How do you navigate social business conversations in an environment dominated by major news events? We’ve all been there as business owners — our social channels blowing up with conversations that are overwhelming the focus of our consumer audience. As business owners, we have to walk a difficult middle ground between being sensitive to what is going on in the world and successfully running our businesses. Although no one knows all the answers to this dilemma, Kim and Cara have three suggestions to help you find your way through the distracting environment of social business conversations.
The Business Animal podcast is proudly
Kimberly Beer:sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress
Kimberly Beer:hosting. And Keap the premier CRM software for small business,
Kimberly Beer:head over to for the
Kimberly Beer:best deals on these two amazing products
Jaz:Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a
Jaz:gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how
Jaz:to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools
Jaz:that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you
Jaz:wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts Kim Beer and Cara
Jaz:Taylor Swift.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there business animals. It's Kim with
Kimberly Beer:Be More Business
Cara Taylor Swift:and Cara with Fast Horse photography. Good
Cara Taylor Swift:morning, Kim. How are you? Good morning,
Kimberly Beer:Cara. We only have really technically 15
Kimberly Beer:minutes left of mourning in this recording session. So we'll be
Kimberly Beer:moving into afternoon. Yeah, you're right. It's lunchtime.
Kimberly Beer:stomach's getting a little hungry too.
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, I just inhaled a bunch of salt and
Cara Taylor Swift:vinegar almonds this morning. That's pretty much all I've had
Cara Taylor Swift:to eat. So I'm running on sodium and nuts.
Kimberly Beer:Well, that sounds like a good way to render record
Kimberly Beer:a podcast. Oh, my. You guys are in store for something
Kimberly Beer:interesting. Yeah,
Cara Taylor Swift:let's do it. So
Kimberly Beer:actually, the topic we have today, I think is
Kimberly Beer:super timely for folks out there. It's when the world
Kimberly Beer:distracts your audience. And as we're recording this, for those
Kimberly Beer:of you who are listening to this somewhere down the line, it is
Kimberly Beer:2022. It is in the middle of the summer. And there is a laundry
Kimberly Beer:list about a mile long of things that have happened in the world,
Kimberly Beer:in the political environments, in activism environments.
Kimberly Beer:There's just a lot of turmoil in the United States in particular
Kimberly Beer:right now. But even across the world, there is a lot of
Kimberly Beer:turmoil. And what we want to talk about today is how do you
Kimberly Beer:show up on social media publicly? How do you show up
Kimberly Beer:with your business as a business owner when the world is
Kimberly Beer:distracting your audience? So right now, conversations, online
Kimberly Beer:conversations at networking events, conversations
Kimberly Beer:everywhere, are being dominated by these major news events. And
Kimberly Beer:as business owners, I think that we stress a lot about how do we
Kimberly Beer:have a conversation about business, because after all,
Kimberly Beer:everything's blowing up with what's going on in the world.
Kimberly Beer:But we're over here trying to run a business. And we also
Kimberly Beer:don't know quite how to join these conversations, or even if
Kimberly Beer:we want to join these conversations in a way that
Kimberly Beer:shows up as healthy for our businesses. And so that's what
Kimberly Beer:we're going to talk about today on the show, because I think
Kimberly Beer:it's important discussion for us to have, regardless of where you
Kimberly Beer:land on any of these world events, is how are we going to
Kimberly Beer:navigate are how do we navigate it when this happens.
Cara Taylor Swift:And I would just add, you and I have had so
Cara Taylor Swift:many conversations about this. I mean, we have gone back and
Cara Taylor Swift:forth, we've debated, you know, on some of the topics on how
Cara Taylor Swift:businesses should handle this sort of thing. And there's when
Cara Taylor Swift:it comes down to it, I think what we decided is what we want
Cara Taylor Swift:to share today is just kind of how we feel about small
Cara Taylor Swift:businesses, especially in this climate in the world that we're
Cara Taylor Swift:in today. So I'm excited to talk about it. And I also feel like
Cara Taylor Swift:anxious about talking about this subject just between you know us
Cara Taylor Swift:in our you and me and our audience out there. I feel
Cara Taylor Swift:anxious talking about it too, because you know, like you I've
Cara Taylor Swift:come from such an old school. I don't want to say old school,
Cara Taylor Swift:but just from an old school theory of business and where how
Cara Taylor Swift:businesses should show up in the world and in terms of life
Cara Taylor Swift:events and world events and social events and everything
Cara Taylor Swift:that's happening around us. So this has been an interesting
Cara Taylor Swift:conversation that we've had. And we decided if we're having this
Cara Taylor Swift:conversation, then definitely animal based business owners out
Cara Taylor Swift:there are thinking about this too, and struggling with it. So
Cara Taylor Swift:we're like okay, let's do it. Let's do a show and get it at
Cara Taylor Swift:least get people talking about it. Yeah, let's
Kimberly Beer:have the discussion. I know what Cara is
Kimberly Beer:trying to say there is my mother ingrained in me from the time I
Kimberly Beer:was a little kid and by the way, I was raised by the greatest
Kimberly Beer:generation not a boomer but uh, I was adopted by my
Kimberly Beer:grandparents. So even though I'm a Gen X, or I was raised by that
Kimberly Beer:previous generation, and their approach to stuff like this was
Kimberly Beer:you do not discuss certain things in public conversations.
Kimberly Beer:And those things include religion, politics, in my world
Kimberly Beer:sports as well because sports can start a big argument, but
Kimberly Beer:people always laugh about that, but it's true. I do know I live
Kimberly Beer:right in a border town between Kansas In Missouri, and let me
Kimberly Beer:tell you, it's a really vehement rivalry between these two states
Kimberly Beer:when it comes to their sports teams. So all of that said, but
Kimberly Beer:religion and politics are two of the things that you should never
Kimberly Beer:have a discussion about in your business. It's not part of your
Kimberly Beer:business. But as Kara pointed out, the times they have
Kimberly Beer:changed. And now there's a certain feeling or draw or
Kimberly Beer:expectation around having those conversations, and I think that
Kimberly Beer:line has gotten blurred a lot. And for small business owners,
Kimberly Beer:it becomes a situation where you need to consider what are you
Kimberly Beer:going to do in these situations? What What can you do? How can
Kimberly Beer:you still be a business person? And how if you want to do join
Kimberly Beer:the conversation, or how do you choose to stay out of the
Kimberly Beer:conversations that are going on. So we have three tips for you
Kimberly Beer:today, and we're gonna, of course, like we always do on the
Kimberly Beer:show, break each each of those three down, the first of our big
Kimberly Beer:three is to keep an eye on current events and run your
Kimberly Beer:social conversations through a tight filter. And this is
Kimberly Beer:especially true if you have them on autopilot. So if you're using
Kimberly Beer:those automated postings, it's important to always check those
Kimberly Beer:against what is current out there. The second of the big
Kimberly Beer:three is to shore up your other marketing channels away from
Kimberly Beer:social media, in particular, so that you're well covered when
Kimberly Beer:things are rocking. Current events are out there rocking the
Kimberly Beer:boat on social media, and everybody is engaged in the
Kimberly Beer:arguments. And I would love to say they are conversations, but
Kimberly Beer:a lot of times they do downgrade into arguments and sometimes
Kimberly Beer:really ugly ones. So if you have your other marketing channels
Kimberly Beer:shored up, it makes it easier. And then the final one of our
Kimberly Beer:big three is to remember, this too shall pass and all of our
Kimberly Beer:worlds run in a circular fashion. So it's going to cycle
Kimberly Beer:through and we will eventually be back to status, whatever the
Kimberly Beer:new status quo happens to be. So let's start with number one in
Kimberly Beer:that tight filter that we need to run our social posts through
Kimberly Beer:in our social conversations. And one thing that I see right off
Kimberly Beer:the bat that happens with this is when you have your social
Kimberly Beer:media sort of pre scheduled and something happens if you are not
Kimberly Beer:on top of the social events that are going on and what those
Kimberly Beer:conversations are, and it never seems to fail, that whatever
Kimberly Beer:posts that you have going out that day may rub up against that
Kimberly Beer:social stance. Have you ever seen that happen? Kara where
Kimberly Beer:where it just feels insensitive or wrong? And you know that the
Kimberly Beer:business owner really didn't mean it that way. But it just
Kimberly Beer:kind of occurred?
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, I mean, with social media, and the fact
Cara Taylor Swift:that a lot of especially bigger businesses, but smaller
Cara Taylor Swift:businesses as well spend a lot of time batching and, you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:getting their posts together for a month, two months, six months
Cara Taylor Swift:in advance. They're kind of planning these things out. It's
Cara Taylor Swift:easy to happen. And I agree with you, I don't think it's always
Cara Taylor Swift:an intentional thing. I think it's that they scheduled
Cara Taylor Swift:something. But that's a struggle that we have to deal with. Like
Cara Taylor Swift:we have to be thinking about that all the time, I think and
Cara Taylor Swift:it's, we have to always be checking and making sure what's
Cara Taylor Swift:coming out is still relevant to when we first sat down and put
Cara Taylor Swift:it all together.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And we see this modeled for us in
Kimberly Beer:our world in different ways. I know Hollywood, there's been
Kimberly Beer:times that there have been things like we'll go back a few
Kimberly Beer:decades to 911. I know that there were some movies that they
Kimberly Beer:chose not to release, because they felt that they were too
Kimberly Beer:sensitive for that particular time period. So they just sat on
Kimberly Beer:them and release them later. I think in our social media and in
Kimberly Beer:our marketing, we need to be careful. And we need to run what
Kimberly Beer:we're putting out into the world through the filter of what is a
Kimberly Beer:current world events that are going on. That means that for a
Kimberly Beer:certain extent, as a business owner, you do need to stay in
Kimberly Beer:touch with what's happening out there in the larger world. I
Kimberly Beer:know that's another thing that happens to small business
Kimberly Beer:owners, we tend to be very nose to the grindstone, and a lot of
Kimberly Beer:times we're so dedicated to where we are and what we're
Kimberly Beer:doing. Sometimes we're not even aware of what's going on. So
Kimberly Beer:take a few minutes every so often and check in with world
Kimberly Beer:events and then go compare that against what you've batched or
Kimberly Beer:what you've created and take a look to see if there's something
Kimberly Beer:sensitive in there that maybe you need to redirect the next
Kimberly Beer:consideration here is what happens with your personal
Kimberly Beer:opinion, your personal stance on things and how your business is
Kimberly Beer:going to show up or not show up or remain neutral in that
Kimberly Beer:situation. And I think this is the really interesting and also
Kimberly Beer:the most difficult conversation of all of the things that we're
Kimberly Beer:talking about today. And first of all, I do want to say it is
Kimberly Beer:very possible for you to have both a personal opinion a strong
Kimberly Beer:personal opinion and then also have a neutral business stance
Kimberly Beer:on current topics and political things that are going on, you
Kimberly Beer:know, it's okay if that's where you choose to row your boat is
Kimberly Beer:straight down the neutrality of the river, then I think that you
Kimberly Beer:are just fine. If you don't want to rock the boat or get off on
Kimberly Beer:to a certain topic, I think that's an important thing to
Kimberly Beer:remember that it's completely okay with that. And there are
Kimberly Beer:statistics that do support that social media users do get worn
Kimberly Beer:out over political posts. In other words, at a certain point,
Kimberly Beer:there's a tipping point that no longer does that topic. Whatever
Kimberly Beer:the topic, Dozier happens to be that it doesn't stay relevant
Kimberly Beer:for them, or they're wanting to look for something different.
Kimberly Beer:But there are times that we want to consider or that we feel like
Kimberly Beer:we should be considering entering that conversation. So
Kimberly Beer:you know, I mean, I think that there's a fine line to walk
Kimberly Beer:there as to why you should or shouldn't. every small business
Kimberly Beer:owner wants to gain traction in their marketing. After three
Kimberly Beer:decades of working with small business owners just like you, I
Kimberly Beer:have developed what I call my four by four marketing method.
Kimberly Beer:In just 190 minute session, you'll discover the four major
Kimberly Beer:focus areas of a successful marketing plan. And together
Kimberly Beer:we'll uncover where your business is getting stuck,
Kimberly Beer:you'll leave the session with an action plan of next steps that
Kimberly Beer:engage your revenue engine dropped by be more
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Kimberly See you there.
Cara Taylor Swift:It's just a constant struggle, there are so
Cara Taylor Swift:many things that happened during the year and historically and
Cara Taylor Swift:that I have an opinion on. If we were in times when we didn't
Cara Taylor Swift:have social media, and we had to be really thoughtful and
Cara Taylor Swift:strategic about the content we create for advertising, it's it
Cara Taylor Swift:would be a totally different story, because you're putting
Cara Taylor Swift:together like large scale advertising campaigns. Whereas
Cara Taylor Swift:on a day to day basis, we have at our fingertips an opportunity
Cara Taylor Swift:to spew into the world, our thoughts and feelings. And it's
Cara Taylor Swift:very tempting, and I do see businesses go solid in one
Cara Taylor Swift:direction and solid in another direction. And I know how that
Cara Taylor Swift:feels the desire to want to do that. It's something I struggle
Cara Taylor Swift:with on a daily basis, I always come back to the core of my
Cara Taylor Swift:business and try to bring myself back to the fact that I'm a very
Cara Taylor Swift:small business and a very small community. And as a business
Cara Taylor Swift:owner, I have to remember that who my audience is, and also
Cara Taylor Swift:that my business can be neutral and can serve everyone.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And I think that the decision on
Kimberly Beer:whether to enter into a conversation that might be
Kimberly Beer:viewed as controversial or have two very opinionated sides to it
Kimberly Beer:is how in context is that to your business. So when Kara and
Kimberly Beer:I were kind of prepping for this episode, we were talking about
Kimberly Beer:what you as a consumer use a business's political stance to
Kimberly Beer:either hire or not hire a horse photographer, let's say or a dog
Kimberly Beer:groomer or equine massage therapist or something like
Kimberly Beer:that. And I think the reality and Kara pointed this out very
Kimberly Beer:appropriately is I don't know if you would simile over here who
Kimberly Beer:has a viewpoint and who is going to express that viewpoint in
Kimberly Beer:your friends and social circles that are private, but as a
Kimberly Beer:business, when you start to take a stance on something, is it in
Kimberly Beer:context to your business? And I will tell you a lot of the
Kimberly Beer:things that are going on in the world right now, I have some
Kimberly Beer:deep opinions on personally, but they don't really have a lot of
Kimberly Beer:context to what I do to my day to day.
Cara Taylor Swift:I mean, I think we have to think about
Cara Taylor Swift:just down the line, like the messaging and all of that. And I
Cara Taylor Swift:you know, I was thinking about this. And I when Kim and I were
Cara Taylor Swift:talking about putting this together and Kim and I thought
Cara Taylor Swift:to myself, and the idea that you know, in today's time, there's a
Cara Taylor Swift:lot of pressure on businesses to talk and to speak out. And there
Cara Taylor Swift:is an upside to both to some extent. So to me, if you and you
Cara Taylor Swift:can tell I'm struggling with this. But to me if you if you
Cara Taylor Swift:choose to remain neutral on topics that are important to
Cara Taylor Swift:you, then you are leaving yourself open to potentially
Cara Taylor Swift:more business which is what a lot of small business owners
Cara Taylor Swift:want. There's also a flip side of that, that when you choose to
Cara Taylor Swift:say nothing when you choose to make no comments when you choose
Cara Taylor Swift:to do nothing that can sometimes say a lot about your business as
Cara Taylor Swift:well. And so that's where I think my struggle always comes
Cara Taylor Swift:in with this topic. So for me when I think about am I going as
Cara Taylor Swift:my business to weigh in on a topic, I try to filter it or
Cara Taylor Swift:think about it through a couple of different things. So I so
Cara Taylor Swift:here are a couple things that I'm going to throw out to hear
Cara Taylor Swift:what to consider before deciding to speak out about a social
Cara Taylor Swift:issue as a business owner, the first thing and Kim has
Cara Taylor Swift:mentioned this a couple of times, is the topic relevant? Is
Cara Taylor Swift:it in alignment with your mission, your vision and your
Cara Taylor Swift:values? As a business owner? Can you make a difference by
Cara Taylor Swift:speaking out? And are you willing to put your money and
Cara Taylor Swift:time where your mouth is? Because there is some thought
Cara Taylor Swift:around it's one thing to talk about it. But it's another
Cara Taylor Swift:thing, though, to actually have your business take action. For
Cara Taylor Swift:example, has your business already been supporting, you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, this particular cause? Have you already been I don't
Cara Taylor Swift:know supporting other businesses that support the cause? Have you
Cara Taylor Swift:already been reaching out in your community and doing work
Cara Taylor Swift:behind the scenes donating your time donating your money?
Cara Taylor Swift:Another thing to think about is your clients, you know, will
Cara Taylor Swift:your clients agree with your viewpoint? Do you have a plan to
Cara Taylor Swift:deal with loss of potential clients, if they don't, not only
Cara Taylor Swift:potential clients, but loss of vendors and partners that you
Cara Taylor Swift:work with in your community that the loss of that that could
Cara Taylor Swift:happen? On the flip side, you could totally gain new clients,
Cara Taylor Swift:you could gain new partners, but there you have to be willing to
Cara Taylor Swift:balance that. I also think that as business owners, that I and I
Cara Taylor Swift:see this happening, we should not be intentionally using
Cara Taylor Swift:social issues that affect people's lives to grow our
Cara Taylor Swift:business, there is a term that I have recently heard called woke
Cara Taylor Swift:washing. And it's a term used to define practices and businesses
Cara Taylor Swift:that provide the appearance of social consciousness without any
Cara Taylor Swift:substance. And that really hit me because that is it was like,
Cara Taylor Swift:Thank you, you're giving me a term for something that I have
Cara Taylor Swift:seen out there. So I think that as business owners, we have to
Cara Taylor Swift:think and filter and really spend some time thinking about
Cara Taylor Swift:these things in terms of our businesses, you know, and then
Cara Taylor Swift:in the big picture, how do you think or feel that speaking out
Cara Taylor Swift:will impact your business. So as a business owner, it's sad to
Cara Taylor Swift:say, but we have to come back down to the aspect of working in
Cara Taylor Swift:the context of our business. And then one last point I want to
Cara Taylor Swift:make on this because I think about this a lot, especially in
Cara Taylor Swift:today's you know, social media realm, as small business owners,
Cara Taylor Swift:there is a difference between how we operate and can function
Cara Taylor Swift:successfully in this world compared to a larger business.
Cara Taylor Swift:And we have to take that into consideration as well. Big
Cara Taylor Swift:panies that serve hundreds of:Cara Taylor Swift:have a different sort of leverage and a different sort of
Cara Taylor Swift:power than a really small business. That is we're
Cara Taylor Swift:operating in a little tiny town of people. So you know, I think
Cara Taylor Swift:that all of these things that I've listed, if you can sit down
Cara Taylor Swift:and weigh them and feel comfortable with each one of
Cara Taylor Swift:them, then you do it, you do what you need to do.
Cara Taylor Swift:Are you looking to bring awareness to your equine base
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Cara Taylor Swift:That's
Kimberly Beer:I'm gonna give you permission did if you don't
Kimberly Beer:want to get in the conversation, if you look at your business,
Kimberly Beer:and you say yes, taking a stance would align with my vision and
Kimberly Beer:values personally. But as a business, you don't have to make
Kimberly Beer:a public stance, you don't have to change the PRINT FRAME on
Kimberly Beer:your profile picture. You do not have to scream it from the top
Kimberly Beer:of the roof, what your opinion is, you can support the things
Kimberly Beer:that you want to support quietly, without causing a big
Kimberly Beer:scene over it or posting a lot about it. So if you want to
Kimberly Beer:still support those things personally and go over there and
Kimberly Beer:deal with needing to look and listen to those conversations,
Kimberly Beer:but as a business owner, I know if I comment on it personally, I
Kimberly Beer:am going to be commenting on it professionally because I don't
Kimberly Beer:have a lot of separation between me in this business. So I will
Kimberly Beer:let a tie to the face of our business. Yeah, I don't I don't
Kimberly Beer:tend to comment, even though sometimes I would really like to
Kimberly Beer:and even more than commenting. There's other subtle ways that
Kimberly Beer:you show up in that by liking or even by being the person who
Kimberly Beer:follows or reads those. But those out rhythms definitely
Kimberly Beer:work to favor that engagement, what happens to businesses and
Kimberly Beer:advertising and all of those things that we do when the world
Kimberly Beer:is quote unquote, normal, they tend to get silenced by this
Kimberly Beer:bigger conversation that's going on. So as those arguments and
Kimberly Beer:engagement are consuming all of social media, your advertising
Kimberly Beer:your blog posts that you're putting out on social media, the
Kimberly Beer:little posts that you're doing to announce the episodes of your
Kimberly Beer:podcast, and all of those things, they're getting drowned
Kimberly Beer:out in that bigger conversation, because that's what the
Kimberly Beer:algorithm is going to favor and placing in front of you. And
Kimberly Beer:chances are, we all take or a lot of us take that bait. So in
Kimberly Beer:times like this, when the conversation is so overwhelmed
Kimberly Beer:with something that isn't even relevant to our businesses and
Kimberly Beer:our marketing, we need to make sure that we don't have all of
Kimberly Beer:our eggs in the social media basket. And now we're sitting
Kimberly Beer:over here twiddling our thumbs because people aren't seeing or
Kimberly Beer:engaging with the content that we're putting out there. So this
Kimberly Beer:is why it's important to have an email list. This is why it's
Kimberly Beer:important to make sure you're always building your networking
Kimberly Beer:connections. This is why it's important to make sure you have
Kimberly Beer:connections with joint venture partners. So that as more than
Kimberly Beer:one voice as a as a business, you can get heard to a certain
Kimberly Beer:audience, and that you have other ways of reaching your
Kimberly Beer:customers and getting in touch with them during these social
Kimberly Beer:media crises. So you're not left just with an empty bag, and no
Kimberly Beer:one to talk to sitting over here in your neutral zone. So it's
Kimberly Beer:just really important for you to be able to do that.
Cara Taylor Swift:I would also just add that when there's
Cara Taylor Swift:things happening in the world, it can be regardless of your
Cara Taylor Swift:thought process, your stance, your beliefs, it can be
Cara Taylor Swift:emotionally draining, it can be exhausting. It can be social
Cara Taylor Swift:media overload, I mean, just overload. And it's, it's
Cara Taylor Swift:definitely okay to take a break. I know personally, if I don't
Cara Taylor Swift:feel like it's appropriate to have neutral conversations in a
Cara Taylor Swift:time when the world just feels weird to me, then a lot of times
Cara Taylor Swift:I just tend to go silent. And I tend to focus on other things in
Cara Taylor Swift:my business. So I'll write my blog posts, I'll work on my
Cara Taylor Swift:newsletter, I'll work on getting other areas of my marketing in
Cara Taylor Swift:line, because it gives me a way to move my business forward, it
Cara Taylor Swift:gives me and it lets me take a break from those areas that
Cara Taylor Swift:aren't healthy for me to be in all the time. So I mean, yeah,
Cara Taylor Swift:100%, it's okay to take a break when you need to take a break.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely do realize that if you do slow down
Kimberly Beer:your posting, or if you do take a break and become silent for a
Kimberly Beer:little while, there will be an effect to your post, because
Kimberly Beer:honest to God, there is going to be an effect anyway. Because
Kimberly Beer:everybody else is having the other conversation and nobody's
Kimberly Beer:engaging with what you do anyway. So even regardless of
Kimberly Beer:whether you go silent, or you keep posting there is going to
Kimberly Beer:be an effect to your social media. And you can get that
Kimberly Beer:back. You can you can like you can rebuild that you can you can
Kimberly Beer:re engage and you can pump that algorithm back up again. And
Kimberly Beer:I'll never forget when my friend Marci, for Marci Jo Photography,
Kimberly Beer:I
Cara Taylor Swift:said to her one day I said, I just haven't
Cara Taylor Swift:felt like posting anything in the last three days. And she
Cara Taylor Swift:said to me, I think I've said this before, she said to me,
Cara Taylor Swift:Cara, she says, no one sitting at home going, Man, I haven't
Cara Taylor Swift:seen anything from Fast Horse Photography today, they're not
Cara Taylor Swift:looking for you. They're not sitting around waiting for you.
Cara Taylor Swift:But when you show up, they'll be there and they'll be ready to
Cara Taylor Swift:hear what you have to say. So I think about that comment all the
Cara Taylor Swift:time, and the freedom that it gave me to just step away when I
Cara Taylor Swift:needed to.
Kimberly Beer:And I love that comment as well. And it's, it's
Kimberly Beer:so important to realize that that is the case and that you're
Kimberly Beer:not messing things up it no one is going to notice and they but
Kimberly Beer:they will notice when you come back and probably the best way
Kimberly Beer:for you to start that engagement again is after the conversation
Kimberly Beer:starts to die down and they do and then everybody gets back
Kimberly Beer:into talking about all the myriad of different things other
Kimberly Beer:than the topic of the day, then, you know, buy a few boosted
Kimberly Beer:posts or run a few ads to kind of get your audience back in
Kimberly Beer:engagement really post high value content so that people can
Kimberly Beer:really engage with it and and just get your numbers back up.
Kimberly Beer:It really is okay, if you just don't want to participate and
Kimberly Beer:you feel like you're you're not gonna get hurt in any way it is
Kimberly Beer:okay to step away and I think that permission is a really
Kimberly Beer:important thing to give. The final piece of this puzzle is to
Kimberly Beer:remember that none of these things are going to remain
Kimberly Beer:permanent conversations. Okay. They may last A really long
Kimberly Beer:time, but eventually it will change. And my mother's favorite
Kimberly Beer:statement when I was in the middle of a crisis, which I do
Kimberly Beer:get myself in crises a lot, and she would always try to get me
Kimberly Beer:to calm down and breathe. And just remember, this too shall
Kimberly Beer:pass. This too shall pass. So world history is fraught with
Kimberly Beer:events and distractions and businesses have always gone on
Kimberly Beer:to survive and to thrive. So the important thing to remember when
Kimberly Beer:it seems like the world is falling apart, is to remember
Kimberly Beer:that you can stay the course navigate your own ship, stay in
Kimberly Beer:your lane, whatever metaphor you want to use for that, and stay
Kimberly Beer:focused on serving your customers and consumers in the
Kimberly Beer:best way that you can and stay intent on seeing in the future,
Kimberly Beer:what is beyond happening right this minute.
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, and, you know, you can support a
Cara Taylor Swift:cause quietly, because for me, it's like, if it's a big social
Cara Taylor Swift:issue, and it needs to be corrected, if if history needs
Cara Taylor Swift:to be corrected, if the course needs to be corrected, then it
Cara Taylor Swift:doesn't mean that we're sitting around waiting for all the news
Cara Taylor Swift:to go away so that we can get on with every day, you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:running of our business, it means that stuff still needs to
Cara Taylor Swift:happen. And if we can find a way to support those causes, and do
Cara Taylor Swift:the things that we believe in, we need to do that. However, the
Cara Taylor Swift:conversations that affect your business and have you you know,
Cara Taylor Swift:still making your income and putting food on the table and
Cara Taylor Swift:supporting your horses and all the animals that you work with
Cara Taylor Swift:that will come back. And that will continue. And we can dive
Cara Taylor Swift:back into that side of things again, too, because we have to
Cara Taylor Swift:do that we have to we have to make it through each day every
Cara Taylor Swift:day. So for me, this has been a tough conversation, Kim, as you
Cara Taylor Swift:can tell, and I'm sure its audience can tell I go back and
Cara Taylor Swift:forth constantly on what's the best thing for my business? And
Cara Taylor Swift:what's the best thing for me? And I know you do too. And I
Cara Taylor Swift:know gosh, I know so many of our listeners do, too. I've had this
Cara Taylor Swift:conversation with other business owners and I know other folks
Cara Taylor Swift:are struggling as well. So gosh, is there anything else you want
Cara Taylor Swift:to add?
Kimberly Beer:It's filled with hate and vile behavior of
Kimberly Beer:humans, and frankly, not dependent upon my political
Kimberly Beer:stance or my religious stance, I don't want to participate in all
Kimberly Beer:of the hate and the vile behavior. So you know, it's
Kimberly Beer:perfectly okay to have these conversations with another
Kimberly Beer:business owner in a completely neutral term, stay upstate up
Kimberly Beer:front, hey, I really want to talk about this and how it's
Kimberly Beer:affecting my business. And let's Let's make a pinky swear that
Kimberly Beer:we're not going to have a discussion that has anything to
Kimberly Beer:do with our own opinions on this. But how does this climate
Kimberly Beer:that we're living in how does that affect how you show up with
Kimberly Beer:your business? And how can we support each other in knowing
Kimberly Beer:that no matter what road we go down, we've picked the right
Kimberly Beer:road because I really, at the end of the day, at the bottom
Kimberly Beer:line of everything, I think that this comes down to I don't want
Kimberly Beer:to see any business owner lose their hope in their business
Kimberly Beer:over what is going on in the rest of the world right now.
Cara Taylor Swift:So we see you guys, we're having the
Cara Taylor Swift:conversation that you guys are having. So we hope you enjoyed
Cara Taylor Swift:this episode. We hope it at least encourages you to put some
Cara Taylor Swift:thought into you know what you're putting out into the
Cara Taylor Swift:world or not putting out into the world. We know you're
Cara Taylor Swift:already thinking about this. So we hope that we gave you guys
Cara Taylor Swift:some things to consider and that some of the stuff that we've
Cara Taylor Swift:included around kind of filtering some of these
Cara Taylor Swift:conversations that you'll consider and we're thinking
Cara Taylor Swift:about you guys so if you enjoyed this episode, let us know find
Cara Taylor Swift:us on social media, The Business Animal and Instagram and
Cara Taylor Swift:Facebook. You can also find us online at the business
Cara Taylor And if you enjoyed this episode, and you have a
Cara Taylor Swift:moment to rate and review on the location that you listen, we
Cara Taylor Swift:would love that. So thank you guys so much.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of The Business
Jaz:Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. And
Jaz:if you learned something today, leave us a review. To learn
Jaz:more. Find us at We'd love
Jaz:to hear from you. Until next time, keep your business well
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