A round table is a group of advisors you choose, and who become actively involved, for your business. 


Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast, with tips, techniques,


and tools that will take overwhelm to obedience school,


and have you wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts,


Kim Beer, and Cara Taylor Swift.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals. It's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara with Fast Horse photography. Hi, Kim.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey, Cara, how are you today?

Cara Taylor Swift:

I'm doing okay, the dogs are exceptionally

Cara Taylor Swift:

barky today. So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. We can get

Cara Taylor Swift:

through this without a ton of barking, howling whimpering it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

just a lot of drama in the Swift household today from the canine

Cara Taylor Swift:

family members. Lots of drama.

Kimberly Beer:

It is earlier Rondo was it was barking in the

Kimberly Beer:

hallway where there's like no windows. And no, there's

Cara Taylor Swift:

no reason for it. He's just old and he's got

Cara Taylor Swift:

some dementia. And he just sometimes needs to bark a little

Cara Taylor Swift:

bit. And then he gets the I call her the puppy, the almost two

Cara Taylor Swift:

year old howling mournfully. And then the other Labrador, who's

Cara Taylor Swift:

middle aged Labrador, he thinks something must be going on. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

he's very active, and he has the big bark. So it's been a lot of

Cara Taylor Swift:

drama over here. And it seems to be nonstop, because there's just

Cara Taylor Swift:

constant action in front of the house.

Kimberly Beer:

You need to get those people across the street

Kimberly Beer:

from you to get whatever they're getting done done so that your

Kimberly Beer:

life can go back to being peace, and the dogs can quit worrying

Kimberly Beer:

about everything

Cara Taylor Swift:

I know. They said one month, they'd had the

Cara Taylor Swift:

house done in a month. So hopefully that'll help but I

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't know, maybe not because then they're gonna be living

Cara Taylor Swift:

there and causing a scene out but in front of my house. For

Cara Taylor Swift:

those that don't know, I've never I live in a neighborhood.

Cara Taylor Swift:

But I've never had anyone in front of my house, we just had a

Cara Taylor Swift:

big, empty, beautiful wooded lot. And now they're building a

Cara Taylor Swift:

house there. So my dogs have this big window that they sit

Cara Taylor Swift:

in, and they watch the action all day long, and comment on it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And so they hadn't had as much action. But now we have a lot of

Cara Taylor Swift:

action. Because there's workers coming in and out the house

Cara Taylor Swift:

builders are always outside the homeowners are showing up and

Cara Taylor Swift:

checking it. So it's pretty loud. It's been an adjustment

Cara Taylor Swift:

around here been an adjustment. Oh,

Kimberly Beer:

nice. Their TV channels switch, they have a new

Kimberly Beer:

season. And it's very exciting. So yay, it is what are we

Kimberly Beer:

talking about today?

Cara Taylor Swift:

I don't you know, I'm gonna be honest with

Cara Taylor Swift:

you, you came up with this topic, building your round table

Cara Taylor Swift:

is what we're talking about today to think a little bit

Cara Taylor Swift:

about this one. So I'm excited to get your take Kim, tell us

Cara Taylor Swift:

what a round table is. And why do we need one for our small

Cara Taylor Swift:

animal based business,

Kimberly Beer:

I so want to be sarcastic and just say a round

Kimberly Beer:

table is a round table that you have in your house. However, in

Kimberly Beer:

this particular case, it is a metaphor for having a table of

Kimberly Beer:

advisors and it probably the name if you want to get really

Kimberly Beer:

trivia related comes from the King Arthur legend, where they

Kimberly Beer:

sit at the round table and plan for the kingdom. So if you are

Kimberly Beer:

the king of your business, this is your ability or your

Kimberly Beer:

opportunity to build a group of people that can sit at that

Kimberly Beer:

table with you. In a metaphorical sense, not a

Kimberly Beer:

literal sense, but a metaphorical sense. They can sit

Kimberly Beer:

at the table with you, and advise you in how to better run

Kimberly Beer:

your business. So for me, this is a critical piece of business

Kimberly Beer:

building that a lot of people miss. In my first business when

Kimberly Beer:

I started my first business that did end up in bankruptcy court,

Kimberly Beer:

I will be flat out honest with that I didn't have a roundtable

Kimberly Beer:

I didn't have advisors, I didn't have anybody that I could go to.

Kimberly Beer:

And I didn't actively seek those people out. For one thing, I was

Kimberly Beer:

25 and thought I knew everything. So I have since

Kimberly Beer:

learned that I've gotten less knowledgeable every single year

Kimberly Beer:

of my life, it seems like I have a better understanding of what

Kimberly Beer:

it is I don't know. And the round table is there to help you

Kimberly Beer:

know what you don't know or to be there to support you when you

Kimberly Beer:

need a question answered, or you need to have support in some

Kimberly Beer:

way. So this is a part of your network in my networking

Kimberly Beer:

workbook. And we've done episodes around this. It's

Kimberly Beer:

called your sustainability squad. This particular group is

Kimberly Beer:

what I call advisors, but a lot of people do refer them to them

Kimberly Beer:

as a roundtable. And I think it's very fitting, even when we

Kimberly Beer:

go back to that our theory and legend where we're looking at

Kimberly Beer:

that round table with all of the wisdom of the kingdom sitting

Kimberly Beer:

there to help the king make better decision. Does that help

Kimberly Beer:

explain it a little bit?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, it really does. And when I think

Cara Taylor Swift:

about the examples that we're getting ready to cover of people

Cara Taylor Swift:

that might be in your round table, it just makes me think

Cara Taylor Swift:

that this is also so essential because it allows you to do the

Cara Taylor Swift:

actual work that you need to do to run your business and it

Cara Taylor Swift:

reminds me that there's no reason for us to first of all,

Cara Taylor Swift:

do everything and that we're not the experts on every single

Cara Taylor Swift:

piece of every little part of this industry or industries that

Cara Taylor Swift:

are connected to ours, and it's crazy, like you said, when you

Cara Taylor Swift:

were 25 years old to think that you can do everything, and that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you don't need these people in your life, and that you really

Cara Taylor Swift:

do need to be actively seeking them. So yeah, this is gonna be

Cara Taylor Swift:

a great discussion for some people. And it also makes me

Cara Taylor Swift:

think that it makes me remember, okay, these are the folks on my

Cara Taylor Swift:

round table. And here are some areas that I could probably add

Cara Taylor Swift:

a couple more seats to the table.

Kimberly Beer:

Okay, so the more seats you have at the table, the

Kimberly Beer:

more well chosen seats that you have at the table, let me put it

Kimberly Beer:

that way. Because if you get too many voices involved, it becomes

Kimberly Beer:

confusing. But the more well chosen seats that you have at

Kimberly Beer:

the table, the more well rounded, you're going to be to

Kimberly Beer:

be able to rise to the challenges that your business

Kimberly Beer:

presents you or to sustain growth moving forward, both of

Kimberly Beer:

which are incredibly important in growing up business. So let's

Kimberly Beer:

go over the big three, I'll run over that real quickly. So the

Kimberly Beer:

first one of the big three is when you're choosing the people,

Kimberly Beer:

for your roundtable, choose for people that are going to invest

Kimberly Beer:

their expertise in you. So there is a little bit of an investment

Kimberly Beer:

from your behalf, possibly to pay some of these people for

Kimberly Beer:

their services. However, you're also going to ask a little bit

Kimberly Beer:

more of them, and ask them to invest with you to make that

Kimberly Beer:

relationship better. So I'll get into that with an example if

Kimberly Beer:

that feels a little bit strange as a as an introduction to one

Kimberly Beer:

of these. And then the second of the big three is to make it a

Kimberly Beer:

practice to stay in touch with your roundtable. So for just for

Kimberly Beer:

your knowledge, these are not businesses that you Google write

Kimberly Beer:

down the phone number or keep them in a little book on the

Kimberly Beer:

side of your desk. Your round table are people that you

Kimberly Beer:

actually spend time with, it may be not in a group setting, but

Kimberly Beer:

in a one on one setting. And then the final of the big three

Kimberly Beer:

is to keep a record of that roundtable so you can reach out

Kimberly Beer:

to them without thinking if you need them for a specific

Kimberly Beer:

situation. So I'll go ahead and start in on the first of the big

Kimberly Beer:

three. And then Caras got some great examples here for you. So

Kimberly Beer:

first of the big three is to look for people who are going to

Kimberly Beer:

invest that expertise in you, and do realize if they are

Kimberly Beer:

professionals, you may be paying them. So for examples for this

Kimberly Beer:

for people would be maybe an insurance agent. So I know for

Kimberly Beer:

me, I actually have more than one insurance agent because I

Kimberly Beer:

have more than one thing I need to ensure that I'll talk

Kimberly Beer:

specifically about an insurance agent that Cara and I both share

Kimberly Beer:

a relationship with her her name is Briana, and she is with great

Kimberly Beer:

American Insurance. I can't remember the the actual agency

Kimberly Beer:

name it shifted from Hayes companies to something else

Kimberly Beer:

recently. But Briana, is it's important to occasionally have a

Kimberly Beer:

discussion with Brianna, about insurance or if we have a

Kimberly Beer:

question about insuring something specific like Kira is

Kimberly Beer:

working on insuring a workshop that's coming up. And she has a

Kimberly Beer:

specific insurance question about that workshop. She needs

Kimberly Beer:

to feel comfortable with emailing Briana and saying, Hey,

Kimberly Beer:

I need your expertise on this. What are your thoughts around

Kimberly Beer:

it? Is this covered under my policy? Can you translate it for

Kimberly Beer:

me? So that it makes sense because insurance is hard? It's

Kimberly Beer:

not something that we completely understand. And it's it's

Kimberly Beer:

something we know hope we never have to use. But there are

Kimberly Beer:

people whose lives are centered around understanding insurance

Kimberly Beer:

and making sure that you are insured. And yes, we pay Briana

Kimberly Beer:

for her time and effort by purchasing a policy through her.

Kimberly Beer:

But in in a lot of capacities. Even though I don't think either

Kimberly Beer:

of us have formally asked her to sit on a round table with us,

Kimberly Beer:

which is part of the process you should probably do here. But to

Kimberly Beer:

be able to have that person that you can reach out to and say I

Kimberly Beer:

have an insurance question that I need to ask you need to be

Kimberly Beer:

comfortable enough with your insurance agent to be able to do

Kimberly Beer:

that to know that that person is there to be able to support you

Kimberly Beer:

that they're not just going to take your money, provide the

Kimberly Beer:

base of the service and then not get involved further. And it's

Kimberly Beer:

my understanding from the people that I have had said on my

Kimberly Beer:

roundtable over the years in this capacity like an insurance

Kimberly Beer:

agent or an attorney or a bookkeeper or somebody like

Kimberly Beer:

that, that they actually like this investment from the person

Kimberly Beer:

that is hiring them because it means that they'll be able to

Kimberly Beer:

better do their job because I'm more engaged and attached to

Kimberly Beer:

them. In other words, that relationship helps us both. It

Kimberly Beer:

helps me get the answers I need the advice I need the forward

Kimberly Beer:

motion that I need. and it helps them know my business and me

Kimberly Beer:

better so that they can provide whatever happens to be that

Kimberly Beer:

service better. I know, for attorneys in particular, you

Kimberly Beer:

know, it's like, I wish sometimes you come back to them

Kimberly Beer:

and they'll it I wish you would have told me you were doing

Kimberly Beer:

that. So that I would have known how to advise you in in being

Kimberly Beer:

able to do it to a way that would not open you up to

Kimberly Beer:

whatever situation that you're in. So it's just nice to be able

Kimberly Beer:

to have those people on board. And I want to run over a very

Kimberly Beer:

specific example of of a business that would have a

Kimberly Beer:

roundtable member. So we talked a lot about this before the

Kimberly Beer:

podcast and we picked having an equine boarding facility as our

Kimberly Beer:

example for this. So let's say you're the manager, owner of the

Kimberly Beer:

equine boarding facility, there are people that you would want

Kimberly Beer:

to have sit on your roundtable, obviously the attorney, the

Kimberly Beer:

accountant, the bookkeeper the insurance person, but beyond

Kimberly Beer:

that, you might have an equine body worker that is on your

Kimberly Beer:

round table. And if you have a horse, let's say in your charge

Kimberly Beer:

that you're taking care of is on full board with you. And you

Kimberly Beer:

notice that horse has a certain lameness. And you maybe want to

Kimberly Beer:

have a discussion with the owner about the lameness. Maybe the

Kimberly Beer:

horse came with the lameness. But before you do, you want to

Kimberly Beer:

be able to intelligently talk about it, you might be able to

Kimberly Beer:

have that person that equine body worker who comes to your

Kimberly Beer:

barn often, they have a good relationship with you, you might

Kimberly Beer:

want to be able to pick up a phone and say, Hey, I just have

Kimberly Beer:

a question. Here's what I observe in this horse on a day

Kimberly Beer:

to day basis, what should I advise the owner to do in my

Kimberly Beer:

capacity of being able to do that, and in that case, you're

Kimberly Beer:

kind of sitting on the owners roundtable, as well. So these

Kimberly Beer:

sort of stack up in concentric rings with each other in this

Kimberly Beer:

example, but having that person that you could reach out to and

Kimberly Beer:

be able to make contact with and know well enough that they could

Kimberly Beer:

advise you on what you should do. Because if you're taking

Kimberly Beer:

care of a horse that comes with lameness that could open up you

Kimberly Beer:

to liabilities that could open up you to situations that would

Kimberly Beer:

put your business at risk and wanting to be able to have that

Kimberly Beer:

discussion with somebody is really key and INTERCAL. So

Kimberly Beer:

other examples that that particular individual might

Kimberly Beer:

choose would be a vet or a farrier, equine dentist, the

Kimberly Beer:

equine photographer, of course, everybody needs an equine

Kimberly Beer:

photographer on their roundtable. Well, yeah, I had to

Kimberly Beer:

make sure that was in there. The trainer's equine therapies,

Kimberly Beer:

animal communicators, transporters, saddle fitters.

Kimberly Beer:

All of those are people that you might want to invite to your

Kimberly Beer:

roundtables. So you have them to be able to consult and speak with.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, absolutely. And I just think you

Cara Taylor Swift:

said that so well, you took our example and really, really

Cara Taylor Swift:

showed a way that that would be useful. And I think what it

Cara Taylor Swift:

comes down to is it's like, once again, you don't have to be the

Cara Taylor Swift:

expert on everything. If you have incredible people at your

Cara Taylor Swift:

round table that can help guide you that you can refer to that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you can outsource to that sort of thing. And it's always nice

Cara Taylor Swift:

to have a fresh set of eyes or outside opinion, even to

Cara Taylor Swift:

challenge you when you need it. And having people that are

Cara Taylor Swift:

willing to say hold on, let's look at this, from a different

Cara Taylor Swift:

perspective can be such a valuable thing. They can bring

Cara Taylor Swift:

different ideas, diverse perspectives, people who are

Cara Taylor Swift:

from different backgrounds, or maybe have different experiences

Cara Taylor Swift:

in the industry, different skill sets, I mean, you can't have

Cara Taylor Swift:

every skill set, you can't have all the education. So having

Cara Taylor Swift:

those people that have some of those other pieces that kind of

Cara Taylor Swift:

help brown that out. Having people that have different areas

Cara Taylor Swift:

of influence in your industry in the community can be really

Cara Taylor Swift:

huge. And then just always the connection side of things like

Cara Taylor Swift:

making connections, we all know how one connection can lead to

Cara Taylor Swift:

more connections down the road, either that is through new

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients or for new potential vendors, just new people, we can

Cara Taylor Swift:

work with new clients, all of that sometimes something as

Cara Taylor Swift:

simple as just having people out there that can validate you in

Cara Taylor Swift:

your business to their center of influence. So a great example is

Cara Taylor Swift:

when we go back to our original example of someone who maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

owns a boarding facility or runs a boarding facility. If they

Cara Taylor Swift:

have a good relationship with an equine dentist and they've been

Cara Taylor Swift:

working with them for a while. And then one of the equine

Cara Taylor Swift:

dentist clients needs a place to board their horse like that's

Cara Taylor Swift:

coming up different and you're someone that they can be a

Cara Taylor Swift:

center of influence around and can validate you as a business

Cara Taylor Swift:

owner and can direct those people to you. So that is a nice

Cara Taylor Swift:

way that that kind of all comes from full circle. I mean, I just

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't think that the networking piece of that can be understated

Cara Taylor Swift:

as well. No, yeah, absolutely. And there are areas where

Cara Taylor Swift:

members of your table of your round table can provide

Cara Taylor Swift:

financial support for you as well. There may be opportunities

Cara Taylor Swift:

for that, where they want to invest in your business or they

Cara Taylor Swift:

want to invest in helping you grow your business in a certain

Cara Taylor Swift:

way. And that could be because they believe in you, or maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

being a part of your round table makes you part of their round

Cara Taylor Swift:

table. And it benefits their business as well.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely, all of those are great things to

Kimberly Beer:

look at, and to understand about building out your round table

Kimberly Beer:

and knowing who these people are. And I'm going to reiterate,

Kimberly Beer:

again, the big three item here that I think is the most

Kimberly Beer:

important for the people you choose here. Make sure that

Kimberly Beer:

there are people that are willing to invest their

Kimberly Beer:

expertise in you that are going to show up in this capacity. Not

Kimberly Beer:

every vendor or advisor that you work with, is willing to do that

Kimberly Beer:

there are ones that just simply aren't. And if you want to go

Kimberly Beer:

with that company as your Chosen Company to work with, then maybe

Kimberly Beer:

look for somebody else to be an advisor in that area. Sometimes

Kimberly Beer:

we have friends that are in this areas that show up, you know,

Kimberly Beer:

maybe they're an insurance agents, but they don't do

Kimberly Beer:

insurance that would cover your specific business, but they have

Kimberly Beer:

a good understanding of insurance. And you can feel like

Kimberly Beer:

it's okay to ask them the question. So it's ideal if you

Kimberly Beer:

can match the two things up. But sometimes it just doesn't work

Kimberly Beer:

that way, because some people do not want to sit in that advisory

Kimberly Beer:

capacity. So just be super mindful of that and don't

Kimberly Beer:

encroach on somebody else, just because you do business with

Kimberly Beer:

them. Yeah, they may not have the time. Yeah, that could be

Kimberly Beer:

altogether true. Another set of people that you might be

Kimberly Beer:

interested in, in having an advisory capacity around are

Kimberly Beer:

like a marketing expert, where they are able to help guide you

Kimberly Beer:

in your marketing. I know that's a big one for a lot of the

Kimberly Beer:

people that I know, and I actually serve in that capacity

Kimberly Beer:

for several people, including some people who are not my

Kimberly Beer:

clients. And I'm not going to spend six hours on the phone

Kimberly Beer:

with them or do a full program. But if they have a question, I'm

Kimberly Beer:

okay with them calling and asking that question. Because I

Kimberly Beer:

really, truly do want to see most people be successful all

Kimberly Beer:

people be successful. Yeah. So that that helps us understand.

Kimberly Beer:

And another thing too, so for our boarding example, that

Kimberly Beer:

person who would send out that the horse that's lame to be able

Kimberly Beer:

to give that person a avenue by which to get their horse sound,

Kimberly Beer:

again, in a very good way. All right, let's move on to number

Kimberly Beer:

two, to make it a practice to stay in touch with those people

Kimberly Beer:

that are on your roundtable. So a relationship, you guys

Kimberly Beer:

requires two individuals to communicate with each other. In

Kimberly Beer:

other words, it can't be just one sided, you can't decide that

Kimberly Beer:

this individual is on your round table, and then never speak to

Kimberly Beer:

them unless you need them for something very specific.

Kimberly Beer:

Sometimes you have to reach out and just to have coffee. And

Kimberly Beer:

again, a lot of these people, you know, if you're asking the

Kimberly Beer:

question, pick up the tab for coffee or lunch or see if you

Kimberly Beer:

can get a 15 minute Zoom meeting be super respectful of their

Kimberly Beer:

time. But just a touch base isn't I want to just say hi and

Kimberly Beer:

see how your business is going and see what's up in your world.

Kimberly Beer:

And make sure that you build that relationship over time. And

Kimberly Beer:

also with the people that are also providing you with services

Kimberly Beer:

like your insurance agent, it's a good idea to do an insurance

Kimberly Beer:

audit every single year to go sit with your agent for a few

Kimberly Beer:

minutes and say, Hey, am I sufficiently covered? This is

Kimberly Beer:

what's changed in my business? What's changed in insurance law,

Kimberly Beer:

which you know, and that's true with attorneys and accountants

Kimberly Beer:

and bookkeepers, and all of those people. I mean,

Kimberly Beer:

accountants in specific the tax laws shift and move every single

Kimberly Beer:

year. Now, do not call your accountant during tax season and

Kimberly Beer:

say, Would you like to have coffee with me? Call them in in

Kimberly Beer:

a different time of year when they're not buried with clients

Kimberly Beer:

that they have to get a April 15 deadline or March 15 for

Kimberly Beer:

business taxes deadline, make sure you get in touch with him

Kimberly Beer:

outside of that period of time and say, Hey, let's sit and have

Kimberly Beer:

coffee. And can you tell me a little bit about what shifted

Kimberly Beer:

and changed in your world. And I'll explain the same for my

Kimberly Beer:

end. So it's building a relationship with the people

Kimberly Beer:

that we work with. We do not own our businesses in a vacuum. It

Kimberly Beer:

may feel like we work as solopreneurs particularly alone

Kimberly Beer:

a lot, but we're really not. There's a whole team of people

Kimberly Beer:

out there that's involved with our business and it's important

Kimberly Beer:

to keep in touch with them.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And Kim mentioned several like bigger

Cara Taylor Swift:

things like going to coffee scheduling meetings. I think

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's a lot of other small things that you can do to

Cara Taylor Swift:

continually nurture and kind of just be on their mind so that

Cara Taylor Swift:

when you do need them, they're there things like including your

Cara Taylor Swift:

roundtable folks and your holiday card. You know, if you

Cara Taylor Swift:

send out cards, sending you know if you make referrals to them,

Cara Taylor Swift:

like I make referrals to people on my roundtable all the time. I

Cara Taylor Swift:

am always sending people in their direction and I will shoot

Cara Taylor Swift:

them a quick email or a text message and say, hey, just a

Cara Taylor Swift:

heads up I'm sending so and so your direction if she pops in,

Cara Taylor Swift:

just wanted to let you know, little things like that just

Cara Taylor Swift:

letting them know that you're supporting them and that you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

thinking of them. If you send out holiday gifts to your

Cara Taylor Swift:

clients, think about the people in your roundtable too. Is there

Cara Taylor Swift:

a gift you can send to them? Just something to kind of

Cara Taylor Swift:

nurture those relationships and let them know that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

appreciate the work that they do for you the thought that they

Cara Taylor Swift:

put into you the fact that they'll take your phone calls,

Cara Taylor Swift:

when you need someone to take a phone call quickly? or answer a

Cara Taylor Swift:

question quickly. I can't tell you how many times I've needed a

Cara Taylor Swift:

quick answer. I've shot a text to one of my advisors and just

Cara Taylor Swift:

said, I just need this answer really quick. I'm super sorry,

Cara Taylor Swift:

can you and they'll respond to me, because I've taken the time

Cara Taylor Swift:

to nurture in advance, and I've been there for them if they've

Cara Taylor Swift:

needed me that sort of thing.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. It's just it's so important to build

Kimberly Beer:

relationships with the people in your kingdom in your business's

Kimberly Beer:

kingdom, it's critical to be able to do that. Alright, so the

Kimberly Beer:

last one of our big three is to keep a record of your round

Kimberly Beer:

table so that you can reach out without thinking if needed. And

Kimberly Beer:

this if you do number two, to be honest with you, number three

Kimberly Beer:

should come really easily. However, there are times that we

Kimberly Beer:

don't always have time to keep up with number two, and things

Kimberly Beer:

happen. So make sure that you cognitively keep track of the

Kimberly Beer:

people in your roundtable. And I advise you to ask that person to

Kimberly Beer:

say when you put a person in your advisory committee, don't

Kimberly Beer:

install them without their permission, make sure you say I

Kimberly Beer:

am building a resource for my business. And I would like to

Kimberly Beer:

add you to that resource list. Are you good with that? And

Kimberly Beer:

please do not get offended? If the answer is no. Sometimes

Kimberly Beer:

people like your said don't have time or they don't have the

Kimberly Beer:

bandwidth. Or maybe they don't feel like they're quite at the

Kimberly Beer:

level that they need to be in your specific situation as well

Kimberly Beer:

informed in your specific situation. So animal based

Kimberly Beer:

businesses in particular, there are a lot of nuances that are

Kimberly Beer:

specific industries and even the industries within our industry

Kimberly Beer:

need to know about and somebody may say no, I'm not comfortable

Kimberly Beer:

with advising you there. Because I just don't know all of those

Kimberly Beer:

nuances. And it wouldn't be appropriate for me to do that.

Kimberly Beer:

So make sure you invite the person and then once they have

Kimberly Beer:

agreed, then I highly recommend that you put their information

Kimberly Beer:

somewhere where you can always lay your hands on it, maybe give

Kimberly Beer:

them a special designation in your phone contacts, or possibly

Kimberly Beer:

keep a private Google Doc that has their contact information in

Kimberly Beer:

it. So if you need to get in touch with them, you can get in

Kimberly Beer:

touch with them very easily and quickly without having to think

Kimberly Beer:

about it. So if you've done number one, and you've chosen

Kimberly Beer:

people who want to invest their expertise in you, and you've

Kimberly Beer:

done number two and kept up with your contacts, if you get in a

Kimberly Beer:

situation where somebody has an accident on your property, God

Kimberly Beer:

forbid, and now they're saying I'm going to sue you for this,

Kimberly Beer:

now's the time that you need to be able to contact your attorney

Kimberly Beer:

and your insurance agent and have them both in your pocket to

Kimberly Beer:

be able to say this is what happened today. And I need

Kimberly Beer:

advice. What are my next best steps? You don't want to be

Kimberly Beer:

fumbling around going, oh gosh, you know, I lost that attorneys

Kimberly Beer:

phone number. And then I haven't kept in touch with them. And

Kimberly Beer:

they've moved offices to somewhere else or my insurance

Kimberly Beer:

agency has like shifted and moved to somewhere else. And I

Kimberly Beer:

don't know my agents name or phone numbers. So I've seen

Kimberly Beer:

businesses that don't know either of those things. And it's

Kimberly Beer:

like, really, how do you walk the road while I have insurance?

Kimberly Beer:

You do have insurance. But the problem is, is you don't know

Kimberly Beer:

your agents name. So who are you going to call? And who's going

Kimberly Beer:

to be on the other end? And will they even be the type of person

Kimberly Beer:

to have a vested interest in what you're doing? Yeah, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

I would I would take it a step further, if

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's someone you're thinking you're going to have to refer

Cara Taylor Swift:

potentially clients to, you know, going back to our original

Cara Taylor Swift:

example of the boarding facility owner, find out how they want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

be communicated with so that if you're going to be referring

Cara Taylor Swift:

people to them, that way, you know immediately how to give

Cara Taylor Swift:

them the correct phone number, maybe they prefer email or maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

they have a different system that they want you to use. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're really going to endear yourself to them. If you aren't

Cara Taylor Swift:

scrambling or sending clients to their personal cell phone number

Cara Taylor Swift:

when they want it to go through a business number. Or if they

Cara Taylor Swift:

have a contact form on their website. They want everyone to

Cara Taylor Swift:

fill out prior to engagement. If you can find out that kind of

Cara Taylor Swift:

stuff that's going to make a big difference in kind of making

Cara Taylor Swift:

them someone that that they want to continue to work with. Also

Cara Taylor Swift:

ask them to include you in updates if they change their

Cara Taylor Swift:

contact information or they change how they want to be

Cara Taylor Swift:

communicated with. Or if they leave the business that they

Cara Taylor Swift:

were working with, that you were using, or if they move to a new

Cara Taylor Swift:

location if you want to keep working with them. This is big,

Cara Taylor Swift:

nothing used to frustrate me more in my previous career than

Cara Taylor Swift:

when I would have a list of resources that I regularly

Cara Taylor Swift:

referred people to crisis in, only to find out that my client

Cara Taylor Swift:

contacted them, and they were either no longer in service, no

Cara Taylor Swift:

longer providing that service, they no longer worked there,

Cara Taylor Swift:

their phone number had changed, that is so essential. And it

Cara Taylor Swift:

really helps credibility on both ends.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And also, you don't want to have a

Kimberly Beer:

problem arise in your world that you need an advisor for, and

Kimberly Beer:

call your advisor and your advisor is no longer at the

Kimberly Beer:

company. That's shocking as all get out. So that actually

Kimberly Beer:

happened to me this last year, the banker that I have been

Kimberly Beer:

using for many, many years retired, and I didn't get a

Kimberly Beer:

notification or I didn't see the notification that could be too,

Kimberly Beer:

because he retired in the fall when we're in the middle of all

Kimberly Beer:

of our travel season. And when I called to talk about my loan

Kimberly Beer:

payment and wanting to make a change to a different payment

Kimberly Beer:

arrangement, I called and asked for him and they're like, he's

Kimberly Beer:

retired, and I felt so lost. And I was like dirted, and I kicked

Kimberly Beer:

myself because I'm like, normally I check in with him

Kimberly Beer:

every six months or so. And I felt really bad because I hadn't

Kimberly Beer:

checked in because I'd been through some health crisis and

Kimberly Beer:

some other things. And it really was shocking. And it took me a

Kimberly Beer:

moment to get to know the new person that had taken over. And,

Kimberly Beer:

and so I was I now have to have a different email address and

Kimberly Beer:

all of those kinds of things. So yeah, I totally agree. Make sure

Kimberly Beer:

that one you keep up the relationship on your end, but to

Kimberly Beer:

if you're somebody who sits as an advisor, for other people,

Kimberly Beer:

make sure you let them know if there's a change in your world

Kimberly Beer:

or a change in your job or you're retiring or moving.

Kimberly Beer:

Because you may not realize how many lives you impact. And how

Kimberly Beer:

shocking that is on the other side to like, pick up the phone

Kimberly Beer:

and say, you know, I want to talk to this individual and be

Kimberly Beer:

told that they're no longer there. You don't

Cara Taylor Swift:

want to be an emergency situation either. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

then have to re explain your entire business model and what

Cara Taylor Swift:

you do and your connection to the organization all over again,

Cara Taylor Swift:

when you really just need a quick answer because you've got

Cara Taylor Swift:

a problem. And if you're one of the few Yeah, absolutely.

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Yeah. You don't want your life life history to

Kimberly Beer:

the next new person that's in line. So yeah, absolutely.

Kimberly Beer:

roundtables are it's one of those things, I think that we

Kimberly Beer:

feel like we can neglect as business owners because it's

Kimberly Beer:

like, okay, I don't have a specific need right now, or I've

Kimberly Beer:

fulfilled those needs. And but I don't know what that

Kimberly Beer:

relationship is with that organization. And I don't know

Kimberly Beer:

if I want to call them up and find out at this point. But the

Kimberly Beer:

truth is, is that these are the people that support our

Kimberly Beer:

business. They are our fellow members at that table. And it's

Kimberly Beer:

important for the health of the kingdom for all of us that we

Kimberly Beer:

keep in touch with them, and that we build those

Kimberly Beer:

relationships and do our part. And then also hold them

Kimberly Beer:

accountable for doing their part. That's right.

Cara Taylor Swift:

All right. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed

Cara Taylor Swift:

this episode today. We hope you enjoyed this episode today. Once

Cara Taylor Swift:

again, come find us online. We're at The Business Animal on

Cara Taylor Swift:

Instagram and Facebook. And we would love if you guys have

Cara Taylor Swift:

enjoyed some of our episodes to let us know. We are currently

Cara Taylor Swift:

looking for some updated reviews on anywhere that you listen. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

if you guys could do that we would really appreciate it. It

Cara Taylor Swift:

takes just a couple seconds but something that takes you guys a

Cara Taylor Swift:

couple seconds is huge for us. So we'd love for you to rate and

Cara Taylor Swift:

review and let us know that you are enjoying the show. Wishing

Cara Taylor Swift:

you guys all a good day.


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