylor Swift:

take some time to learn something new. Take a class,

Cara Taylor Swift:

attend a lecture, you know, enjoy a webinar or add a new

Cara Taylor Swift:

skill to your toolkit. Now the key to this is you can sign up

Cara Taylor Swift:

for the webinars you need to actually attend it, you can buy

Cara Taylor Swift:

the class, you have to actually watch it, you can get the new

Cara Taylor Swift:

presets or techniques or, you know, DVDs, whatever it is that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're using to learn something, but you actually have to watch

Cara Taylor Swift:

them, I have yet to figure it out how to order or pay for a

Cara Taylor Swift:

class and like stick it under my pillow and absorb it, because I

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't know about you, but I am the worst about, oh, I really

Cara Taylor Swift:

want to see this new technique. And so I'll download it and then

Cara Taylor Swift:

never watch it. So I'm, that's like my office supplies,

Cara Taylor Swift:

probably, you know what I mean? Like getting classes and

Cara Taylor Swift:

educational things, and then not actually following through, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, buying the book and not reading it, it's all the same.

Cara Taylor Swift:

You just can't absorb it that way. And then I would say, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, find a way to challenge yourself that could look like

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, designing a new product or a new service

Cara Taylor Swift:

experience. I know in the last category, I said, streamline and

Cara Taylor Swift:

look to see if your business has to become complicated, too

Cara Taylor Swift:

complicated. And now I'm saying add something or challenge

Cara Taylor Swift:

yourself. But I think those two things can work together, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

have to be creating, I know for me in my business, in order to

Cara Taylor Swift:

stay connected and passionate about it, I have to be figuring

Cara Taylor Swift:

out how to uplevel a service or how to streamline a service or

Cara Taylor Swift:

how to create a new experience that's going to meet the needs

Cara Taylor Swift:

of my clientele. So I'm always looking for that. And when I

Cara Taylor Swift:

come up with something that I really love, it does excite me

Cara Taylor Swift:

and it reconnects me to my business. Another great option

Cara Taylor Swift:

is finding ways to reconnect to your clients. So this time of

Cara Taylor Swift:

year is such a good time to reach out and ask your clients

Cara Taylor Swift:

for feedback to send out postcards in the mail. You know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

not people don't do postcards like they used to anymore. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't know about you, but I actually when I look at my mail,

Cara Taylor Swift:

I actually do flip through all of it as opposed to in the

Cara Taylor Swift:

inbox. I'm delete, delete, delete, delete when I have a

Cara Taylor Swift:

bunch of random emails. So look for ways to reconnect with your

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients, do a survey, start a newsletter, write a blog post,

Cara Taylor Swift:

just look for ways to reconnect. Now, Kim, I know you like to

Cara Taylor Swift:

talk about trade shows and expos Do you want to mention that in

Cara Taylor Swift:

this section, because I think it fits well hear.

Kimberly Beer:

Yes, and I also think it takes us on into the to

Kimberly Beer:

the next topic, which is connecting with other business

Kimberly Beer:

owners and industry leaders to get yourself back into the flow.

Kimberly Beer:

But I do think trade shows and expos kind of fit both number

Kimberly Beer:

two and number three, they're a great way to take yourself out

Kimberly Beer:

on a business date. With your business, if you're especially

Kimberly Beer:

if you're going as an attendee, rather than somebody who has a

Kimberly Beer:

booth or a speaker or something like that, on the date side of

Kimberly Beer:

things, you don't want to do the work necessarily, what you want

Kimberly Beer:

to do is place yourself in a place of creativity and learning

Kimberly Beer:

and expansion. Whereas the other side of it, you're you're having

Kimberly Beer:

to pony up a lot. So we want number two for you to be on the

Kimberly Beer:

receiving end, then number three, and the big three, you

Kimberly Beer:

need to be more involved in it. But trade shows expos and

Kimberly Beer:

industry events, I think are always energizing for business

Kimberly Beer:

owners. It gets you back like really deeply connected with

Kimberly Beer:

your industry. And for most of us our industry is really tied

Kimberly Beer:

to our why. And I was gonna say earlier I just to mention we did

Kimberly Beer:

a whole episode like way back there on your wife, it's you're

Kimberly Beer:

worthy. Hell yeah. And so remember that, but it does

Kimberly Beer:

reconnect us with that worthy Hell yeah. And we, we can get a

Kimberly Beer:

little bit of a lot of a boost for some of us out of that

Kimberly Beer:

experience of being there with people that are interested in

Kimberly Beer:

what we're doing that know the industry jargon that are either

Kimberly Beer:

buying from businesses like ours, or are serving businesses

Kimberly Beer:

like ours. I know know about you, Cara. But I don't think

Kimberly Beer:

I've ever been to a PPA Imaging conference that I didn't walk

Kimberly Beer:

home from thinking just amazing things about being a

Kimberly Beer:

photographer. I mean, it's so energizing to go to Imaging USA,

Kimberly Beer:

which is put on by the professional photographers

Kimberly Beer:

Association. It's it's such a thrill to be there with other

Kimberly Beer:

photographers and I feel very specialist I'm walking around

Kimberly Beer:

the event, there's, you know, the Canon booth and all of the

Kimberly Beer:

different software's I've used. And I'm really thinking about

Kimberly Beer:

the big picture of my photography business and what

Kimberly Beer:

that that portion of my business is like, and the same thing goes

Kimberly Beer:

for any of the businesses. I do like Gestalt, there's a big

Kimberly Beer:

summit that happens in September out in Colorado where all of us

Kimberly Beer:

gather and we're peers and we come up with great ideas and and

Kimberly Beer:

I can tell you I always leave that event really energized and

Kimberly Beer:

then any business expo I go to I leave that really energized so

Kimberly Beer:

it's a great way to get back your energy to get back into the

Kimberly Beer:

flow of things that are happening in your industry. You

Kimberly Beer:

feel more current you feel more connected. And that gives you a

Kimberly Beer:

boost in your business and being connected to it. And it all

Kimberly Beer:

falls back to that we're working on our businesses, not in our

Kimberly Beer:

businesses, it gets you away from the grooming table away

Kimberly Beer:

from the round pen, away from your desk away from whatever it

Kimberly Beer:

is you do, and get you into that flow. So you do get reconnected

Kimberly Beer:

with your business.

Cara Taylor Swift:

It's so true. Because anytime I think you can

Cara Taylor Swift:

have a big concentration of this is what I'm here to do. I'm here

Cara Taylor Swift:

to really just jump in and be fully absorbed in getting

Cara Taylor Swift:

inspired around my business. I mean, I think about that, Kim,

Cara Taylor Swift:

when I think about like cowgirls with cameras and our events.

Cara Taylor Swift:

It's not often that photographers can really solely

Cara Taylor Swift:

focus on just the art of photography and being in the

Cara Taylor Swift:

presence of other people who share an interest. I don't have

Cara Taylor Swift:

other than the photographer's that like you and the folks that

Cara Taylor Swift:

I meet with, like, I don't go home and talk to my husband

Cara Taylor Swift:

about photography, because he has zero interest. You know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

it's very minimal. And I think most of us that run our small

Cara Taylor Swift:

business, we like what we do, like we like there's a reason

Cara Taylor Swift:

we're in it. We like the subject matter. We like the practice,

Cara Taylor Swift:

whatever that is, we like the animal that we're serving. But

Cara Taylor Swift:

we don't often have a lot of people in our lives that we can

Cara Taylor Swift:

deep dive, really brainstorm and chat about this topic that we

Cara Taylor Swift:

love. So when we get to fully spend, you know, multiple days

Cara Taylor Swift:

really immersed, it's so inspiring, so energizing. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

you really do you come home with so many new fresh ideas and

Cara Taylor Swift:

things that you want to do. And hopefully you don't spend too

Cara Taylor Swift:

much on his wagon, train new things to try out. Like we

Cara Taylor Swift:

always do it imaging. But still, it's there's so many so many

Cara Taylor Swift:

great things that come from that. But you knew on a smaller

Cara Taylor Swift:

scale, you don't have to have that big Expo that big industry

Cara Taylor Swift:

of inexperience to get some of that influx of like kind of

Cara Taylor Swift:

exhilaration, just you know, heading out and connecting at

Cara Taylor Swift:

local meetings, local chapters or coffee meetups, with other

Cara Taylor Swift:

business owners can be a really easy, low cost way to get some

Cara Taylor Swift:

of that same type of energy. Because you're you're being

Cara Taylor Swift:

able, you're able to brainstorm your business, you may not be in

Cara Taylor Swift:

the exact same industry, but you're gonna have the same types

Cara Taylor Swift:

of business, running issues that come up. And being able to share

Cara Taylor Swift:

across different types of industries, how you solve

Cara Taylor Swift:

problems can really bring an influx into your own industry.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So you know, we've talked about some of those things, attending

Cara Taylor Swift:

different conferences and workshops. But you know, you can

Cara Taylor Swift:

also be someone that hosts a meetup or an open house. So if

Cara Taylor Swift:

you don't have like a coffee, meet up with other business

Cara Taylor Swift:

owners, you can start one on your own, you know, or join a

Cara Taylor Swift:

chapter. I mean, there's so many great small business

Cara Taylor Swift:

organizations that are out there that are looking for members.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I know Kim, you speak and visit one on a regular basis.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And it's I used to in my past life, I attended a ton of those

Cara Taylor Swift:

meetings, and I was always inspired, like just hearing

Cara Taylor Swift:

other business owners and the things that they were dealing

Cara Taylor Swift:

with. And it always, you know, it always circled back to my

Cara Taylor Swift:

business and what I'm doing and how can I connect those things.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And then a couple other areas that I was thinking of for this

Cara Taylor Swift:

part with connection is, we're all online these days. And we

Cara Taylor Swift:

can really connect online with social media, you can find

Cara Taylor Swift:

different businesses that you want to follow. They don't have

Cara Taylor Swift:

to be in your industry, I actually recommend that, of

Cara Taylor Swift:

course, follow people in your industry, but look for

Cara Taylor Swift:

businesses that are, you know, in other industries that you can

Cara Taylor Swift:

take inspiration from, and reach out and connect to those people,

Cara Taylor Swift:

follow them online, like support, share their content,

Cara Taylor Swift:

and just connect with people. And then the last little thing

Cara Taylor Swift:

that I'll say here is connecting and partnering with other

Cara Taylor Swift:

businesses. You can host your own event or your own meetup.

Cara Taylor Swift:

But host a community event with another business is a great way

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do that, too. So if you don't want to host your own, you can

Cara Taylor Swift:

support another one. But just look for different ways that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can get out into the community and connect with other business

Cara Taylor Swift:

owners. I feel like there's a lot of options out there. But we

Cara Taylor Swift:

tend to get kind of just on our own little path and we forget

Cara Taylor Swift:

that there's all this stuff happening around us that we can

Cara Taylor Swift:

take part in.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And for those introverts of you out

Kimberly Beer:

there listening to this that are going oh my God, that sounds

Kimberly Beer:

horrid. Just pick one and set a time and then go hide and like

Kimberly Beer:

be kind to yourself afterwards and make sure you have a private

Kimberly Beer:

time that you can be away from humanity after you've done your

Kimberly Beer:

expo or gotten back into those meetups and stuff. I promise you

Kimberly Beer:

if and another thing I think is good for the introverts that are

Kimberly Beer:

that are kind of cringy over this is those deep conversations

Kimberly Beer:

that you can have with other business owners at the coffee

Kimberly Beer:

meetups in the one into once does energize you and reconnect

Kimberly Beer:

you back to your business very, very effectively. And there is

Kimberly Beer:

no small talk involved. So that's another really effective

Kimberly Beer:

way to be able to do that. I'm always thinking about my

Kimberly Beer:

introvert friends, because this all sounds like a blast to me.

Kimberly Beer:

But I can can hear other people out there going, Oh, no, I don't

Kimberly Beer:

know if I want to do that. So yeah, I think we've given you

Kimberly Beer:

guys some great ways to think about getting better connected

Kimberly Beer:

to your business and reconnecting. If you've been

Kimberly Beer:

feeling like you're disconnected, one of the biggest

Kimberly Beer:

keys I think, to this is that when we get disconnected from

Kimberly Beer:

our business, it becomes really easy to, to quit our business or

Kimberly Beer:

to see the the negative things in our business, because we

Kimberly Beer:

don't we lose track of the, the forest for the trees, so to

Kimberly Beer:

speak. So taking this time on a regular basis to make it a

Kimberly Beer:

practice to mindfully reconnect to your business, I think is

Kimberly Beer:

really key in which entrepreneurs make it long term,

Kimberly Beer:

and which entrepreneurs fizzle out and go back to a day job

Kimberly Beer:

somewhere. So I think it's it's a really important piece of the

Kimberly Beer:

puzzle. And I know we've kind of made light of several things

Kimberly Beer:

today in here. But I think that all of these things, even though

Kimberly Beer:

they may feel a little bit off your trajectory of what you

Kimberly Beer:

think you should be doing on your to do list, they're

Kimberly Beer:

important things to do for your business so that you don't find

Kimberly Beer:

yourself being in a rut or a hole, or I know we just did an

Kimberly Beer:

episode on burnout very recently. This is one of the

Kimberly Beer:

ways that you can prevent burnout, because it does get you

Kimberly Beer:

back into the flow of things. And why you're an entrepreneur

Kimberly Beer:

and why you're working on this business. And it gets you

Kimberly Beer:

excited for being part of that. And when you bring that to the

Kimberly Beer:

table, naturally, everything around you seems brighter and

Kimberly Beer:

sunnier, and your clients are also happier. So it's a it's a

Kimberly Beer:

win win situation for everyone.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And just a reminder, this should be fun.

Cara Taylor Swift:

It's a way to have fun with your business, it's supposed to be

Cara Taylor Swift:

energizing, it doesn't need to be more work. And it's really

Cara Taylor Swift:

hard sometimes to make time for the fun stuff. But this is the

Cara Taylor Swift:

kind of thing that's going to keep you around and in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

industry and relevant and keep you going forward long term. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

you really do have to this should be a priority, even

Cara Taylor Swift:

though it's going to feel like fun. So it's okay to have a

Cara Taylor Swift:

little fun. So I think that's it for us today. So thank you guys

Cara Taylor Swift:

so much. Follow us online you could find us on Instagram and

Cara Taylor Swift:

Facebook at the at The Business Animal I almost said at cowgirls

Cara Taylor Swift:

with cameras. You can find us over there too, but we're The

Cara Taylor Swift:

Business Animal today. So you can find us at The Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

Animal on Instagram and Facebook. We're also online at

Cara Taylor Swift:

the business And yeah, if you are enjoying our

Cara Taylor Swift:

show, let us know y'all we want to hear from you. Please leave

Cara Taylor Swift:

us a rating leave us a review whatever your platform prefers.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And we'd love to hear from you.


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