The Rule of 3 – for every customer you make, turn them into 3 customers.
The Business Animal podcast is proudly
Kimberly Beer:sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress
Kimberly Beer:hosting. And KEAP the premier CRM software for small business,
Kimberly Beer:head over to the business for the best deals on
Kimberly Beer:these two amazing products
Jaz:Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a
Jaz:gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how
Jaz:to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools
Jaz:that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you
Jaz:wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts, Kim Beer, and
Jaz:Cara Taylor Swift.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there business animals. It's Kim with
Kimberly Beer:Be More Business
Cara Taylor Swift:and Cara with Fast Horse Photography. Hey,
Cara Taylor Swift:Kim, how are you today?
Kimberly Beer:I'm doing great Cara. You know, what I'm really
Kimberly Beer:thinking about today is I'm thinking about I want more
Kimberly Beer:customers?
Cara Taylor Swift:Well, that seems like a normal thing as a
Cara Taylor Swift:business owner to be thinking about?
Kimberly Beer:Well, you know, the economy is is kind of weird
Kimberly Beer:right now. And it's very concerning. It is weird. Yeah.
Kimberly Beer:And, and concerning all the way around. And you know, with all
Kimberly Beer:of the craziness going on in the world, people get distracted.
Kimberly Beer:And I'm over here going that I want more customers in my
Kimberly Beer:business. And I wonder if there's other people out there
Kimberly Beer:that are thinking that same thing?
Cara Taylor Swift:I would think so especially right now, with
Cara Taylor Swift:all the uncertainty that there's probably not a ton people out
Cara Taylor Swift:there that are like, I've just got too many customers, if
Cara Taylor Swift:you're one of those people, that's awesome. And I hope that
Cara Taylor Swift:continues for you. And you find a way to manage all of those
Cara Taylor Swift:customers. But for those people that are out there, and they're
Cara Taylor Swift:trying to figure out how to bring in more people. We want to
Cara Taylor Swift:talk about that today, right?
Kimberly Beer:Well, yeah, that's why I'm thinking this is
Kimberly Beer:a very timely topic in my life, because I like to live in my
Kimberly Beer:business by the rule of three, which says, for every customer
Kimberly Beer:that I make, I want to make three customers. So I want to
Kimberly Beer:turn them into two more customers. So I have a total of
Kimberly Beer:three new customers on my books. And I'd actually actually like
Kimberly Beer:to turn them into more. And sometimes that does happen. But
Kimberly Beer:for every new customer that I make, I definitely want to have
Kimberly Beer:three on the books by the time things are done. So that's what
Kimberly Beer:our topic is about today is how to get those three customers for
Kimberly Beer:every one that you have. And I do that by getting referrals. I
Kimberly Beer:think referrals are an incredibly impactful part of
Kimberly Beer:your business. And we've talked on this show a lot about some
Kimberly Beer:different things. We've talked about customer loyalty, we've
Kimberly Beer:talked about testimonials, we've talked about getting reviews,
Kimberly Beer:we've talked about social proof, all of those things are under
Kimberly Beer:that larger category of social proof. But we've never really
Kimberly Beer:deep dived into referrals and how to create more referrals for
Kimberly Beer:your business so that you can magically turn one customer into
Kimberly Beer:three customers on your books.
Cara Taylor Swift:I love that I think about how as small
Cara Taylor Swift:business owners and animal based industries, a lot of times we
Cara Taylor Swift:get really lucky and we land that first customer because
Cara Taylor Swift:we're putting ourselves out there or we know somebody and
Cara Taylor Swift:it's it's through a referral process, or it's just because we
Cara Taylor Swift:get lucky. But how do you take those early customers and
Cara Taylor Swift:convert them into many, many, many more clients. And I think
Cara Taylor Swift:that's probably a big challenge for people because it does
Cara Taylor Swift:involve, you know, an Ask involves putting yourself out
Cara Taylor Swift:there a little bit, it involves making a referral. So that's the
Cara Taylor Swift:first one of our big three actually is to ask. And, you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, as Kim says, it's that simple is to ask, the second of
Cara Taylor Swift:the big three that we'll cover is to make it easy. And the
Cara Taylor Swift:third is offer a reward. So what does all of that mean? Kim, do
Cara Taylor Swift:you want to jump into the Ask piece of that?
Kimberly Beer:I do, because I think this is the part where
Kimberly Beer:most business owners sort of fail at getting referrals, they
Kimberly Beer:have a customer come into their business, they work with that
Kimberly Beer:customer and then the customer leaves. And that's that now the
Kimberly Beer:customer may come back and the business may reach out and
Kimberly Beer:encourage that return customer to come back, which is just
Kimberly Beer:fantastic. You decidedly want to do that because return customers
Kimberly Beer:spend like 70% more on your business than a new customer
Kimberly Beer:will. So it's really important to have the customer loyalty and
Kimberly Beer:have them come back in. But what's true about humans that I
Kimberly Beer:know is birds of a feather flock together well, I just made
Kimberly Beer:humans birds but birds of a feather do flock together.
Kimberly Beer:That's a horrible cliche that's been overused a billion times.
Kimberly Beer:But it's really effective in this instance, because human
Kimberly Beer:beings very rarely have an interest in a vacuum. In other
Kimberly Beer:words, if they're interested in something they know other people
Kimberly Beer:that have that same interest. So and particularly in an animal
Kimberly Beer:based business, all animal lovers have a kindred spirit
Kimberly Beer:with each other, and they know each other and they meet each
Kimberly Beer:other and they recognize each other out into the world. And
Kimberly Beer:then it gets even more specific, right? There's like dog people
Kimberly Beer:and Cat people and horse people and chicken people. So there's a
Kimberly Beer:movie by that name, by the way, which I highly recommend chicken
Kimberly Beer:people go watch it, it's worth it, chicken people is worth it.
Kimberly Beer:Okay, so you have that. And then it gets even more specific.
Kimberly Beer:There's people who love Jack Russell terriers, or Labradors
Kimberly Beer:or Maine Coon cats, or quarter horses, or whatever it happens
Kimberly Beer:to be, or Polish chickens. So you know, that's me, I love the
Kimberly Beer:polish.
Cara Taylor Swift:I was gonna say, speaking from experience,
Cara Taylor Swift:they're
Kimberly Beer:speaking from experience, God, God love those
Kimberly Beer:little chickens with their little radical hairdos, I just
Kimberly Beer:adore it. But anyway, everybody kind of has this sort of kindred
Kimberly Beer:spirit and thread that flows between them. So the customer
Kimberly Beer:that you just served, they probably know way more than two
Kimberly Beer:more people they can bring into your business probably know a
Kimberly Beer:lot more their network is big, too. And if you do not ask for
Kimberly Beer:the referral, it's not because they don't want to give you one
Kimberly Beer:or they don't want your business to be successful. It's because
Kimberly Beer:they don't think about it, we're not always in a state of mind to
Kimberly Beer:think about everyone else, right? A lot of our culture
Kimberly Beer:centers on, you know, understanding ourselves and what
Kimberly Beer:we need. And we may give a referral if asked out in the
Kimberly Beer:world, but when a business owners asks you to, you know,
Kimberly Beer:hey, do you know other people that are like you that
Kimberly Beer:appreciate the same things you appreciate or have the same
Kimberly Beer:problem that you have been, we're asking those people to
Kimberly Beer:help their friends. And that puts them in a really good
Kimberly Beer:position, it brings business into your business. So asking,
Kimberly Beer:it really is that simple, just ask.
Cara Taylor Swift:And there definitely are times when your
Cara Taylor Swift:clients are going to go out into the world and sing your praises,
Cara Taylor Swift:and they're gonna tell all their friends, that definitely
Cara Taylor Swift:happens. But it's so much more rare, because like Kim said,
Cara Taylor Swift:when folks are busy, they're in their lives, they're doing their
Cara Taylor Swift:own thing. And it's not that they don't have good intentions,
Cara Taylor Swift:it's just that they don't think about it. So as a business
Cara Taylor Swift:owner, you have to take that extra step and make the
Cara Taylor Swift:connection for them so that they then are triggered or inspired
Cara Taylor Swift:to make the connection. So one of the things you can do is you
Cara Taylor Swift:can actually ask them to give you contact information for
Cara Taylor Swift:potential new clients, but I actually prefer to have them
Cara Taylor Swift:directly connect me to someone. So like, make an introduction,
Cara Taylor Swift:for example, to someone who might be interested in the
Cara Taylor Swift:services that I provide. For me, this has looked like an email
Cara Taylor Swift:referral, I've definitely had clients shoot an email to a
Cara Taylor Swift:friend and then copy me on it and make the connection that
Cara Taylor Swift:way. I've had them set up a brief group chat and connect me
Cara Taylor Swift:that way, introducing me to their friend, or I've had them
Cara Taylor Swift:do social media tags and shares to new potential clients or
Cara Taylor Swift:clients. So keep in mind, there are options there. And you
Cara Taylor Swift:should choose something that you and your client both feel
Cara Taylor Swift:comfortable with. The other thing that I would add is, it's
Cara Taylor Swift:really a common, I think, practice for a lot of animal
Cara Taylor Swift:based business owners to wait until the end of the client
Cara Taylor Swift:experience to ask for that referral. So maybe you send the
Cara Taylor Swift:invoice or your final thank you note, and then you ask for the
Cara Taylor Swift:referral. I would challenge folks to not do that. Because
Cara Taylor Swift:when you're sending an invoice, whether you like it or not,
Cara Taylor Swift:there's kind of a well, you're dealing with money. It's like a
Cara Taylor Swift:weird thing. That's probably the hardest part in your sales
Cara Taylor Swift:transaction in your process with your client is that asking for
Cara Taylor Swift:money piece. So what I would say is don't ask for the referral at
Cara Taylor Swift:that point, if you can keep from it. Instead, ask for the
Cara Taylor Swift:referral. When you're in, you know, like, look for
Cara Taylor Swift:opportunities in your client process where your client is the
Cara Taylor Swift:happiest, where you're making them really happy, where they're
Cara Taylor Swift:feeling really positive about their experience with you. So
Cara Taylor Swift:think about where that might be in your process. And that's the
Cara Taylor Swift:perfect time to ask for your referral. And you know, Kim and
Cara Taylor Swift:I were talking about this, and she said that she recommends
Cara Taylor Swift:doing this in person, if possible. Kim, did you want to
Cara Taylor Swift:speak to that real quick? Because I would have a tendency
Cara Taylor Swift:to shoot a text or an email or something like that. But you're
Cara Taylor Swift:so right.
Kimberly Beer:Yeah. So this is the thing that electronic
Kimberly Beer:communication has done to us as a culture. It has allowed us to
Kimberly Beer:hide behind our screens, and it's much more comfortable to do
Kimberly Beer:it that way. And part of that's like you got to get into
Kimberly Beer:introvert extrovert trauma. I mean, there's a boatload of
Kimberly Beer:psychological impactful reasons why we do that. But the bottom
Kimberly Beer:line is, is it's not as effective. I mean, it just isn't
Kimberly Beer:because that's the way it Everybody does it right. And it
Kimberly Beer:isn't as effective as when you're standing there with
Kimberly Beer:someone, it's also super easy to ignore. Because an email is
Kimberly Beer:really easy to delete a text message is really easy to skip
Kimberly Beer:right on by a social media request is easy to skip on by.
Kimberly Beer:So the truth is, your ask for the referral is so diluted when
Kimberly Beer:you do it, what I would consider most people think the easy way,
Kimberly Beer:not that I'm saying that you shouldn't use email, you
Kimberly Beer:shouldn't use these other ways to ask for these things. But
Kimberly Beer:it's much more effective when you do it in person. Because
Kimberly Beer:you're having a conversation, you have a connection with that
Kimberly Beer:individual, the person on the other end of it has a connection
Kimberly Beer:to you. And it's just more powerful if you ask in person.
Kimberly Beer:Now if it's uncomfortable for you, I get it, I completely
Kimberly Beer:understand. But here's the thing, the more you do it, the
Kimberly Beer:more comfortable you will get with it. So it's difficult
Kimberly Beer:sometimes for us to sit in uncomfortable or to live in
Kimberly Beer:uncomfortable, but it's really just as simple as making a clear
Kimberly Beer:ask, you know, hey, do you know two friends that might be
Kimberly Beer:interested in what I do? Here are a couple of business cards,
Kimberly Beer:would you please hand those to those people or I have some
Kimberly Beer:language we're going to get to here in a moment that I think
Kimberly Beer:will help you when it when it's getting you to really make that
Kimberly Beer:ask especially after somebody gives you a compliment of some
Kimberly Beer:kind, but in person does make a difference. They get part of
Kimberly Beer:your service process that as you're in the sale or you're
Kimberly Beer:closing the sale or you're delivering whatever it is, or
Kimberly Beer:after the delivery when you're getting ready to leave wherever
Kimberly Beer:it feels comfortable for you in there to just simply ask for
Kimberly Beer:those referrals.
Cara Taylor Swift:Are you looking to bring awareness to
Cara Taylor Swift:your equine based product or service or create a unique way
Cara Taylor Swift:for your audience to feel connected to your brand quality
Cara Taylor Swift:horse photos tell your story and breathe life into your
Cara Taylor Swift:marketing. They draw your customers in and create an
Cara Taylor Swift:emotional connection powerful images, communicate your core
Cara Taylor Swift:values and highlight the benefits your product offers.
Cara Taylor Swift:Ultimately, proving your business is a voice your
Cara Taylor Swift:customers can trust. It's time to use dynamic images that
Cara Taylor Swift:define your small business and separate you from the rest of
Cara Taylor Swift:the herd. Fast Horse photography is professional photo library
Cara Taylor Swift:features 1000s of searchable images available for businesses
Cara Taylor Swift:just like yours. And guess what 100% of those images are horse
Cara Taylor Swift:related. Now finding the right horse images for your website.
Cara Taylor Swift:Social media and marketing needs is easier than ever help your
Cara Taylor Swift:audience see that your brand offers the answers they are
Cara Taylor Swift:looking for search for the perfect images for your equine
Cara Taylor Swift:business right now spur your customers into action with
Cara Taylor
Cara Taylor Swift:That's
Cara Taylor Swift:Absolutely. And then along those same lines, you should be asking
Cara Taylor Swift:for testimonials as well, Kim and I in Episode 28, the art of
Cara Taylor Swift:getting better customer testimonials, we go into detail
Cara Taylor Swift:about all of this, how to do it well and give a bunch of
Cara Taylor Swift:different ideas. You want to make sure your clients okay with
Cara Taylor Swift:sharing the testimonial. And then I would say as a business
Cara Taylor Swift:owner, get to work putting that information out into the world
Cara Taylor Swift:and take it one step further. And ask your client to share
Cara Taylor Swift:what you create with their testimonial to their audience.
Cara Taylor Swift:92% of customers trust referrals from people they know and word
Cara Taylor Swift:of mouth referrals can really improve your marketing
Cara Taylor Swift:effectiveness by more than 50% We know this already. We've
Cara Taylor Swift:talked about this in our other episodes and think about it
Cara Taylor Swift:within yourself, you know, as a potential client, you're going
Cara Taylor Swift:to trust the referral from someone you know more than you
Cara Taylor Swift:will any other kind of marketing that a business is putting out
Cara Taylor Swift:there. You're gonna believe the word of mouth from the people
Cara Taylor Swift:around you that you know, and you're gonna believe when they
Cara Taylor Swift:talk about their awesome experience with you. So ask your
Cara Taylor Swift:client to share that information. I would say, you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, Kim, you wanted to mention something about get your ask
Cara Taylor Swift:after a compliment language now, and I freaking love this. It's
Cara Taylor Swift:something I speak to all the time around getting your words
Cara Taylor Swift:together and practice them coming out of your mouth. Can
Cara Taylor Swift:you speak to that a little bit? I really love it.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely, absolutely. Most of the time
Kimberly Beer:when a customer is really ready to give you a good referral or a
Kimberly Beer:testimonial. It's pretty clear. They say things like thank you
Kimberly Beer:this was a really good experience or I really enjoyed
Kimberly Beer:this product or service or whatever it happens to be. And a
Kimberly Beer:lot of business owners I watch and they'll say thank you and
Kimberly Beer:they get be me and then that's it. They don't do it any
Kimberly Beer:further. And I'm going to challenge every person listening
Kimberly Beer:to this to create their own statement that they are going to
Kimberly Beer:say every time a customer pays them a compliment. So my
Kimberly Beer:statement that I would use is I'm so glad you feel that way.
Kimberly Beer:I'm really working on building my business right now. And I
Kimberly Beer:would love to serve more people. Do you know of a couple of
Kimberly Beer:people who might be interested in whatever it happens to be
Kimberly Beer:that you're doing? So I find this really really comes in to
Kimberly Beer:be important, especially after I do a gestalt session with
Kimberly Beer:somebody, because oftentimes at the end of it, people like feel
Kimberly Beer:like they need to give some type of a small review of some kind
Kimberly Beer:of their experience, especially if they're extroverted. But even
Kimberly Beer:the introverts will give something like, that really
Kimberly Beer:wasn't what I expected it to be, or thank you for this, because
Kimberly Beer:that was very deep and interesting, or Thank you, I got
Kimberly Beer:a lot of insights out of today that I think I'm going to be
Kimberly Beer:processing for a long time. I mean, those are actual things
Kimberly Beer:people have told me, and I could leave it at that, that would be
Kimberly Beer:very easy for me to say, you know, thank you, I appreciate
Kimberly Beer:that. I'm so glad you got something out of this day that
Kimberly Beer:you came and spent all these hours with me. But at that
Kimberly Beer:moment is the best moment for you to take a look about
Kimberly Beer:appreciating what they've told you, and then taking a look for
Kimberly Beer:them to look around their world. And you know, maybe spread the
Kimberly Beer:love or spread the joy. Well, humans are naturally social
Kimberly Beer:creatures, we want to give our experiences to other people. But
Kimberly Beer:oftentimes, we don't have the availability to do that. So I'm
Kimberly Beer:going to repeat this statement that I gave, because I think you
Kimberly Beer:can can modify it for any business out there. And then I'm
Kimberly Beer:going to tell you a little secret after I say it again, and
Kimberly Beer:I probably will say it a third time for those of you who are
Kimberly Beer:looking for your piece of paper to write it down. So I'm so glad
Kimberly Beer:you feel that way. I'm really working on building my business
Kimberly Beer:right now. And I would love to help or serve more people do you
Kimberly Beer:know, have a couple of friends who might be interested in or
Kimberly Beer:associates or whatever it happens to be and then say the
Kimberly Beer:experience. Now here's the key at that point, stop and let them
Kimberly Beer:think because they're going to come up with the people right
Kimberly Beer:there in that moment that they're going to want to refer,
Kimberly Beer:they may say it out loud, they may say, you know, my friend
Kimberly Beer:Karen could really benefit from this, she's kind of crabby, and
Kimberly Beer:it would be nice for her to get a gestalt session down. You
Kimberly Beer:know, I mean, she needs to come chill out with the horses. So,
Kimberly Beer:you know, okay, so they may say something about it right there.
Kimberly Beer:Or they may not, they may just process internally and think of
Kimberly Beer:one or two people. Now, let them go ahead and do that. And then
Kimberly Beer:after you see that process, or after they talk, say I want to
Kimberly Beer:make it super easy. If you would like to, you know, refer Karen
Kimberly Beer:here and give them cards, give them business cards, business
Kimberly Beer:cards have not died, people there are still out there in the
Kimberly Beer:world. And it's still the easiest way for you to hand
Kimberly Beer:information from yourself to someone else for contact
Kimberly Beer:information. Business cards are cheap, business cards are easy
Kimberly Beer:to get ahold of you should never ever, ever be without business
Kimberly Beer:cards in your back pocket, in your wallet, in your purse, in
Kimberly Beer:your camera bag in your massage bag. Whatever it is that you
Kimberly Beer:carry around with you, when you do your work, you need to have
Kimberly Beer:business cards in there and never give out a single business
Kimberly Beer:card always give out more than one, I never hand out a single
Kimberly Beer:business card I always want to hand out to because people lose
Kimberly Beer:them. Or they may want to hand one off to their friends. So
Kimberly Beer:wait for that moment and hand it off one more time for the
Kimberly Beer:statement. I am so glad you feel that way. I'm really working on
Kimberly Beer:building my business right now. And I would love to help or
Kimberly Beer:serve more people. Do you know of a couple of your friends who
Kimberly Beer:might be interested in and then give the experience you just had
Kimberly Beer:Stop, wait for them to answer and then hand out cards.
Cara Taylor Swift:So powerful, so easy, and you just got to
Cara Taylor Swift:practice it. And I tell people to practice those words coming
Cara Taylor Swift:out of your mouth so that you're comfortable staying it when the
Cara Taylor Swift:time comes. And it rolls off your tongue and it feels right.
Cara Taylor Swift:And absolutely, I would say also take some steps to further
Cara Taylor Swift:harness your existing clients connections. For example, are
Cara Taylor Swift:they boarding at a barn that you've always wanted to work in?
Cara Taylor Swift:Do they use a particular animal business like a groomer on a
Cara Taylor Swift:regular basis that they have a good rapport with? Do they maybe
Cara Taylor Swift:help organize a local horse show planning committee that you want
Cara Taylor Swift:to get some services in? Or maybe you want to be a sponsor?
Cara Taylor Swift:Or you have some way to contribute? Are they a member of
Cara Taylor Swift:an organization where a lot of your potential clients might be
Cara Taylor Swift:hanging out? Is there a way for you to be a speaker there? So
Cara Taylor Swift:start thinking about ways that your clients could potentially
Cara Taylor Swift:work with you to put you in front of a bigger audience in
Cara Taylor Swift:front of people that they know that might be great connections
Cara Taylor Swift:for you. Like Kim said at the top of the segment, they know
Cara Taylor Swift:other people and they're often not in their own little bubble
Cara Taylor Swift:with the need for this service. Oftentimes, they they know other
Cara Taylor Swift:people, they're talking about it already with other people and it
Cara Taylor Swift:could be something as simple as saying, Hey, I'm getting
Cara Taylor Swift:pictures of my horse made soon and then people are all I've
Cara Taylor Swift:always wanted to do that, like people are having these
Cara Taylor Swift:conversations. So if they have your card if they know someone
Cara Taylor Swift:already, people like to also be in positions where they're
Cara Taylor Swift:helping someone else out there making a referral, they like to
Cara Taylor Swift:be authority and to know connections. So it's not a bad
Cara Taylor Swift:thing to kind of try to harness some of that.
Kimberly Beer:Every small business owner wants to gain
Kimberly Beer:traction in their marketing. After three decades of working
Kimberly Beer:with small business owners just like you, I have developed what
Kimberly Beer:I call my four by four marketing method. In just 190 minute
Kimberly Beer:session, you'll discover the four major focus areas of a
Kimberly Beer:successful marketing plan. And together we'll uncover where
Kimberly Beer:your business is getting stuck, you'll leave the session with an
Kimberly Beer:action plan of next steps that engage your revenue engine drop
Kimberly Beer:by To request your session today. That's
Kimberly See you there.
Cara Taylor Swift:Kim, I know you wanted to talk about that
Cara Taylor Swift:referrals don't always have to come from clients.
Kimberly Beer:No, they don't. So that's another thing I think
Kimberly Beer:we get stuck in in our head is that our referrals have to come
Kimberly Beer:from people we serve. And that's not necessarily true. We all
Kimberly Beer:have friends, family, networking acquaintances, social
Kimberly Beer:acquaintances connections that we've made networking
Kimberly Beer:connections that we've made, these people are really good
Kimberly Beer:referral engines for you as well. I belong to ally you know
Kimberly Beer:me, I love to network and I'm feel so fantastic. I was sharing
Kimberly Beer:with Kara when we got on this morning to do our prep for this
Kimberly Beer:episode that I've been getting to go to in person networking
Kimberly Beer:events over the last couple of weeks, you know, my health is
Kimberly Beer:now cleared up COVID Is restrictions are lifted, people
Kimberly Beer:are starting to do in person stuff again, and I am back in my
Kimberly Beer:element, I absolutely love a good in person networking event.
Kimberly Beer:And when I go to an in person networking event, it never
Kimberly Beer:fails, that there is usually one or two people in the room that
Kimberly Beer:are the connectors, right. They're the people that when
Kimberly Beer:they meet you, they ask you what it is that you do and
Kimberly Beer:immediately will introduce you to the other people in the room
Kimberly Beer:that might be interested in whatever it is that you're up
Kimberly Beer:to. And the truth is, is that those people exist a lot out in
Kimberly Beer:the world. And if you run into them, they may not need your
Kimberly Beer:service, maybe they don't have a have a horse, but they have
Kimberly Beer:three friends that have horses that they would like to refer
Kimberly Beer:you to or a dog or a cat or whatever it happens to be. So
Kimberly Beer:make sure that you get in the habit of talking about your
Kimberly Beer:business. And then even if it's the person on the other side of
Kimberly Beer:it that isn't able to actually purchase what it is that you
Kimberly Beer:have still hand them a business card, because if they know
Kimberly Beer:people or if they mentioned, you know, I have this friend named
Kimberly Beer:Sally, who has a worse that might benefit from this, then we
Kimberly Beer:can do that we can harness Sally to come into our business
Kimberly Beer:through somebody who was never a client of ours. I learned this
Kimberly Beer:really, really well at what I consider my definition of hell
Kimberly Beer:one year. So one year I got stuck doing this is gonna be a
Kimberly Beer:cute story. Hopefully people will enjoy it. So I got stuck
Kimberly Beer:doing a Multi Product booth at the National Western Stock Show
Kimberly Beer:in Denver. And so if you don't know, the National Western Stock
Kimberly Beer:Show, it's a wonderful event. By the way, even though I'm going
Kimberly Beer:to talk a little poorly about it because of my own personal
Kimberly Beer:experience. It's a wonderful event they have in January, in
Kimberly Beer:Denver in January in Denver. Let me say that again in January in
Kimberly Beer:Denver, and the hours for the show are ridiculously long. It
Kimberly Beer:is cold and snowy and it's miserable. And that year there
Kimberly Beer:was extra snow. And there's not a lot of parking at that venue
Kimberly Beer:and the vendors have to ride a bus to be able to get there you
Kimberly Beer:like park somewhere else and then you ride this bus to get to
Kimberly Beer:your booth. And it the bus is not really heated well, and it's
Kimberly Beer:just a it's let me just say it's a miserable experience. And the
Kimberly Beer:situation I was in there wasn't a lot of money in the
Kimberly Beer:conglomerate that came together. So I was staying in a really
Kimberly Beer:crappy hotel. And then I had this booth where I was selling
Kimberly Beer:all these equine products. And I was put in the place where all
Kimberly Beer:the cattle show people are. So every person that came to my
Kimberly Beer:booth owned cattle, not horses. And so they would wander around
Kimberly Beer:in my booth and ask questions about the stuff that I had for
Kimberly Beer:sale which I would gladly answer for them. And then they would go
Kimberly Beer:you know if I ever bought a horse, I would do that. So I got
Kimberly Beer:really smart really quick and started asking them Do you have
Kimberly Beer:horses when they walked up? Or what kind of horses do you have
Kimberly Beer:when they walked up to the booth? And if they said they
Kimberly Beer:didn't have horses then I would hands them a couple of business
Kimberly Beer:cards from the organization and say, if you have friends with
Kimberly Beer:horses, please send them by the booth. And here's a couple of
Kimberly Beer:cards where they might want to check out our stuff. Because the
Kimberly Beer:people that were coming up, they didn't have any interest or need
Kimberly Beer:for what I was selling, but they did know people that do have
Kimberly Beer:that need. And it was super beneficial to be able to hand
Kimberly Beer:them the cards. And honestly, what happened in the end was
Kimberly Beer:that they would go back to their horsey friends at the show. And
Kimberly Beer:they'd send them back to the booth to say, Hey, there's this
Kimberly Beer:really cool booth with some great products in it. And
Kimberly Beer:they're kind of out of the way from the horse crowd. So go over
Kimberly Beer:and check them out. So that's my long story. And back to my
Kimberly Beer:definition of hell, that is definitely if I were in hell
Kimberly Beer:that would be my definition of it would be to have to go to
Kimberly Beer:that booth every day.
Cara Taylor Swift:Okay, I think we're ready to move on to number
Cara Taylor Swift:two, we have spent a ton of time on number one, because it's so
Cara Taylor Swift:important. And I think we're ready to move on to number two
Cara Taylor Swift:and Kim, I have to say that that does not sound like a very fun
Cara Taylor Swift:event having to drag your vendor stuff on a bus to the booth. But
Cara Taylor Swift:let's talk about number two, which is make it easy. Make it
Cara Taylor Swift:easy. Why is this important? It is
Kimberly Beer:important because you have to make it easy for
Kimberly Beer:people because otherwise they won't do it. Right. Right. So
Kimberly Beer:you have to give them the tools to be able to give you the
Kimberly Beer:referral. I don't know about you, cara. But I don't remember
Kimberly Beer:anybody's phone number anymore, or their email address for that
Kimberly Beer:matter, or even their website?
Cara Taylor Swift:No, there's times I don't remember my own
Cara Taylor Swift:phone number. Yeah,
Kimberly Beer:I mean, we don't do that anymore. I used to have
Kimberly Beer:everybody's phone number memorized, I don't any longer, I
Kimberly Beer:gotta have something to send it off to somebody else. That's why
Kimberly Beer:you know, having some type of a physical thing that you can hand
Kimberly Beer:to people is really important. Following that physical thing up
Kimberly Beer:with the email that you wanted to send to begin with, or the
Kimberly Beer:text message or whatever is also helpful, make it so absolutely
Kimberly Beer:stupid, easy for people to send you a referral. You know, like I
Kimberly Beer:said, always give out more than one business card, make it easy.
Kimberly Beer:What other ideas do you have to make it super easy for people
Kimberly Beer:care?
Cara Taylor Swift:Well, you've mentioned the business card
Cara Taylor Swift:already. But you can also create a referral card, something that
Cara Taylor Swift:just has all that information on there. Or what I also like to do
Cara Taylor Swift:is I use an app called Blinq, it's blinq. And it's basically
Cara Taylor Swift:in a virtual business card that has a QR code. And you can have
Cara Taylor Swift:someone just scan all your information to their phone and
Cara Taylor Swift:save it right into their phone. And it has stuff like your name,
Cara Taylor Swift:your phone number, your email address, your website, your
Cara Taylor Swift:social media links, and then they can take that, and they can
Cara Taylor Swift:just text it right to their friends. So it's another easy
Cara Taylor Swift:way to share your information. I also like the option of doing
Cara Taylor Swift:basically like a pre done email from them. So you if you have if
Cara Taylor Swift:they know they want to give some information about you to one of
Cara Taylor Swift:their friends, having some kind of pre done, you know, the
Cara Taylor Swift:services that you provide some bullet points around that, that
Cara Taylor Swift:they can drop into an email with your contact information and how
Cara Taylor Swift:they can reach you a direct link, some of those kinds of
Cara Taylor Swift:things is awesome. And it makes it so much easier for your
Cara Taylor Swift:client. And then the last thing in that same kind of little
Cara Taylor Swift:category is if you have some kind of already pre done
Cara Taylor Swift:infographics that talk about the work that you do, that are easy
Cara Taylor Swift:to share, just anything that you can put together, that your
Cara Taylor Swift:clients don't have to do any work. They can take that
Cara Taylor Swift:information, give it to a friend and share your information,
Cara Taylor Swift:something outside of a business card, you know, that's creative
Cara Taylor Swift:and informative is awesome to consider.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And I think it bears saying in this
Kimberly Beer:particular instance, that part of making it easy for the people
Kimberly Beer:that refer you, you also need to make it easy for yourself to
Kimberly Beer:follow up with the people they send to you. Because this is
Kimberly Beer:something I hear a lot people like to complain to me. I don't
Kimberly Beer:know, do it. But do I have a face that people are like she
Kimberly Beer:will listen to me complain? I feel like I can share all of my
Kimberly Beer:dissatisfaction in the world with with Kim. But I hear this a
Kimberly Beer:lot. I hear people say, Well, you know, you referred me so
Kimberly Beer:this is what happens because I refer people to other
Kimberly Beer:businesses, you referred me to this business. And I reached out
Kimberly Beer:to them. I've never heard anything from them. And then as
Kimberly Beer:the referring person, I'm like, well, that's not good because I
Kimberly Beer:really enjoyed my experience with that business. They really
Kimberly Beer:seemed on the ball. They did the thing where they asked me
Kimberly Beer:because they want to build their business and now here it is. My
Kimberly Beer:friend reached out and wanted to work with them and now can't or
Kimberly Beer:now won't because they didn't follow up. So I'm not going to
Kimberly Beer:refer that business as readily the next time. Please make sure
Kimberly Beer:that when you start making referrals A big focus in your
Kimberly Beer:business that you are able to follow up with people. So you're
Kimberly Beer:not the person who drops the ball, when that referral comes
Kimberly Beer:into your own business and networks in with you. So it's
Kimberly Beer:really important I realized, as a small business owner, there's
Kimberly Beer:a lot of times balls get dropped, Hey, I've done it,
Kimberly Beer:Cara's done it, we've all missed out on a follow up at some
Kimberly Beer:point. But if you can make it drop dead easy for you to do it,
Kimberly Beer:like write up a nice little confirmation that, you know, I'm
Kimberly Beer:so glad so and so referred you and I really want to set up an
Kimberly Beer:appointment or whatever it is that you do just sort of figure
Kimberly Beer:out that plan ahead of time and start to really think about the
Kimberly Beer:sales flow through your business, like how do customers
Kimberly Beer:move through your business? And how can you facilitate that,
Kimberly Beer:especially when they come from a referral, so that you're not
Kimberly Beer:letting that person down, that you asked to give you a referral
Kimberly Beer:when they do and they're their friend or their their person
Kimberly Beer:comes around. And I don't know if they'll go back and complain
Kimberly Beer:to that person, but I don't know, it seems like to a person,
Kimberly Beer:they'll come back and complain to me. So I'll hear your complaint.
Cara Taylor Swift:When I get a referral from someone, or when
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm reaching out to someone that was referred to me, I almost
Cara Taylor Swift:always, if appropriate, will let the person who gave me the
Cara Taylor Swift:referral know, hey, I just wanted to let you know, I had a
Cara Taylor Swift:great conversation with so and so today, thank you so much for
Cara Taylor Swift:the referral, or I just reached out to so and so. And I really
Cara Taylor Swift:appreciate the referral. And a lot of times I'm doing that for
Cara Taylor Swift:two reasons. One, because I want to thank them for making the
Cara Taylor Swift:referral and let them know that on my end, I have reached out
Cara Taylor Swift:but also, if they come in contact with that person in a
Cara Taylor Swift:few days, or a couple of weeks, they can say to them, oh, hey, I
Cara Taylor Swift:heard Cara reached out to you for that service or for
Cara Taylor Swift:photography, you know, how did that go? Do you have a shoot
Cara Taylor Swift:setup, and that is another trigger point or another place
Cara Taylor Swift:where a referral, it's like another part of that referral.
Cara Taylor Swift:So it's like reinforcing it. So if they didn't contact you back
Cara Taylor Swift:or reach back out to you, or you didn't make a connection, the
Cara Taylor Swift:first time you reached out or you attempted the connection,
Cara Taylor Swift:this isn't like a reminder place that can really encourage them
Cara Taylor Swift:and reinforce that they should be connecting with you. I love
Cara Taylor Swift:doing that. And I have found it to be super successful. And then
Cara Taylor Swift:coming back to the part of just kind of being ready that Kim
Cara Taylor Swift:brought up, you know, you're going to be asking for these
Cara Taylor Swift:referrals, but you have to be ready for those new clients when
Cara Taylor Swift:the referral happens. So start defining your client processes,
Cara Taylor Swift:get comfortable with them, get your ducks in a row, so that
Cara Taylor Swift:when those referrals start coming in that you handle them
Cara Taylor Swift:professionally, quickly, and that you're ready to roll with
Cara Taylor Swift:it. And that includes getting comfortable with your pricing.
Cara Taylor Swift:You know, a lot of times when you're starting out, you're just
Cara Taylor Swift:trying to get things done, and you're working through each
Cara Taylor Swift:stage. But you need to be ready and comfortable when they ask
Cara Taylor Swift:you okay, how do I work with you? What does it cost to work
Cara Taylor Swift:with you? How does this process work? How quickly can I get on
Cara Taylor Swift:your schedule? You need to be ready to answer those questions
Cara Taylor Swift:quickly as well.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. I think that brings us really
Kimberly Beer:nicely into our last point here, Kara. And that because that
Kimberly Beer:follow up, it's good to go back to the person that referred to
Kimberly Beer:the individual to you and offer them a reward for that it. We
Kimberly Beer:are all animal behaviorists, if you are live around animals,
Kimberly Beer:you're a behaviorist around animals. And you understand that
Kimberly Beer:sometimes it's much easier to do things with a waterboard. And so
Kimberly Beer:I don't encourage you to like I don't know, give like treats to
Kimberly Beer:your customers. But I do encourage you to offer them some
Kimberly Beer:type of a meaningful reward for your business hopefully
Kimberly Beer:associated in getting them back into your business. So for
Kimberly Beer:example, a nice way that I would think about it is I would offer
Kimberly Beer:somebody saying, Oh, if you send someone to me for a referral,
Kimberly Beer:then as long as I know that referral came from you, and I
Kimberly Beer:would give you a 10% off and your your person you referred
Kimberly Beer:10% off or some such thing, a discount of some variety. And
Kimberly Beer:that way it encourages the person who did the referring to
Kimberly Beer:come back. So I have a return customer and I get a new
Kimberly Beer:customer out of the person or persons that they refer. So it's
Kimberly Beer:worth it. And people always like balk about these discounts and
Kimberly Beer:about being able to give people who refer people in money or
Kimberly Beer:some type of financial discount the type of a reward. But the
Kimberly Beer:truth is, is advertising is expensive and most small
Kimberly Beer:businesses today they don't even have an adequate advertising
Kimberly Beer:budget as it is. So honestly, the cost of what it costs you to
Kimberly Beer:make a new customer if you really put a pencil to it and
Kimberly Beer:get a good understanding of it. You will see it's pretty pricey
Kimberly Beer:for every new customer that comes into your business and
Kimberly Beer:when someone provides a referral and brings that new Customer in
Kimberly Beer:for you, it is far cheaper to give them a discounted whatever
Kimberly Beer:to be able to get them in than it is to try to make that
Kimberly Beer:customer on your own. And in the fact that the customer already
Kimberly Beer:comes with a good attitude, they're not questioning, they're
Kimberly Beer:coming with a little bit different tweak in how they show
Kimberly Beer:up in your business makes it all that much easier for you to work
Kimberly Beer:with them, serve them, sell them, whatever it happens to be.
Kimberly Beer:So offering that reward to me is super, super important. And I
Kimberly Beer:know Kara, we've done a couple of episodes on this, you're the
Kimberly Beer:one who keeps track of that
Cara Taylor Swift:we actually did two Episodes Episode 11 and
Cara Taylor Swift:14, where we talked about creating customer loyalty
Cara Taylor Swift:programs, we talked to our good friend, Terry Cage of Terry Cage
Cara Taylor Swift:Photography and talks about her loyalty program. And then we
Cara Taylor Swift:continue that conversation in on a second episode, which was
Cara Taylor Swift:episode 14, highly recommend, if you're thinking about creating a
Cara Taylor Swift:loyalty program, which is basically what we're talking
Cara Taylor Swift:about here, to some degree, getting people to come back to
Cara Taylor Swift:you refer their friends, and then having some incentive for
Cara Taylor Swift:doing that is a really great way to increase loyalty of your
Cara Taylor Swift:customers. So definitely check that out, I would say just kind
Cara Taylor Swift:of as a parting note on this, that as a business as a and as
Cara Taylor Swift:appropriate for your business, if there is a way that you can
Cara Taylor Swift:go out and share the work that you're doing for your clients to
Cara Taylor Swift:the world that you should do that. And I like to tell people
Cara Taylor Swift:that, you know, when we're talking about doing these
Cara Taylor Swift:referrals, these client referrals, you know, you can
Cara Taylor Swift:tell their story, if they allow you include their testimonial,
Cara Taylor Swift:if they have that, but the key is to really make your client
Cara Taylor Swift:the hero across the board. So if that's in the story that you're
Cara Taylor Swift:telling about them and about your experience with them, do
Cara Taylor Swift:it. If it's thanking them for going out and bringing people
Cara Taylor Swift:in, do it. If it's letting them be a voice of, you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:authority and guidance about your business when they're
Cara Taylor Swift:guiding other people to you and bringing other people to you.
Cara Taylor Swift:That's wonderful. Do that create more opportunities for that
Cara Taylor Swift:anywhere that you can?
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely, absolutely, this has been a
Kimberly Beer:really great episode to remind me of how important it is like I
Kimberly Beer:don't think about referrals already I do quite a bit. But
Kimberly Beer:how important this part really is to your overall business, and
Kimberly Beer:how critical it is in building a business or executing a
Kimberly Beer:business. And on that note, what I would like to do is to thank
Kimberly Beer:every one of our listeners for tuning in and hanging out with
Kimberly Beer:us this long. And I'm hoping that since you're here still and
Kimberly Beer:listening to us, you got something out of this episode.
Kimberly Beer:And I really appreciate that. And I would love it if you could
Kimberly Beer:think of two friends right now that you think might get
Kimberly Beer:something out of The Business Animal podcast. And if you
Kimberly Beer:wouldn't mind, please let them know that we're out here and
Kimberly Beer:refer them to us. We would be more than appreciative of that,
Kimberly Beer:and getting some additional listeners into our atmosphere
Kimberly Beer:here. Because we do this as a labor of love to help people out
Kimberly Beer:there with their animal based small business and we really
Kimberly Beer:want to see more animal based small businesses be successful,
Kimberly Beer:so please send them on over to listen to us.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of The Business
Jaz:Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And
Jaz:if you learned something today, leave us a review. To learn
Jaz:more. Find us at We'd love
Jaz:to hear from you. Until next time, keep your business well
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