A good entrepreneur is able to access their intuition in running and growing their animal business. That said, so many entrepreneurs we meet are not in touch with their intuition — or are skeptical (to say the least) in trusting it when making decisions. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to access and nurture your entrepreneurial intuition.
The Business Animal podcast is proudly
Kimberly Beer:sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress
Kimberly Beer:hosting. And keep the premier CRM software for small business,
Kimberly Beer:head over to the business animal.com for the best deals on
Kimberly Beer:these two amazing products
Jaz:Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a
Jaz:gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how
Jaz:to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools
Jaz:that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you
Jaz:wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts, Kim Beer and
Jaz:Cara Taylor Swift.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there business animals. It's Kim with
Kimberly Beer:Be More Business.
Cara Taylor Swift:And it's Kara with Fast Horse photography.
Cara Taylor Swift:Hello, Kim, how are you today? Doing
Kimberly Beer:good. My intuition tells me that this
Kimberly Beer:episode is gonna get very interesting for both of us.
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, my gut feeling is telling me that I'm
Cara Taylor Swift:probably going to be just hanging out, put my head on the
Cara Taylor Swift:desk and taking a nap and occasionally going that's a
Cara Taylor Swift:great idea, Kim or excellent. I love that because this is your
Cara Taylor Swift:cup of tea 100%. And this is my awkward zone. So take it away,
Cara Taylor Swift:Kim and I will listen and take notes. Okay,
Kimberly Beer:well, hopefully you're gonna have some things to
Kimberly Beer:add, because I bet you use your intuition as an entrepreneur
Kimberly Beer:more than you think you do. And that's the topic for this
Kimberly Beer:particular episode today is tapping into your
Kimberly Beer:entrepreneurial intuition, which by the way, is the same as your
Kimberly Beer:other kind of intuition, right, talking about focusing that
Kimberly Beer:intuition in on growing your business or running your
Kimberly Beer:business or making good business decisions. A lot of people ask,
Kimberly Beer:you know, how did you get where you are? When in my world? Like,
Kimberly Beer:how did you how did you create this particular environment that
Kimberly Beer:you live in now? And my answer to that is always I just
Kimberly Beer:followed my intuition, I just followed the feel of what felt
Kimberly Beer:right and what felt good. And I got myself into some successful
Kimberly Beer:situations. And if you know my backstory, and I've just done
Kimberly Beer:some huge, deep personal Gestalt work around my backstory to look
Kimberly Beer:at my life, you wouldn't think that I would have gotten to
Kimberly Beer:where I am, my intuition has played a big part in my story,
Kimberly Beer:and trusting it and learning how to be at peace with it has
Kimberly Beer:definitely helped me build my business has helped me build a
Kimberly Beer:nice personal life as well, it has created a lot of success for
Kimberly Beer:me. And I think as entrepreneurs and as human beings, both there
Kimberly Beer:are a lot of times we do not trust our intuition, or we fight
Kimberly Beer:against our intuition. And what I want to do today in this
Kimberly Beer:episode is I want to help you as the listener, and Cara, as my
Kimberly Beer:business partner, to get more at ease with the intuition and be
Kimberly Beer:able to tap into it when you need it to be able to make good
Kimberly Beer:or tough decisions depending on the situation. So that's what
Kimberly Beer:I'm talking about today. Now, for some of you intuition may be
Kimberly Beer:a hard word for you to wrap your head around to say, Do I really
Kimberly Beer:have intuition? Does intuition exist? What exactly is
Kimberly Beer:intuition? And I can tell you what Kara said first is like
Kimberly Beer:following your gut. That's what intuition is, at the most base
Kimberly Beer:level. So that's like knowing in your body, what is up for you?
Kimberly Beer:Or what feels right, or what kind of sets you off a little
Kimberly Beer:bit into going is this the right thing? So Kara, want to ask you,
Kimberly Beer:have you ever felt that in your business, like you're presented
Kimberly Beer:with a choice in your business and you know, in your heart or
Kimberly Beer:your gut somewhere in your body that you should or shouldn't do
Kimberly Beer:something? Have there been any circumstances like that for you,
Cara Taylor Swift:I definitely have gotten better over time at
Cara Taylor Swift:following my gut feeling when it comes to my business. When it
Cara Taylor Swift:comes to business decisions when it comes to deciding which
Cara Taylor Swift:clients to work with or not work with. I have definitely found
Cara Taylor Swift:myself in situations where I am mad at myself, because I didn't
Cara Taylor Swift:follow that gut feeling. And I say to myself, dang it, I knew
Cara Taylor Swift:that was going to happen, you know, why didn't I just listen
Cara Taylor Swift:to what I was feeling in thinking? I've definitely been
Cara Taylor Swift:in situations like that. I'm excited about this topic, even
Cara Taylor Swift:though I act like I'm not but the truth is, is I think all of
Cara Taylor Swift:us if we could get a little better at learning to trust our
Cara Taylor Swift:intuition, learning to trust that feeling in our gut that it
Cara Taylor Swift:would probably save us a lot of heartache in the end with that.
Cara Taylor Swift:I feel like I have to give a little caveat around there are
Cara Taylor Swift:times when like right you know, recently I've had a lot of
Cara Taylor Swift:emotions and a lot of stressful things and kind of scary things
Cara Taylor Swift:that have happened in my life and it's got me in a place where
Cara Taylor Swift:my gut is perhaps a little overly sensitive. So I find
Cara Taylor Swift:myself being wary of following it because I'm worried that my
Cara Taylor Swift:intuition indicator is a little hyperstimulated. So I don't know
Cara Taylor Swift:if you can speak to that at all, as you're going through this.
Cara Taylor Swift:But you know, just keeping in mind that there are definitely
Cara Taylor Swift:times when I wish I would have done a better job of following
Cara Taylor Swift:what I was feeling and listening to that because you know, when
Cara Taylor Swift:you don't things happen, and you're second guessing yourself,
Cara Taylor Swift:and you get angry and, and you make sometimes really costly
Cara Taylor Swift:business mistakes,
Kimberly Beer:yeah, or you miss really good opportunities as
Kimberly Beer:well, like you don't go for something because your intuition
Kimberly Beer:is telling you to go for it. But you somehow have a limiting
Kimberly Beer:belief that stops you from really pushing out there for it.
Kimberly Beer:So I think the first thing I want to address is that our
Kimberly Beer:entire world is a system, right? We all live within certain
Kimberly Beer:systems, and your body is a system and it is related to the
Kimberly Beer:system, that is your business, that is your life, that is your
Kimberly Beer:home, that is your family, like everything is interconnected
Kimberly Beer:with everything else. And intuition, to me is an energetic
Kimberly Beer:connection with everything that is around you, and how all of
Kimberly Beer:that fits in. So when you're saying that your intuition or
Kimberly Beer:your gut is like hyperstimulated, because of the
Kimberly Beer:things going on in your environment, that makes total
Kimberly Beer:sense. And my way that I would address that is that if I have a
Kimberly Beer:business, let's bring, we're gonna keep this honed into
Kimberly Beer:business, okay, so if I have a business opportunity, and I'm
Kimberly Beer:hyper stimulated by all of the things going on within the
Kimberly Beer:system of my life, what I want to do is I want to sit down if
Kimberly Beer:my alarm bells are going off, but my brain is going, Hey, I
Kimberly Beer:think this has more to do with the stuff that's been going on
Kimberly Beer:in our life than it does with this particular situation, then
Kimberly Beer:I would want to really just sit down, get quiet, meditate on
Kimberly Beer:that and let it turn around a little bit and ask myself the
Kimberly Beer:serious questions of okay, if I can breathe into and just not
Kimberly Beer:worry, and say, I'm going to I'm going to remove that worry that
Kimberly Beer:I know is part of what's going on in my life from this
Kimberly Beer:particular decision. And then ask again in my body where I
Kimberly Beer:feel that so I think as business people, we tend to think
Kimberly Beer:business is a very cerebral activity, right? It's in our
Kimberly Beer:head, we have to think our way through business, but a lot of
Kimberly Beer:us in the world. We're feelers, right? We feel our way through
Kimberly Beer:life, that business, we don't feel like it's comfortable to
Kimberly Beer:feel our way into it. Because it's a thinking thing, right?
Kimberly Beer:Businesses logical
Cara Taylor Swift:or appropriate or professional,
Cara Taylor Swift:like, like your business should be based on logic, not your gut
Cara Taylor Swift:feeling. That's where our brains go. Typically, I think, at least
Cara Taylor Swift:for me, you know, like, I have to have that battle and say,
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, but everything here is telling me this, but my gut is
Cara Taylor Swift:telling me this, you have to balance that
Kimberly Beer:you do and your body has a lot of things it
Kimberly Beer:would like for your brain to know. But your brain, especially
Kimberly Beer:when it comes to talking about business has a tendency to tamp
Kimberly Beer:those things down. Because your body's saying, Well, you know, I
Kimberly Beer:just have a queasy feeling about this business idea. You know,
Kimberly Beer:and I don't know where that queasy feeling is coming from
Kimberly Beer:your brain is like that queasy feeling is just silly. And you
Kimberly Beer:just need to ignore it. And logically, this is the best
Kimberly Beer:decision to make. And then you're like, oh, okay, what do I
Kimberly Beer:do with that, and then you just ignore it. What my goal for this
Kimberly Beer:episode is, is to give you a few ways that you can start
Kimberly Beer:listening to what your intuition what your body, what your mind
Kimberly Beer:what what all of the things around you are helping you to be
Kimberly Beer:able to access when you need to make a decision or when an
Kimberly Beer:opportunity comes up, I want to give you some tools that will
Kimberly Beer:help you access those things easier, and hopefully make this
Kimberly Beer:whole process a little simpler for you and a little bit more
Kimberly Beer:trustworthy in being able to make good entrepreneurial
Kimberly Beer:decisions. So the big three for this episode is, first of all,
Kimberly Beer:to practice being at ease with your intuition. And the second
Kimberly Beer:is don't let your inner critic muzzle your intuition that
Kimberly Beer:happens a lot. And then the third is to create a system
Kimberly Beer:where you check in with your intuition before you make a
Kimberly Beer:decision. So those are all about building trust within yourself
Kimberly Beer:so that you are able to listen to your gut. So the first one is
Kimberly Beer:practice getting at ease with your intuition. And for this,
Kimberly Beer:what we're gonna do is we're gonna start to build some trust
Kimberly Beer:between our brain and our body. Right? Because again, we've been
Kimberly Beer:taught that entrepreneurialism should be a very logical
Kimberly Beer:activity. There should be very, very clear guidelines as to how
Kimberly Beer:we proceed in our business. But I can tell you if you've been an
Kimberly Beer:entrepreneur for more than a hot minute, you know sometimes logic
Kimberly Beer:doesn't always work. Would you agree with that Kara? Like a
Kimberly Beer:logical decision wasn't always the best.
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, you up even if you feel like it's
Cara Taylor Swift:supposed to be the right one, it's it's just it doesn't always
Cara Taylor Swift:work out the way you think it's going to. There's just too many
Cara Taylor Swift:other forces that work
Kimberly Beer:there. Yes, absolutely. So the first thing
Kimberly Beer:we want to do is we want to start building that trust and
Kimberly Beer:ease with our intuition. And what this can look like is super
Kimberly Beer:simple. It's like sitting down with your appointment book for
Kimberly Beer:the day. And I if you have an appointment book for the day,
Kimberly Beer:and just writing down who is going to be those appointments,
Kimberly Beer:and then just checking in with your body or environment and
Kimberly Beer:your energy and just opening yourself up and saying, Will
Kimberly Beer:this appointment be easy or problematic? So don't get into a
Kimberly Beer:preconceived notion like if you have a problem client, and you
Kimberly Beer:see them on your book for that day, don't automatically assume
Kimberly Beer:that call is going to be a problem. But look at your
Kimberly Beer:appointment book and ask yourself, Is this going to be
Kimberly Beer:easy? Or is there something that I should know about this or feel
Kimberly Beer:into it about and check in with your body? Do you feel a
Kimberly Beer:energetic hit somewhere in your physical being like in your
Kimberly Beer:heart, or in your gut, or in your creativity in the seat of
Kimberly Beer:your body or somewhere in your mind, so just allow yourself to
Kimberly Beer:get in touch with that particular thought or feeling
Kimberly Beer:around how that appointment is going to go today. And then what
Kimberly Beer:I recommend is that in a very private notebook, not somewhere
Kimberly Beer:public, that you just write down a little note about how you felt
Kimberly Beer:about that particular meeting. And then at the end of the day,
Kimberly Beer:go back and look and see how accurate your intuition really
Kimberly Beer:was. So what you want to do here is you want to let go the places
Kimberly Beer:that you were off, okay, so I know Kara tends to get a little
Kimberly Beer:skeptical around this woowoo stuff that I bring out in the
Kimberly Beer:world. And I can see her at the end of the day going well, I was
Kimberly Beer:totally wrong about every one of those appointments. So intuition
Kimberly Beer:must not make a jack difference in my day and going I'm not
Kimberly Beer:going to do this again. It's silly or crazy. But the truth
Kimberly Beer:is, is you want to reward yourself for the ONS and forget
Kimberly Beer:the
Cara Taylor Swift:offs or you could punish yourself for the
Cara Taylor Swift:please don't do that.
Kimberly Beer:No, what
Cara Taylor Swift:are your intuition? If you punish
Cara Taylor Swift:yourself? No, I'm just throwing that out there as like a tip.
Cara Taylor Swift:Oh, no hurt like a rubber band on the wrist or no TV for you?
Cara Taylor Swift:No, no,
Kimberly Beer:no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Unknown:the test Oh,
Kimberly Beer:you've got to be so bad idea. Bad idea. No, no
Kimberly Beer:punishments are not, we're not training our intuition, we're
Kimberly Beer:getting at ease with it.
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm exercising mine, it's going for
Cara Taylor Swift:a workout just going
Kimberly Beer:for a workout. The goal here is to foster that
Kimberly Beer:relationship. And if you beat on something, it helps, it doesn't
Kimberly Beer:foster a very good relationship. But to foster that relationship
Kimberly Beer:with your body and your mind and your soul if you believe in such
Kimberly Beer:things, that it's right, and that you're paying attention and
Kimberly Beer:that you're listening. So I teach something very similar and
Kimberly Beer:creativity because to me, creativity and intuition are
Kimberly Beer:very, very closely aligned. So when I'm helping people get
Kimberly Beer:through creative blocks, I offer something very similar to this.
Kimberly Beer:But it has to do more with specifically whatever it is
Kimberly Beer:they're creating. But when you're working with intuition
Kimberly Beer:and trying to get more in touch with yourself and intuition,
Kimberly Beer:this is a very safe way to do it. Your appointments are very
Kimberly Beer:safe, because you know what the hell's the worst thing that's
Kimberly Beer:going to happen? Right, you're wrong. You're you're normally
Kimberly Beer:really nice client is having a really bad day, and you let
Kimberly Beer:yourself think that that was going to be a good call. And it
Kimberly Beer:turned out to be not so good, or you got to a photo shoot. And
Kimberly Beer:you saw it as intuitively as being really, really
Kimberly Beer:problematic. And it happens to be super smooth, right? So
Kimberly Beer:whatever you do in a day, kind of look at what it is in the
Kimberly Beer:morning and just sort of let yourself be with it for a
Kimberly Beer:second. You don't have to spend hours on this. Typically in the
Kimberly Beer:morning when I sit and do this exercise with my calendar. It
Kimberly Beer:takes me about two minutes. I mean, I write down the
Kimberly Beer:appointments and my Moana planner, which I highly
Kimberly Beer:recommend. So you can google monta planner to find out what
Kimberly Beer:that is and I write down you know, who I'm going to be
Kimberly Beer:meeting with and my to do's and I just check in with myself
Kimberly Beer:really quickly as to whether that is there anything I need to
Kimberly Beer:know or help head off with that? And I am right creepily often
Kimberly Beer:with my intuition about how things are gonna go it's like
Kimberly Beer:you're a witch or something. It is it is it's like there's a
Kimberly Beer:magic psychic It's a magic. It's it goes back to the concepts
Kimberly Beer:that your body it knows it has a wisdom that we oftentimes tramp
Kimberly Beer:because we don't we don't believe it. Like it's it seems
Kimberly Beer:really out there. And again, I know this is super woowoo but
Kimberly Beer:yeah, so are you willing curate it? Sure. Try that for a few
Kimberly Beer:days and see what comes up for you to look at your appointments
Kimberly Beer:and just check in with your intuition. Sure she's nodding
Kimberly Beer:her head, folks, so we're gonna hold her to it.
Cara Taylor Swift:Absolutely.
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Kimberly Beer:Okay, the second thing, and this is the hardest piece for
Kimberly Beer:everyone is you need to not allow your inner critic to
Kimberly Beer:muzzle your intuition. Can
Cara Taylor Swift:I just say that I love number two, the way
Cara Taylor Swift:that it's written because the visual don't let your inner
Cara Taylor Swift:critic muzzle your intuition, the visual that it gives me is
Cara Taylor Swift:so clear, and captivating. I love I love I love the just,
Kimberly Beer:and I don't there's nothing wrong with your
Kimberly Beer:inner critic. A lot of people feel like their inner critic,
Kimberly Beer:they should they should muzzle their inner critic. And then
Kimberly Beer:somehow intuition will step forward, I find that doesn't
Kimberly Beer:work that well as easily as saying your inner critic serves
Kimberly Beer:a lot of really good functions, right? So for me, my inner
Kimberly Beer:critic keeps me from doing some really stupid stuff. That would
Kimberly Beer:be embarrassing or not exactly productive. And the inner critic
Kimberly Beer:is there to kind of whisper and tap me on the shoulder and say,
Kimberly Beer:Hey, do you really want to do that or say that because that
Kimberly Beer:might cause a problem out in the world, my inner critic used to
Kimberly Beer:be much more mean and forceful, it would be the type of part of
Kimberly Beer:self that would put those rubber bands around my wrist and snap
Kimberly Beer:it if it made a bad decision. If I made a bad decision, like I
Kimberly Beer:told you so or don't do that again. So I've definitely
Kimberly Beer:learned to be more at peace with my inner critic and understand
Kimberly Beer:its role in my parts of self and and how I show up in the world.
Kimberly Beer:So that's a really important thing to recognize is that your
Kimberly Beer:inner critic does have a purpose and trying to muzzle that inner
Kimberly Beer:critic does not work. But what does happen is your inner critic
Kimberly Beer:is loud. And oftentimes for most of us, it's what we've heard all
Kimberly Beer:of our life, our school system sets us up for that our
Kimberly Beer:parenting system in this country sets us up for that the culture
Kimberly Beer:sets us up for that. And our inner critic is really, really
Kimberly Beer:sharp, because that's our protection system, right? It's
Kimberly Beer:the way that we don't put ourselves in harm's way, you
Kimberly Beer:know, emotionally, and sometimes even physically and mentally. So
Kimberly Beer:that inner critic is really, really important. But in the
Kimberly Beer:process of that, that still little small voice inside of you
Kimberly Beer:gets really quiet, because the inner critic is loud, or the
Kimberly Beer:inner critic says, hey, you've led us astray, you've caused us
Kimberly Beer:embarrassment or something like that. So I'm going to put a
Kimberly Beer:muzzle on you and stick you in the corner. And I do think that
Kimberly Beer:metaphor is appropriate. Well,
Cara Taylor Swift:we've spent our entire lives honing our
Cara Taylor Swift:inner critic, it's been something that our whole lives
Cara Taylor Swift:has been shoved on us pushed on us, or that we have learned to
Cara Taylor Swift:make stronger and stronger and stronger, just as a way to
Cara Taylor Swift:protect ourselves, I think, from the world. So we've spent all
Cara Taylor Swift:this time holding up and cultivating our inner critic,
Cara Taylor Swift:whereas our intuition has gone to the wayside so much.
Kimberly Beer:It has it has and that's the goal of this episode.
Kimberly Beer:For me, for the world that's listening out there is to tell
Kimberly Beer:you, your intuition does have important things to say. And
Kimberly Beer:just like your inner critic, it's not always going to be
Kimberly Beer:right. But it still deserves that opportunity to be heard.
Kimberly Beer:And the way that I approached this is probably a little
Kimberly Beer:woowoo. For a lot of people. I like to have a discussion with
Kimberly Beer:both my inner critic and my intuition. And I just asked my
Kimberly Beer:inner critic, can you be a little more gentle in how you
Kimberly Beer:present yourself? And I asked my intuition. Hey, I'm really good
Kimberly Beer:with you stepping forward and being louder, I will listen, I
Kimberly Beer:know that seems a little strange and almost feels like I have
Kimberly Beer:like all of these things living in my head, but which I kind of
Kimberly Beer:do, but it works. You can do it privately. You don't need to
Kimberly Beer:like publicly sit down in front of your family and have this
Kimberly Beer:discussion with your inner critic in your intuition. But
Kimberly Beer:you know, find a private place and just open yourself up to
Kimberly Beer:talking to those two parts of yourself and you may have
Kimberly Beer:different names for them. I know for me, my inner critic in my
Kimberly Beer:parts of self work that I've done is called the approval
Kimberly Beer:officer and that's that particular parts function.
Kimberly Beer:That's what my inner critics name is and my intuition is
Kimberly Beer:divine essence. So if your belief system or how you to
Kimberly Beer:approach these things, feel free to name these, these two kind of
Kimberly Beer:opposing parts of self as you feel appropriate, and then also
Kimberly Beer:know that they can work together. So your intuition
Kimberly Beer:sometimes is really on the side of your inner critic saying, I
Kimberly Beer:see a major problem with this. And your inner critic is like,
Kimberly Beer:yeah, so do I. And maybe you better slow that down, and then
Kimberly Beer:your logical brain steps in and goes, but on a piece of paper,
Kimberly Beer:this looks like a really good decision and everything against
Kimberly Beer:everything in USA. No, it's not. So just have that discussion.
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Kimberly Beer:And then the final of the big three for this
Kimberly Beer:is to create a system where you check in with your intuition
Kimberly Beer:before you make a decision. And sometimes to get your intuition
Kimberly Beer:to step up and be a part of your life and your business. And
Kimberly Beer:helping you make decisions is simply just checking in and
Kimberly Beer:asking because a lot of times, we just bowled over our
Kimberly Beer:intuition, because that's something we don't feel is
Kimberly Beer:appropriate to even consider when making especially a
Kimberly Beer:business decision. So romantically maybe we've got
Kimberly Beer:this thing where I have this connection to this person, and
Kimberly Beer:I'm attracted to them. And we can really check in our body for
Kimberly Beer:that type of a relationship. But then when we go to work with a
Kimberly Beer:business partner, or we go to make a business decision, we'll
Kimberly Beer:be much more logical about it, we'll forget about that hit of
Kimberly Beer:this is a good thing, or this is a bad thing. And we won't even
Kimberly Beer:check in because we don't value that as much with business
Kimberly Beer:relationships, as we do with that logical, we've got to think
Kimberly Beer:about it point a point B, point C, point D, and we don't do it.
Kimberly Beer:So we have to learn how to check in and just ask the question,
Kimberly Beer:what do I feel about this? Where in my body? Am I connecting with
Kimberly Beer:it? How do I think this is going to come out in the future? Do
Kimberly Beer:you have anything to add to that? Kara?
Cara Taylor Swift:I mean, not really just that I think that in
Cara Taylor Swift:business, we just don't spend enough time using it. I'm just
Cara Taylor Swift:sitting here thinking about times when you know, if I would
Cara Taylor Swift:have listened to my intuition, things would have been maybe
Cara Taylor Swift:things would have been different, I would have done
Cara Taylor Swift:things differently. Or I'd be in a different place and or maybe
Cara Taylor Swift:on you know, I don't know. And there are times when I know I do
Cara Taylor Swift:listen to my intuition. So I think it's it's more about
Cara Taylor Swift:finding a balance for me, and probably for others out there
Cara Taylor Swift:where you start to trust your intuition more than you
Cara Taylor Swift:necessarily you feel confident trusting your inner critic,
Cara Taylor Swift:because you've been doing it your whole life. But do we trust
Cara Taylor Swift:our intuition? I don't know. You know, we have to get ourselves
Cara Taylor Swift:there. So it's an interesting, this is an interesting topic.
Kimberly Beer:It is. And it's not something I don't say to
Kimberly Beer:people, you know, if your gut tells you, it's the right thing
Kimberly Beer:to do, or the wrong thing to do to completely trust that as in
Kimberly Beer:100 person, I'm always going to make decisions from my gut, I
Kimberly Beer:don't do that. I don't feel bad at all. If my intuition tells me
Kimberly Beer:that something that looks like a good opportunity is not a good
Kimberly Beer:opportunity. I do the research, I will pull on what small amount
Kimberly Beer:of research points I have in my temperament type. Kara is the
Kimberly Beer:researcher I'm gonna go with my gut kind of person and fly by
Kimberly Beer:the seat of my pants sort of metaphors and cliches to go with
Kimberly Beer:how I approach life in the world. But if something does
Kimberly Beer:tell me like I see an opportunity in my business, and
Kimberly Beer:my gut is like really queasy about it, I first have to check
Kimberly Beer:in so here's another thing that happens to you, when you start
Kimberly Beer:checking in with your intuition. A lot of times what feels like
Kimberly Beer:fear is actually excitement. So fear and excitement in your body
Kimberly Beer:sometimes feel very, very similar to one another. And
Kimberly Beer:you've got to kind of learn how to sort out what's the
Kimberly Beer:difference between I'm afraid of it and I'm excited for it and
Kimberly Beer:there's there'll be a distinct difference as you get more in
Kimberly Beer:touch with it. But when I see an opportunity come up and I feel
Kimberly Beer:that particularly in my gut that's that's queasy, or
Kimberly Beer:butterflies or something like that. I start by asking myself
Kimberly Beer:is this fear or excitement and Am I excited for it? Or am I
Kimberly Beer:afraid of it? And if I'm excited for it, why, if I'm afraid of
Kimberly Beer:it, why, and then I look for cold, hard facts logically,
Kimberly Beer:that's when I let my logical self step forward and say, Okay,
Kimberly Beer:let's just use this as a scientific experiment, let's see
Kimberly Beer:if we can prove there's something fearful with this, or
Kimberly Beer:let's see if we can prove that there's something super exciting
Kimberly Beer:about it, that maybe we want to explore or is going to cause too
Kimberly Beer:much excitement. So I do temper that with saying, I'm going to
Kimberly Beer:get in touch with my intuition, I'm going to listen. And then
Kimberly Beer:I'm going to fact check that so I can see what's going on. And
Kimberly Beer:then I take all of those things together, and I make the
Kimberly Beer:decision from a really good place, the thing that I think a
Kimberly Beer:lot of people do is they don't take that moment to check in
Kimberly Beer:with their intuition and include that in the balance sheet of how
Kimberly Beer:they're going to make that final decision. Does that make sense?
Kimberly Beer:Well, yeah.
Cara Taylor Swift:And it's just funny, because like you said
Cara Taylor Swift:earlier, we use it in other places in our lives, you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:we use it when we're talking about relationships a lot of
Cara Taylor Swift:times, you know, which is, it's funny to me, because we'll use
Cara Taylor Swift:it in certain parts of our life, and then we just don't trust it
Cara Taylor Swift:at all in other parts of our life. So yeah, that's, that's
Cara Taylor Swift:really interesting. And it doesn't it does make sense to
Cara Taylor Swift:me.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. Well, let's just review over those big
Kimberly Beer:three. And I know this has been a nice short episode, but my
Kimberly Beer:intuition tells me that the subject has gotten out to where
Kimberly Beer:it needs to get. So first of all, practice being at ease with
Kimberly Beer:your intuition. Start with simple small things that aren't
Kimberly Beer:like going to cause a big deal. If your intuition is off, make
Kimberly Beer:sure you let go in a nice way of the things where your intuition
Kimberly Beer:where you felt off and definitely reward yourself for
Kimberly Beer:the ones that you found that were on, don't let your inner
Kimberly Beer:critic muzzle your intuition. Make peace with both of these
Kimberly Beer:parts, and then create a system where you check in with yourself
Kimberly Beer:before you make the decision. And then Lau your intuition to
Kimberly Beer:have a say in the final final decision where it's weighed.
Kimberly Beer:With all of those logical things that you're going to come up
Kimberly Beer:with when you're weighing to make a good business decision.
Kimberly Beer:Allow it to have a say in that may not be the final say. But
Kimberly Beer:listening and paying attention is important.
Cara Taylor Swift:You all we want to hear from you online. We
Cara Taylor Swift:want to know what your thoughts are. Do you use your intuition
Cara Taylor Swift:when you're making decisions about your animal, equine or pet
Cara Taylor Swift:based business? Or do you tend to let your inner critic keep
Cara Taylor Swift:that tap down? We want to hear your thoughts on this subject.
Cara Taylor Swift:So come find us online. We are at The Business Animal on
Cara Taylor Swift:Instagram and on Facebook. And you know what I've asked a
Cara Taylor Swift:couple times as we record but I'm going to ask again, if
Cara Taylor Swift:you've been listening and enjoying the show, it would
Cara Taylor Swift:absolutely mean the world to us if you would leave a rating and
Cara Taylor Swift:review and let other folks know that you've enjoyed the show.
Cara Taylor Swift:Just take a couple minutes to do that. It would just be
Cara Taylor Swift:incredible. Kim will be dancing in her seat over there. I'll be
Cara Taylor Swift:doing jumping jacks just absolutely thrilled. So please
Cara Taylor Swift:take a couple of minutes and do that. Thank you guys for
Cara Taylor Swift:listening. It means the world to Kim and I to get to do this and
Cara Taylor Swift:to share with you guys and we hope you're getting something
Cara Taylor Swift:out of it.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of The Business
Jaz:Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And
Jaz:if you learn something today, leave us a review. To learn
Jaz:more. Find us at the business animal.com We'd love to hear
Jaz:from you. Until next time, keep your business well trained with
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